Athene Raefiel Expert Page
Sira Ras Creations | Sira Ras Creations Etsy
Art Work by Camilo Villanueva
Transpersonal Art (paintings) “He is an abstract artist who paints the bottom of what cannot be seen, but is visible for some people”
Arte Transpersonal (pinturas) “Es un pintor abstracto que pinta el fondo que no se ve, pero es visible para algunos”
Mystic Marguerite
Self Help
A complete source of information on self help, self improvement and personal growth. It has over 500 articles on personal development, covering topics such as self confidence, goal setting, motivation, success and finding your purpose in life.
Authentic Empowerment
This is a wonderful website that helps educate and enlighten individuals upon their joureny of spiritual growth.
Mainley articles to read and books to consider, as well as an invaluable tool for those who love to learn. You can tell it was set up in loving hands.
Metaphysics and Self help
Ashtar On The Road
Lord Ashtar speaks through Susan sharing Guidance and Blessings to uplift all. Topics range from the Past, Present and the Future. Lord Ashtar speaks of wonderful things to come in our future, and steps we can take to manifest Heaven on Earth, now.
Boulder Healers Assoc.
Dolphin Empowerment Center with Takara
Offering advanced tools and technologies for healing, personal growth, and empowerment. Get a free ebook by visiting the websit