
Solitude Today I focus on solitude and its many attributes. If you don’t work on you who will do it for you? Being alone and being with oneself is the perfect way to get to know you. If you don’t like the way you are thinking about things and self then it is time to…

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Mother Earth

I don’t know what is going on with Mother Earth’s energies right now; but I know it is time for concern. More massive things will be hitting very soon and we must be aware. I also know that the energies are hitting people hard in their lives. I understand the massive amount of turmoil this…

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Moon Landings

Have you noticed every month that the full moons seem to be getting harder to go through? They are particularly hard on the mentally ill, poor and people of addiction. It is so hard to help these people because even they do not know what they are experiencing. People of sensitivity such as myself are…

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Radical Shifts

I feel the radical shifts currently happening and it brings shivers to my body. Society as we know it no longer seems to align with hope and goodness. To much fear and anger pervade the masses. This cannot be good. I speak with the Angels on a regular basis so I am asking them to…

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Mother Earth

I don’t know what is going on with Mother Earth’s energies right now; but I know it is time for concern. More massive things will be hitting very soon and we must be aware. I also know that the energies are hitting people hard in their lives. I understand the massive amount of turmoil this…

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Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention A discussion between Athene Raefiel and Sanat Kumara Athene:  Dear Universe what is Divine Intervention and how does it work? Sanat Kumara: For the human race as well as other beings of form, Divine intervention is an idea or a concept, something that can only be understood through the experience of it. This…

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The Afterlife

Ever wonder what happens after you leave this world and enter the next? Wonder no more; Archangel Raphael has offered some important information for the future of your being. When someone dies there is a process to which they must adhere before entering into a state of blissful consciousness and peace. This process involves the…

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Crimes against Humanity

Hello friends, My opinion is here stated about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the US of America. The new Tax Bill that makes the rich richer and poor poorer; Any law allowing immigrant children to be separated from their parents; Any law arresting or punishing people for being homeless and poor; Any blind eye…

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