Finding Balance

Finding Balance Only in the higher realms of consciousness can one find balance and harmony, this being the one place that attunes within to soul such frequencies. Some people are born in this frequency simply because they have evolved to this realm of vibration and conscious thought before coming into body. This is often a […]

Shifting Energies

Energies will be shifting all over the place. Sometimes you will feel up and then down and then up. Topsy- turvy kind of action. On an emotional level you will be dealing with massive energies of sadness, fear, love, compassion and often a sense of hopelessness to change things. Sometimes we just have to let […]

Athene Raefiel, Archangel Raphael

Channeling of Archangel Raphael with St. Germaine Through Athene Raefiel   The message we bring today is one of hope and understanding. We are well aware of the gaps in dimensional time and energy that are causing so many conflicts within all facets of life now happening. We truly ask you to be patient with […]

Planetary Energies

We move into the next Lunar Eclipse on July 5th, 2020. This is the third Eclipse in this past series of three. The planets are really having a field day right now with everyone’s emotions and thoughts. We are experiencing a massive Metamorphosis  that is touching everyone and everything as we know it. We must […]