The Season of Four Blood Moons and beyond in 2014 and 2015
Ammon RA, Lady Athena, Archangels and St Germaine
Channeled Through Athene Raefiel
Children of the light,
We come forward today to speak of the strategic placement of the Four Blood Moons. April 15 2014, October 8th 2014; April 4th 2015 and September 28th, 2015. These have been spoken about in prophecy through many great faiths including, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Often referred to as “The End of Days”, and “The Second Coming of Christ”; this tetrad of lunar Eclipses is prophesied to be one of the greatest signs in space and time.
We say unto you, take heed a great time is indeed upon you.
Endings and beginnings in cosmic time are a dance played out by, and through the heavenly bodies you refer to as planets, often enacted by the will of God as mankind.
The “All is One” and “One is All”; “Source of all Life”, created its own mind and will to create all other life. All life was created by the “Mind and Will of Source” not “Source” itself. This means the “Source” itself has no individual will or need thereof.
Again we say God does not provide us a will to adore and praise it as “Source”. Therefore God has no needs wants or desires. We are the will of God, and through our creations do we manifest in its entirety our own desires, needs and wants. This is called the collective consciousness. Through the unconscious mind, also called soul, we have the golden rope chain that allows us all to connect with one another.
We, being the emissaries of the Divine Light and Love as well as nature itself, work together as soul- consciousness. We preface this teaching with these words so the through the rest of this teaching all will be referred as God Consciousness.
The Four Blood moons during this earth cycle of one and one half year are all about God Consciousness.
The many karmic cycles that you, and we, have existed using the Sun as our center has occurred over many human centuries as well as cosmic time, all have, at some time experienced being aware of and connected to the God Consciousness. This being fact, why have so many chosen to degrade life and God consciousness through their thinking and actions, (known also as creations and manifestations).
This period of time of which we speak shall from now forward be known as the true Salvation and initiation of Soul; the Four Blood moons representing the initiation of the four elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Seeing all life as cycles and frequencies we can evaluate time frames as being in the millenniums’ upon the Earth and her Solar system.
Just as the earth has gone through its Baptisms of these four elements now shall all life upon her, do the same. Baptisms of Fire through the droughts of earth, and the flooding and Tsunamis; hurricanes and water shortage, Air bringing the tornadoes and cyclones that move land masses, all of these shall we experience within the Earth body, Emotional body, Astral body and the bodies of mind.
This will be an explosive time of re-creating your own selves as well as the Earth you live upon, for this is the cycle of change needed to bring balance back among the stars and planets as well.
Just as you look back upon your life for answers to why; now your shall delve into past lives and life between physical form.
The state of being in your Worldly life and the present life can and will restore balance and harmony. This balance and harmony being different than any one lifetime will expand through the matrix of all soul life in all forms.
Where there is no soul, there will be no expansion and to dust shall all return.
In Laymen’s terms
The very crux of the problems now facing the Earth and her peoples has to do with soul existence, expansion and co-operation.
The state of consciousness now directing the planet and her peoples are being driven by hatred, fear and destruction. The more that we are god consciousness the more we are responsible in allowing this to be so.
All that vacillating humans do each day determines the flow in nature as well as adding to the flow of destructive consciousness.
Because so many and so much is presently dying at an accelerated pace, the cycle of re-incarnation has been displaced, there bringing no expansion of soul consciousness. How can one learn and understand re-incarnation if they are afraid and offended by it.
In believing that the physical death or extermination of plant, animal and human is soul extermination is to believe that flowers trees animals and humans do not contain seed to give new life.
A consciousness that believes it can kill without repercussion, in the Law of Cause and Effect, simply fills itself with lies and illusion. Just because we cannot see the true Divine order of life does not mean it is not there.
To believe death is the eternity to life is to deny every principle within your soul that knows otherwise. To destroy your soul is unwise and removes you from understanding eternal life.
Why should you care?
Because without the Divine, eternal life, there is no greater expression of the self to be attained.
The bombings and killings must end. Though in these times of fear and anger it is easier to be dismissive of what we tell you now; yet you, and only each one of you who stands up and by their principles’, can create and manifest the changes needed to stop the massive waves of destruction.
As this powerful destructive force reigns in terror still you must be stronger for the salvation of soul upon your planet and all life affected by it.
One of you within your own god consciousness contain the manifesting power of ten thousand and this includes those of you that are poor, sick, alone and in doubt. Soon the major initiations will touch each of you daily if they haven’t already begun to do so.
Initiation is simply a tool for growth and expansion. For this energy to be yielded by negativity is a violation of the very soul in life itself.
Please get in communication with your own soul and learn to master its many languages.
There is little to predict for the future but more of the same for now. Your prayers, rituals, daily meditations and invocations, along with an open spiritual mind, shall keep you on your path. It is necessary for all paths to lead to the Divine light principle of soul.
With your great minds you must overcome and face all of your fears. With your hearts you must radiate love and with your meditations you must learn to go within to love yourselves and the Divine Light.
A Message from St. Germaine
My friends and my companions on this great journey of truth. I did not stand before the Karmic Board, the Over soul and plead your case to have this Valuable Tool known as The Violet Flame for it to be dismissed by you.
In calling upon the Violet Flame of St Germaine and Transmuting negative forces daily in your own life will help you transmute all negativity around you. To see the Violet Flame continually surround the Earth daily will assists the planets and to direct the Violet Flame to all warring factions as well as the needy to assist in the future of all.
An action taken by you simply on a daily basis can achieve so very much, please use this energy force, to continually transmute the forces that now hold you as well as the world hostage.
Restore freedom of all Holy flames of Light and renew the power of freedom and love to its rightful place.
Help restore peace in life.