Be Happy

Are you finding it hard to stay centered and on task in this energy? Just want to throw caution to the wind and have a good time for a while? Then perhaps you need to do that! We too often take life and ourselves too seriously; at times we even make playing a chore. Relaxation…

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Soul Mates

Soulmates Almost everyone we meet in life is a soulmate on some level. We are all part of a soul group and have known each other from past experience. We discover somehow if we need to finish and complete things with others or if we are to re-unite and stay connected for important periods of…

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The fifth Dimension

Moving into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness The Etheric Body – Plane of Cause and Effect First in order to move into a new level of consciousness one must have had the training of the Fourth Dimension well in hand. It is through the learning of Unconditional Love that we ascend the staircase to the higher more…

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The Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension The Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra also known as the Fourth Dimension is the balancer between the lower three chakras and the upper three. Until one fully knows how to operate in the fourth Dimension they cannot move to the Fifth. The Heart Chakra is definitely the Yin Yang symbol and holds…

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What is Initiation ? Archangel Raphael through Athene Raefiel     Initiation is brought about by the cyclic process of karma. Karma, the plane of cause and effect, says there must be balanced in the body, mind and soul to ascend your current plane of existence and continue your spirit journey. Everything and everyone must…

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