Staying Centered

I am working hard to stay centered in this massive wave of energy exchange. People are getting lost and out of body much of the time. chakra alignments are invaluable right now, to keep yourself aligned and in body. I am my root chakra I am my sacral chakra I am my solar plexus I […]

Sorry for being MIA for the past few days. We had an unexpected 22 month old baby staying with us,what a blast! To watch them play, laugh and communicate in their own ways. We danced, we sang, we read books, we changed diapers. We laughed, we played and even watched shows together. Boy am I […]
2005 Vision of the World Future

By: Athene Raefiel, (2005) All people will be taught from a young age to respect all life and themselves. They will learn that all life and each individual is special. People will be encouraged to discover and develop their own natural abilities and talents as well as integrating these into the whole of their life. […]
Love and Light

We have been under tremendous pressure to make our money work for us. Though they say the economy is good I believe that is not happening for the lower middle class nor the poor. The daily cost of living is very high and no matter what there are always added bills that are unexpected. It […]
Third Eye

When we choose to open our third eye and establish the connection between the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind; sacred geometries flow throughout our brain like wheels of attachment providing its operation. To look at and concentrate on geometric patterns is using the keys that unlock secret passageways into the brain. At each chakra center […]
Physical beings

As physical beings it is necessary to have a balance in life between both the Conditional and Unconditional Love within for true awareness and understanding to take place. The Divine element that you are thrives on the Unconditional love to be the I Am; the physical being thrives on the conditional love of needing to […]