Often people find it hard to slow their own brain down long enough to really listen to what the other person is saying. Because of this they don’t have an opportunity to process what is being said. Too often we have an answer to a question we never took the time to really hear or…
Inner work and reflection Today I want to speak to the importance and power of inner work and reflection. We often feel as if we can’t find the answers to certain problems that can be old and deep rooted. No matter how we try to deny how much those problems bother us they are just…
What an interesting year this has been so far for weather. Take off you t-shirt its snowing again. ” I am a child of love and Light. I am open and trusting of the Holy Light. I am worthy to receive the riches of goodness and Light. I call to the most high teachers of…
I wish to share how excited I am to be alive. I remember when I was just observing my life,( for many years) rather than living it; life was very sad and bland during those years. How I was I to know I was simply out of body watching time go by? Many times we…
I am currently quite frustrated with the Governmental system in the country, the USA. I am sure I never cared for politics much anyway, but I always assumed a President would be somewhat Presidential and I also thought that no matter the GOP or Democrat that there would be some truth, dignity and etiquette involved….
I find it hard to be a holier than thou person and I am a realist in so many ways. The realities and dimensions I dwell within have shown me that positive thinking is only one tool in our awareness and spiritual development. In order to create change and reach higher to understand our soul…
This is somewhat hard for me as I have avoided posting too much about my political views in awhile. Now after watching Democracy Now on PBS for the past many months I must speak out. There is a great amount of civil discord currently taking place around the world. Much of which is causing peoples…