Divine Mother Channeling

Message from the Divine Mother

Children of the Light,

I come to you today to give an update on how I am working with Mother Earth and her Children. The changes now happening to Earth Children are vast and many. Many hybrid children are currently awakening and assisting with the consciousness of the planet. These are gifted persons aiding the Divine in its purpose at this time. Many from the Pleadian and Sirius sectors are being fully briefed on the urgency to elevate the consciousness of souls so they may remember where they have come from and use that map to get back to the heavens and restore peace in the hearts of mankind.

You are in the middle of a massive transformation that began back in 1986 and has now reached a pinnacle of growing evolution upon your planet. Within each and every living breathing soul is contained a large amount of information that can eliminate the pain and sadness in Earthlings. This will and can be done through raising your frequencies and vibrations. Continually reach higher and forgive the past, the Light is your mother and father this is whom you want to return to after death.

There is a rumor going around that the Divine are really extraterrestrials nothing could be further from the truth. Yes there are many beings currently residing in the Earth plane there to assist us as well as you “Within my father’s house there are many mansions”. Evolution is a massive undertaking of steps and realms to be discovered.

Earth Mother has had to re-align herself to the devastation brought about by humans. She is not vindictive, as some may think, she is simply caring for those that live in the oceans as well as nature itself. It was to her cries that I answered and come to help her restore much of the beauty now being used and destroyed for simply wealth gains.

Humans were created to nurture and care for the Earth using what they needed and replacing other things of simply greed and avarice. Yet wars have been ongoing to covet needed resources and gain from them.

The massive Earth changes and plagues will continue until people restore some semblance of balance within themselves. So long as governments continue to stifle the nature of human beings by not allowing a natural process of the soul, violence will continue.

All of those who die in ignorance have also lived in ignorance and their safety net failed them. Fear of modern medicine to heal them has often caused them to lose their life.

You are each and every one of yourselves a creator of your destiny. When you refuse the help given to you through science, you refuse the gift from god, goddess, all that is, as well. Miracles come in many forms.

Continue to utilize the spiritual tools that are available to you let your light guide you. Use intuition allowing it to become a friend that resides within. Develop your inner senses and heighten your awareness. Learn to hear what the elements are speaking. Go to the sacred places and meditate while listening with your intuitive mind translating what Earth, Air, Fire and water are saying to you. Honor the earth often using sage and other offerings to heal her. Bless yourself often with waters of earth using oils to fragrance yourself.

Release and let go of the past as it is holding you back. Take advantage of the Spiritual teachers you are led to, there is always more to learn, discover the power of symbols and meditate upon them to find the inner meanings they hold.

Pray often acknowledging the “I AM” as the spark of light residing within you and all life. Honor the beauty within nature and discover your natural self. Be kind and honor others in a positive manner. You shall find you also receive what you give out.

You are unique in your singularity, yet part of a soul group, working together to achieve bliss and freedom from your shackles. Remember you are aiding one another in this spirit development. Confront and transmute your fears by bringing them into your inner light and love. Overcome fear so that your shackles can be removed.

Use the Violet Flame of Sanctus Germanis, this is a powerful tool to transmute negativity. Re-train your thinking process to aid you in your higher mind and thinking, your God mind. Find how to trust the correct thinking and feeling self, become your own best friend and surrender to your soul and spirit path daily. Create the “you” that you can love and be now and always.

Know how to listen to your inner voice and overcome your ego. Do not try to force your beliefs on others.

All these things I state are for your betterment, you may share them with others of like mind.

Call upon and invoke the Angels and teachers of light that you discover along the way. They are here to assist and guide you on your spiritual journey. Heal the child within as this child is your innocence and purity, this is your inner unconditional self, heed this.

The Divine is all around you, create a sacred place where we are welcome.

Bless yourself and others with love and understanding, be compassionate.

You can call upon me at any time and I will send you the teachers that you need.

Blessings and goodness to each of you.

In Love the Divine Mother

Cause and Effect

Teaching on Cause and Effect

Lord Kuthumi through Athene Raefiel



Each of you is made up of many different levels of energetic light and vibrations. In order to understand and participate within all levels of self and consciousness you must allow yourself to be free of physical thought.

If you do not control it, physical thought will dictate who you are and how you see yourself and others. The rational mind is a great asset to all humans when it is used for the right purposes instead of allowing it to use you. To move beyond the rational mind you must be willing to trust that you are not the rational mind. This requires letting go of the need to be in control and allowing yourself to intuit what you are experiencing.

Do you let your mind tell you how you feel? Do you let your emotions determine how you think? To do this is merely being human, yet to observe how you operate in many places at once is beyond the scope of both the mind and the emotions. To move beyond the experience of simple humanness and experience the allness of everything is exhilarating. In this way you expand your awareness and consciousness to take in the breadth and depth of the entire Universe, Cosmos and Divine.

Essence cannot be seen only experienced. Essence and energy are what all things are made up of. When one sits in the essence of energy, they have moved from the world of form to the world of formlessness. This is now moving from the Astral Plane to the Causal and Celestial.

Much has been spoken of and shared with you about the “New Earth” and the fifth Dimensional awareness. Fifth dimension is the Causal Plane; this is where true cause and effect take place as well as an understanding of the term karma. The Causal Plane is the Plane of manifestation. Until you have understood and balanced the awareness of your heart centered service you will not enter the Causal plane. It is a natural progression and one that is recorded and documented throughout the Akashi planes.

The natural progression of conscious human beings is to move through and develop their consciousness though all levels of their Chakra Centers; by doing so they expand their beingness to take in all that surrounds them. This opens them to their empathic nature as well as their spiritual and compassionate nature. It allows you to be naturally who you are.

Contemplation, prayers, invocations and meditation are the disciplines necessary to attain full awareness of self as being God within. Accomplishing this allows you to see into all levels of consciousness and learn to interpret what is being spoken of through the Wind, the Fire, the Water and the Earth as well as through the ages and dimensions of all life. This communing allows you to understand why you are here and what life means on various levels.

This particular span of Earth time is the end of a 25,000 year cycle. Every 25,000 years a new cycle begins as the Earth shifts to achieve a new level of connection and understanding of the Cosmos herself. This is the amount of time that a full revolution takes place in Earth years.

Now as you each stand on this particular precipice of timing you discover it ever easier to tune into the frequencies of the Higher Realms of Consciousness as well as the Physical and Astral. Because all things of form are born from Chaos, what you see around you is a major labor of the Earth as she births into the next state of being.

Many of you have either heard of or seen the Parallel Universe’ as they have come into play this revolution. The so called “New Earth” is simply another dimension of the Earth we call home now. Yes to subscribe to the notion that you will experience the “New Earth” as your home soon is definitely an option that will be discovered by some but not all. Just as when one dies they go to a new dimension to continue their journey so it is with the older souls this lifetime who have created the “New Earth” as a better place to live.

Within the Parallel Universe the “New Earth” has been created and developed during this past 25,000 year cycle. Those who participated in this creation did so through conscious effort and conscious awareness over the course of many lifetimes. The journey of awareness is not an overnight process but can take eons of time.

This particular 20th and 21st century have brought great acceleration of awareness and consciousness to a much greater number and scale, than any other cycles have since before the time of Mu and Atlantis. Your heritage is to remember where you originated from and where you are going. So many teachings help you to remember that the many lifetimes, be they in body or spirit, are recorded in the collective unconscious and accessible to all that find the path of Enlightenment. It is in your origin that you find your destiny.

Though it is true that all paths lead to the “One” it is also true that the Law of Karma must be understood for true expansion into the unseen realms. What is the Law of Karma and what does it mean to the layman of today? The Law of Karma is the Divine law from which all other laws were developed. Karma is the Causal Plane and the Law of Cause and Effect. Until Karma is experienced, lived and understood, one cannot ascend to greater attainment. Much of what your planet and its peoples are currently experiencing is this Law of Karma. Your scientific community calls this a natural law and states that every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.

Cause and effect are now often referred to in Metaphysics as manifestation. To manifest anything there needs to be a cause and effect. All things surrounding you in life and the world were manifested. Just as you each manifest your own reality, so do all others. As these realities merge they too have cause and effect and the cycle just simply continues.

Realities are created out of beliefs. What you believe is what is real for you. To change your beliefs’ is to change your reality. When a segment or unit of peoples come together and espouse the same belief’s this creates a powerful energy that then manifests itself in some form. This is often done in Governments and Religions. This energy affects the consciousness of all others holding those same beliefs as truth. Living those truths is how one discovers the underlying principle upon which those particular truths are based. This in turn leads the masses to believe that their truth is the only relevant truth. This in turn causes war and chaos to ensue and the cycle continues.

When a group or single individual decides to break ranks and discover their own inner truth based on the teachings of unseen worlds, it creates a rift in the flow of the others. This rift often becomes an earthquake that can create a tsunami causing a variety of reactions that puts a new chain of events into play. This is how cycles within cycles evolve.

To see the bigger picture you must be able to overcome your need to be in charge. The bigger picture allows you to understand yourself in a manner of being the whole. This in turn allows you to see and participate within the whole with some clarity and awareness. This creates awe and inspiration for new projects and growth spurts. This is how an idea is formed and then put into play. To activate the idea requires trust of the unknown and courage. This is also known as growth.

There are energies upon energies, truths upon truths, vibrations upon vibrations surrounding and interplaying with you daily. To think otherwise is to be unaware. Life is the dance of these myriads of moving energies and vibrations. How you choose to do the dance of life is how you discover yourself and your purpose. You are the sum total of what you believe, if you don’t like what you believe as truth then change it. Be the rift in the flow that needs to create a new way of thinking and being.

Challenging Times

These times are very challenging on many levels. As we watch the trash pile up on the beaches and in the oceans we realize how sad and disgusting things have actually become.

I used to travel down to the bottom or the Oceans in my early visualizations. What I found was astonishing to me. There were pyramids, volcanoes, caves galore and I met my father Poseidon and many of my Mer family. This was back in 1986 and 1987; the magic and mystery of it all was eye opening and educational like nothing else I could have imagined.

In 1999 as I went to visit the Ocean floors there was great chaos being perpetrated by human beings and my Mer family was forced to leave their home and go into the caves of inner-dimensional worlds. It was no longer safe for them here in the 3 D. they showed me how to get to the new dimensional places they were moving into and told me to be careful when traveling the Ocean floors from then on.

In 1999 I also saw the Parallel universe merge with the current one and have since seen so many different worlds interplay with one another. Not all the interplay was to be positive and I was shown that there would be great chaos in the future. Here since 2005 through 2019 I have watched so much anger and hostility surrounding ourselves and the planet that it hurts my heart.

Many star brothers and sisters came through the many star gates during those years that we are currently in a war of sorts for our own souls. The saddest thing that I have found is the ignorance of soul and spirit in everyday living. Survival has taken precedence in ways that secure the fact that people must exist in what they see around themselves as existence, thereby deafening themselves to the afterlife and eternal essence.

This is great time of awakening yet we have allowed monetary sustenance to break our spirit and keep us in fear. So long as we allow ourselves to be held by the bounds of fear we will not accelerate and grow.

I am a pacifist yet I will fight to keep life alive. Remember you are multi-faceted and have much more power than you realize. Just because you cannot see, touch, feel or hear things with your outer senses does not mean they do not exist.

Demand of your soul and spirit daily that they be there with you and assist you in your many awareness’s.

You Are Earth, Air, Fire and Water, stay connected.


Words to learn and experience.








Child of the Universe

You are a child of the Universe.

You are wonderful.

Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being.

You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with.

You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you grow.


You are an inspiration for others to have vision.

You are the divine and you are light.

Be all that you are each and every moment you breathe.

Be true to yourself and honor the life that you lead.


” Know Thyself.”

State of Grace

How life becomes a state of grace rather than a state of reason

Thinking is a way of seeing and reasoning out what we experience in the 3D around us. Becoming is a state of being that allows us to open ourselves to more development to become.

Often my spirit guides will say to me, “You’ve been thinking again, haven’t you?”

What this means to me is that my thinking has once again clouded my judgement about reality. The mind is what creates the illusions we see as life in the 3D. When we move beyond reasoning, we become aware of our soul and spirit self. This now becomes the reality of the present moment without judgement.

Judging holds us back from experiencing our Soul and Spirit self. We cannot identify our true self through reason or logic; instead we must learn to decipher how we and all else is energy. To realize oneself as energy is to acquaint ourselves with the language of vibration.

If indeed you are to communicate with spirit, you must resonate with their energies by attaining the self- same energy yourself. This is most generally accomplished through meditation; as meditation is the process of going within to see and interact through your inner senses rather than the outer ones. This is where you learn to identify with your soul and spirit self.

People can become adept at hearing and understanding how they themselves are spirit, thereby discovering the language of resonation and development in frequencies. The greatest pitfalls we encounter come from the Ego self, sometimes desire itself can cause us to fool ourselves.

Our ego and personality can play tricks on us as the human needs to compete and be right, this can be our greatest deception that holds us in place as we race to discover still holding ourselves back as we do this.

We must learn humility and humbleness if we are to develop our gifts of awareness of Higher Self.

We must learn to identify our own spirit within if we wish to know and commune with other spirits. The language of Angels has to do with the essence of love on a very pure level of innocence and awe. The simplest of things can now answer what we believed to be so complex in our thinking.

Meditation is a developed art that keeps our consciousness and understanding expanding. Also by putting yourself in a space of, light and love, creates a welcoming space for spirit to be with you.























Getting to The Heart

There are many beings spiritually awakening on the planet at this time.  As one awakens and chooses to follow their spiritual path and open to the Universe, they can find themselves besieged with obstacles and hardship.  This occurs because of unresolved issues in present and past incarnations.

Spiritual development¾the soul’s journey¾ can only be attained and understood by developing ones spirit consciousness.  Spirit consciousness is not the ability to speak with spirits but to understand how we ourselves are spirits.

Opening the third eye is a major step in our spiritual development.  The third eye is the chakra center of clairvoyance and clairaudience in the auric field.  When the third eye center becomes activated, we experience what is called inner dimensional seeing and hearing.  With the activation of this chakra comes visions and new body sensations.

Using the third eye can greatly enhance your intuitive nature but cannot, by itself, heal your life.  The other six major energy centers in your auric field must be activated and developed as well.  The most important of these major centers is the heart chakra.

A chakra center is a spiraling vortex, or wheel of light, located in every auric field of energy.  All living things are surrounded with an auric field.  This field is the life-giving force for all evolutionary processes.

Each human being has an auric field that contains seven major chakra centers and twenty-one minor chakra centers.  The chakra centers within every human auric field are interconnected but only become activated and utilized through our need and freewill choice.

The chakra system, when seen in the auric field is aligned with the physical body along the spinal column.

These energy “wheels of light” appear at the base of the spine, the sacral area, the navel, the heart, the throat, in the center of the brow just above the eyes, and atop the head at the crown, where the soft spot was when we were born. (See diagram on page 123.)

The chakra centers that are activated and used daily are the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus.  These three are referred to as the lower chakra centers. They are connected to our instinct to survive.  For us to be able to think, feel, or eat on our own, their use is mandatory in our day to day living. We develop our conditioned responses to others and to life through these chakras.

The fourth chakra, the heart center, is activated and utilized through the experience of unconditional love. Unconditional love is when we love without expectation or need. Often as babies and young children, we felt this unconditional love from our parents and others. By receiving love in this manner, we naturally responded unconditionally.

When we are born, we are born into a life where conditioned responses and feelings are developed and learned. Yet, we are born with our DNA already encoded with the life lessons we need to learn. This encoding happens when the soul enters the body. The conditions we experience in any given lifetime are already preprogrammed through our previous incarnation’s karma.

The upper three chakras¾the throat, brow, and crown¾are known as our spiritual chakra centers, when these energy centers are activated and employed, we are in touch with our eternal or soul essence.

The heart chakra is the center in your energetic body that balances the upper and lower chakras.  This chakra is the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds of understanding and awareness.  Both the spirit and physical worlds being consciousness, the heart center balances the animal and humane nature or our conditional and unconditional love.

The workings of the heart chakra can be equated to the workings of the physical heart.  The physical heart has many chambers and each chamber must work properly for the heart to be fully healthy.  The heart pumps blood through every vital organ in the body; it is our lifeline.  If any vessel leading to or from the heart is constricted or blocked, the body no longer works as a whole organism.  So it is with the heart chakra.

In order for the heart chakra to operate properly, it must be maintained to remain clear and flowing. If within this energy center we store distorted beliefs that we have acquired through our many learning experiences, we in essence block the flow of unconditional love and deny ourselves the experience of true spirituality.  It is only by examining and healing our beliefs from past experiences that we begin to open ourselves to our inner divine awareness.

Too often, our past memories of pain, betrayal, disappointment, and loss stop us from truly exploring our heart and its many mysteries.  It is often easier to believe that spiritual salvation comes in the form of a savior or a psychic connection than to accept responsibility for our own salvation.  In truth, it is at the very core of the heart that each person’s true nature lies. The nature of how they are the spirit within.

When we allow our self to make the connection to our spirit essence, positive life changes can begin manifesting.  Spiritual enlightenment now becomes the primary destination and the quest for integration of mind, body and spirit ensues. Ones key life experiences can now be realized, allowing happiness to replace complacency; love to replace need and acceptance to replace control.

When we truly live our life from the heart, realizations take place within the whole being and we simply begin to understand inner truth.  Experiencing ourselves in this manner opens us to a means of resolution to problems that have daunted us throughout our lives.

When we have realizations in this manner, answers become apparent within the different dimensions of self, thus creating a powerful sense of knowing.  At first these realizations may seem to have no rational explanation, yet they continually bring an understanding that assists us in feeling differently about our environment and ourselves.

To truly see something multidimensionally, one must become multidimensional.  This can only be accomplished by discovering who one is on the inside. What is on the inside cannot be seen but must be experienced to be realized. This can only occur by using and developing our sense perception.

Although we have developed our outer senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste, we still must develop the inner senses of sensitivity. The inner senses are imperative to our spiritual survival just as the outer are to our physical survival.

A true spiritual teacher, healer, or psychic needs to become spiritually integrated in order to serve the greater good of all. When one can finally walk in truth and light of their inner being, they no longer feel a need to put on airs or seek the approval of others.

Our creators designed us to be multidimensional beings. We are designed in “their own image”, and they are multidimensional. We need only to remember and become aware of ourselves dimensionally while in the human experience to understand this concept. If you believe in life after death, then you must understand that life on the other side is simply an extension of this one. In death we simply de-robe the physical body and step into a different dimension of self. There truly is no end in death, only new and different experiences for our soul progression and evolution.

What we need to learn and understand is that we do not need to die to be saved. Our physical body need not die for us to experience spiritual growth and transformation. We can transition and open to the innermost chambers of our heart and become aware of the energy beings we are right here and now.


Letting Go

Letting go does not mean to push away or suppress. True letting go is a process of integration and healing.

Letting go can be a misleading statement because it gives the impression of separation. By integrating a situation that involves you, another person, or a circumstance in life, means to come to terms with it. We can only come to terms with something when we understand it.

When we understand the purpose of our life experiences, we are able to accept them; thereby releasing our emotional attachment. Learning to embrace our issues in this way allows us to take them within ourselves and integrate them.

Once our emotions are understood and integrated our judgments about ourselves and others begin to dissolve.  Where there is clarity and understanding, problems cannot germinate.

What we see on the outside of ourselves is a reflection of what is happening on the inside.  Interacting with others is always a way of interacting with oneself. When interaction brings up feelings within us that we do not like, we should search inside to see why this is occurring. We should view others in our lives as our mirrors.

Many people create emotional isolation by distancing themselves from others. Using the outside as a reflection of the inside, finding ourselves isolated and disoriented shows us how we are feeling on the inside.

Understanding that the only real problem in your life is you, allows you to realize the truth of who you are. Only through thorough self-examination can emotions and feelings be healed. This is true problem solving.

Our accepted beliefs, habits and behaviors our inner walls all play a part in who we are. Take for example the critical part of self, who loves to run rampant. This part continually judges and criticizes self and others. This kind of behavior is very often quite destructive. This behavior leads to an out-of-balance, superhuman, perfectionist complex.

It seems to have become the norm to single out what is imperfect about another or oneself rather than identifying what is unique and special. This commonly leads to pettiness and competition, disrespect and dishonor.

We can require that others honor us in the same way that we honor our self, only by treating them as we wish to be treated. We find it is much easier to accept others when we like and accept ourselves.  Being critical and judgmental are roadblocks in the path of learning to love.

As we become honest with ourselves and reflect our own attitudes and actions, we see the mirrors that others play in our life.

In understanding why we feel the way we do about our past, we begin to let go. By transmuting pain and sadness into love, we become loving.  By changing how we think and view life, we become open-minded.  Realizing that one can only change his or herself rather than the world around them alleviates the stress of what you cannot do.

Letting go is the process of fully accepting something as it is with no need to change it. Only through a spiritual perception can we understand the issues faced in life and come to terms with them. Openly embracing life and its lessons with an open and loving heart allows this new perception to emerge within us. This is letting go.

We must be able to forgive and accept our mistakes before we can change them. Embracing with love always brings about the desired change. This is the universal paradox upon which all life is based.


The Struggles of Mental Illness

To begin with it is important to understand that there is no such thing as one kind of mental illness. I tell you this so you will never decide that everyone has the same kind. The biggest problem with the illnesses is that no one really understands the illness unless they themselves experience it.

Psychiatrists are a mess when it comes to addressing the struggles of the individual and too often throw a variety of medications at the symptoms hoping for a certain result that rarely comes if ever. No one wants to be so medicated that they feel as if they are hardly present anymore. Medications only work when the person taking them gets better.

I believe we are all insane, I just happen to like my insanity better than yours. I say this believing that insanity and mental illness is not necessarily the same thing.

I feel that humans are in a cycle of insanity that must see its course through. Many human beings are leaving this world in the direst of situations only to return more confused than when they left.

The Law of Karma says we must face and heal our past and its addictions. We can just as easily become addicted to mental illness as we can with the use of drugs to help it.

Self-medicating is generally a symptom of mental illness. For most this is a method of feeling different and even better about themselves. Some refer to this as escapism; I find it to simply be other aspects of life and living it. Most people are striving to feel good about themselves and their lives. Not being taught since childhood how to be with themselves they seek answers through drugs for different feelings to emerge.

We come into this world with certain predisposed conditions that are generally helped through our relatives and environments. Ever noticed how two siblings coming from the same environment can be so different from one another? Ever wondered why? Both received the same love and understanding as the other, yet one thrives and one choses addiction?

Telling ourselves that there is a rhyme or reason in life simply due to childhood is a bunch of hoohey.

Each soul must navigate its own path of learning and lessons in each lifetime. Thinking otherwise is simply folly. Even when people live in a dream world that allows them to silence their inner selves and truths must eventually face the soul lessons it has brought forth. To be truly free in life is to understand who and what you are. No one medication can heal this for you.

The scientific community is considering micro-dosing with LSD to help expand the mind and help adjust the feeling self. I hope they will do just that. Expanding one’s mind and perceptions are needed to learn new coping skills and to finding happiness.

Prayer for All

Today I pray for the minds of men and women to awaken to their true calling in life. I pray for the healing of human minds that choose to kill and destroy life to get more reasoning. I pray that people understand people and start acting as though they care. I pray for the strength and wisdom necessary to survive the present moment all that lies ahead.

I pray for my children and grandchildren to find a meaningful purpose within their own lives. I pray for our ancestors to help us heal the minds and actions of men everywhere.

I pray for the poor to find food and warmth and jobs if needed. I pray for every single soul upon this planet to realize this is simply one rung of the ladder of lights they will need to progress beyond death.

I pray that we as a people begin to understand we all want and need the same things and that money release its power to take over and hold the world hostage. I pray for equality in life and death.

I ask people to look inward rather than outward and to embrace the true light that sustains all life.

I trust in the higher principals of all life; esoteric as well as exoteric.