2012 Predictions
Predictions for 2012 and beyond Published December 2011 in The Sedona Journal By Athene Raefiel and…
Ready to move Forward
Ready to Move Forward? By: The Arcturians through Athene RaefielAs we progress into this awesome time…
Planets and The Zodiac
Planets and the Zodiac Athene RaefielImportant note: I am not an Astrologer It is very important…
2010 the Beginning of a…
2010 The beginning of a New Cycle Athene Raefiel On December 31 2009, we experienced a…
Planet Update
Planet Update 2008 Athene Raefiel Dear Friends and Fellow Lightworkers, I have much to report on…
April 2009 Astrology Article
April 2009 Astrology Rant by by Mystic Marguerite April starts with a dramatic square from Venus…
New Guest Article: Partricia Diane…
The Final Steps of Preparation By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles The preparation for anchoring the very…
Guest Astrology Article, By: Marguerite-…
A month abloom with fateful omens has kicked off with a total solar eclipse at 9…
Astro Frequency – Mercury Retrograde
Astro Frequency by Ralfee Finn November 1, 2006 It’s a “two steps forward, one step back,…
Caroline Myss – Guest Article
MEMORIAL WEEKEND NEWSLETTER by Caroline Myss June 8, 2006 It’s been a long while since I’ve…
March Astrology Rant 2006
March Astrology Rant 2006 by Mystic Marguerite March is one of the most transformational months of…
Hurricane Katrina’s Real Name
Katrina’s Real Name by Ross Gelbspan The Boston Globe Tuesday 30 August 2005 The Hurricane that…
Galactic Window 2012 by Kiara…
GALACTIC WINDOW 2012 By Kiara Windrider April 2, 2005 I remember when I was a young…
The Concordance Pentecost by Astrologer…
THE CONCORDANCE PENTECOST By: Johnny Mirehiel, 2005 May 15th presents several interesting astrological occurrences that relate…
2011, Sanat Kumara Channeling
El Tiempo de Cosas Nunca Antes Vistas Canalización de Sanat Kumara A Través de Athene Raefiel…
LA HERMANDAD DE LA LUZ Canalizado a través de Athene Raefiel – 2007 Nos hemos reunido…
Las Frecuencias
LAS FRECUENCIAS by Athene RaefielDiariamente todos estamos sujetos a las frecuencias que nos rodean. Es como…
El Plano Astral
El Plano Astral Por: Athene Raefiel El plano astral, también conocido como uno de los…
Vision Del Mundo Del Futuro
VISION DEL MUNDO DEL FUTURO Publicado en el Diario Emergente de Sedona Agosto, 2005 Por: Athene…
Cambios En La Tierra
CAMBIOS EN LA TIERRA Escrito por: Athene Raefiel Enero 2005 Queridos Amigos Trabajadores de Luz: Comenzar…
Las Hermandades De Luz
LAS HERMANDADES DE LUZ Este artículo puede ser difundido y publicado total o parcialmente, reconociendo a…
Canalizazión de Lord Sananda, Sanat…
Canalizazión de Lord Sananda, Sanat Kumara, Laietril del Consejo de los 12 A través de: Athene…
Ángeles y Guías Espirituales
Ángeles y Guías Espirituales Ángeles y Maestros de Luz Canalización del Arcángel Rafael, por Athene Raefiel,…
Los Arcturianos Canalizado por Athene Raefiel Diciembre 5, 2003 Amados escogidos de la luz,Arcturianos Nos…
Canalización del Concilio de los…
This Channeling was done before a group and transcribed and edited by Athene Raefiel Channeled by…
Puertas Estelares
PUERTAS ESTELARES Por Athene Raefiel Traducción: Odilia Rivera Desde la Convergencia Armónica en 1987 y la…
Evoloution in the World
Evolution in the World By Athene Raefiel July has come and gone and we are half…
Manifesting our Heart’s Desire by…
Manifesting our Heart’s Desire By: John Pollack, 2005 Thank you Father and Mother God, and a…
The Season of Four Blood…
The Season of Four Blood Moons and beyond in 2014 and 2015 Ammon RA, Lady Athena,…
Soul Discernment
Soul Discernment By: Athene Raefiel Within us we contain the ability to see in many…
Cosmic Movement
Wow what a power packed few months we are moving through. July, August and September 2015…
Eclipse Triad Aug. and Sept.2016
An Eclipse Triad We will be having a triad of Eclipses beginning with a Penumbral Eclipse…
Message From Gaia
Message from Gaia Children of Earth, Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear…
You’re Beautiful
You are a child of the Universe. You are wonderful. Each day when you awaken a…
Lord Sanada through Athene
Planetary Update from Lord Sananda June 6, 2018 through Athene Raefiel Greetings children of the Light…
A Paragraph from Benjamine Creme
One of my true understandings of self. “The mystic thinks of the Path as the Path…
Energetic Frequencies
The energies fluctuate daily and often many times during the day. The more sensitively aware you…
Soltice energies
As we approach the Summer Solstice we are experiencing a wide variety of energies. Sometimes minutes…
Hello friends, My opinion is here stated about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the US…
Message From Athene
Message from Athene: Want to know what your guides are saying? Then listen! Because most…
Soul Communication
Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the…
Divine Mother Message
Message from The Divine Mother To Athene Raefiel July 2018 I was truly amazed the day…
You are Spirit Love
You were born of and as love in your original state of spirit, mind, body and…
Locked out Of my own…
So sorry to my readers, I have been locked out of my website for a few…
July, August 2018 Eclipses
July and August 2018 Eclipses and Transits Astrology Update By Mystic Marguerite As the days…
Question to the Universe
In 1999 I had a vision of the parallel Universe merging with our Universe. The words…
2018 Eclipse energies
Things to be aware of during these Eclipse energies. Weather patterns will be massive globally. Things…
Love Invocation
What is love? Why each and every one of you are love. It is the expression…
change and development
We are in a time of unprecedented change and development. It is not uncommon to get…
Energies Amass
As the energies amass during this most intense time of radical change we find ourselves hard…
Soul Reality
Within the soul dwell darkness and light, ignorance and enlightenment, pain and joy. The ignorant or…
faith and trust
Of course the initial step to conscious awareness is faith and trust. These are also the…
Ever wonder what happens to all the animals during these fires and flooding? Here in Colorado…
Being Present
When we participate in our own life we begin to understand how to be present and…
Letting Go
Letting go does not mean to push away or suppress. True letting go is a process…
Third Eye
There are many beings spiritually awakening on the planet at this time. As one awakens and…
Physical beings
As physical beings it is necessary to have a balance in life between both the Conditional…
Third Eye
When we choose to open our third eye and establish the connection between the conscious, subconscious…
Love and Light
We have been under tremendous pressure to make our money work for us. Though they say…
2005 Vision of the World…
By: Athene Raefiel, (2005) All people will be taught from a young age to respect all…
Staying Centered
I am working hard to stay centered in this massive wave of energy exchange. People are…
Crimes against Humanity
Hello friends, My opinion is here stated about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the US…
The Afterlife
Ever wonder what happens after you leave this world and enter the next? Wonder no more;…
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention A discussion between Athene Raefiel and Sanat Kumara Athene: Dear Universe what is Divine…
Mother Earth
I don’t know what is going on with Mother Earth’s energies right now; but I know…
Radical Shifts
I feel the radical shifts currently happening and it brings shivers to my body. Society as…
Moon Landings
Have you noticed every month that the full moons seem to be getting harder to go…
Mother Earth
I don’t know what is going on with Mother Earth’s energies right now; but I know…
Solitude Today I focus on solitude and its many attributes. If you don’t work on you…
The Astral
Within the Astral are many different levels of existence. When we remember that the heart chakra…
Universal Brotherhood channeling
Message from the Universal Brotherhood Through Athene Raefiel …
I don’t get it.
Brrrr it has been rather cold here lately. Always makes me worry more about the homeless…
Inner Child
We are multi-aspected beings. What this means is that we are always an adult as well…
Good and Evil
Good and Evil The Astral Plane By; Athene Raefiel 2018 Everyone has their own awareness…
Being Psychic
People are sometimes confused by what I do as a psychic. I have been doing consultations…
Hey everyone I thought I better mention something about vibration. I’ve heard a number of…
Gaia, Mother Earth
Message from Gaia Children of Earth, Your planet cries out to you, do you…
Many Blessings of Love.
Please leave a comment and let me know you are listening. I have been putting out…
Light you Reflect
THE LIGHT YOU REFLECT The emanation of another light and then another and so…
Self sublimation
Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts…
Learning and Growth
We now enter into a new life experience filled with newness and depth. Learning and…
Opening to Spirit
Opening to spirit is an awesome experience. As we travel our pathway called life, we are…
Planetary Shifts
As the shifts continue to unfold bringing intense energies, we open to the spirit within to…
Positive Changes
I see many individuals making very positive changes in their lives and themselves. It is not…
I write about the chakras in my book “Getting to the Heart.” Your chakra system and…
Changing Tides
The tides are changing, as are the seasons. We too are feeling a certain eeriness and…
We are in a time of reflection. We are looking back and examining just what our…
We all need tools for growth spiritually as well as emotionally and mentally. Here is an…