The Final Steps of Preparation
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The preparation for anchoring the very first archetypes for the New Earth is unfolding in Divine Order. The synchronicity of this Divine Plan is wondrous to behold. Lightworkers all over the world have been weaving their unique gifts and their service to the Light into this vitally important facet of God’s Plan. This is something we have all been working toward for lifetimes. At last, the moment has arrived, and we are now experiencing the final steps of preparation.
I would like to share with you a small fraction of the Light work that is paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance, which will take place August 16-21, 2008. This will be a global event involving the conscious participation of Lightworkers around the world, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on the planet.
This is a multifaceted and multidimensional Divine Plan. Everything that is happening on Earth at this moment is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. The Presidential elections in the United States of America are a critical part of this plan. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have stated that because of the things that are destined to occur on Earth during the next eight years, these elections are the most important we have ever experienced.
On May 18, 2008, the day before the very powerful Wesak Blue Moon, we gave one of our free seminars in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly Love. This is a powerful focus for government in the United States of America. It is where our sacred documents were cocreated and signed. These documents include the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America.
These Divinely Inspired documents contain the Immaculate Concept of what this country will one day outpicture. Unfortunately, because of Humanity’s fear-based human egos and our blatant abuse of power for over two centuries, the Truth contained in these documents has been distorted, suppressed and cloaked in darkness.
During our free seminar, the Beings of Light who are associated with Divine Government joined forces with the Lightworkers gathered in Philadelphia. A powerful activity of Light was orchestrated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, and the cloak of darkness that has suppressed our sacred documents was shattered and transmuted into Light.
Now the patterns of perfection for the government of the United States of America are pulsating in, through and around the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth. These patterns are filtering into the consciousness of every person who is, or ever will be, involved with the governments of this nation.
The Immaculate Concept for Divine Government—a government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity—will now be available to positively influence the next President of the United States of America and all those who will be elected into office.
Our responsibility as Lightworkers is to continually invoke the Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned regarding these elections. We must ask Archangel Michael to place an invincible forcefield of protection around everyone involved with these elections in any way, and all of the people who are dedicated to cocreating Divine Government in the United States of America. It is important that we also ask that this force field of protection be expanded to envelop everyone associated with the manifestation of Divine Government in every country in the world.
Another very powerful step of preparation took place during the Universal Lightworkers Conference. This annual gathering of Lightworkers was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, June 13-15, 2008.
Due to myriad activities of Light that have been cocreated by the Company of Heaven and embodied Lightworkers over the past few decades, our Mother God has returned to Earth. Her momentum of Transfiguring Divine Love is now integrating into every Heart Flame. This has brought into balance the Blue Flame of Divine Power associated with our Father God and the Pink Flame of Divine Love associated with our Mother God. When these two aspects of our Father-Mother God are balanced, they manifest as the infinite power of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame. These energies are now flowing through Florida, which is part of the largest portal for the Violet Flame on the planet.
During this gathering of Lightworkers, the Company of Heaven asked if we would be willing to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. The Divine Intent was for us to be the Open Door for a frequency of the Violet Flame that would transmute the obsolete archetypes of Humanity’s abuse of our masculine power. This abuse of power resulted after the fall when we closed our Heart Chakras, and our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, was forced to withdraw from the Earth.
Humanity’s abuse of power and the lack of reverence for Life are the bases for all of the maladies existing on Earth at this time. These obsolete archetypes of imperfection had to be cleared and transmuted into Light in order for the archetypes for the New Earth to be anchored in the physical plane.
This was a global activity, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth joined in consciousness with the Lightworkers in Fort Lauderdale. Several outer-world events occurred during that weekend that helped turn the focus of Humanity’s attention to the Father and the positive aspects of the Divine Masculine. Most importantly, Sunday, June 15th, was Father’s Day. This day honoring Fathers is celebrated in many countries around the world. During that important weekend, hundreds of millions of people focused their attention on Fatherhood and the positive qualities of the Divine Masculine.
On Friday the 13th, one of our beloved news announcers died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack. The shock of that event held the focus of the media for the entire weekend. Tim Russert was a good man and a devoted son and father. On Father’s Day last year, he released a book that he had written about his own father. On Father’s Day weekend this year, all of the news reports focused on the positive relationship Tim had with his father and his own son. For several days, this gentle man was revered and honored in all aspects of the media.
During his memorial service at the JFK Center in Washington, DC, the song “Over the Rainbow” was played. As people left the center after the service, a huge double rainbow appeared in the sky.
Another beloved man was honored that same weekend. It was Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday. There were celebrations and news reports throughout the weekend that reflected what this humble man has done to restore freedom, dignity and healing to people in Africa and around the world. He is a wonderful example of the positive use of masculine power, which must now be restored within every person on Earth.
During this same weekend, a tremendous purging took place in many parts of the world. In the United States of America, we experienced record-breaking floods and wildfires. Mercifully, even though the loss of property was tremendous, there was relatively little loss of life. What often appear to be random weather conditions and coincidental Earth changes are actually Mother Earth’s way of cleansing the human miscreations and the pollution Humanity has inflicted upon her over the years.
The Beings of Light said the unified efforts of the Lightworkers at the Universal Lightworkers Conference were God Victorious. The obsolete archetypes of Humanity’s abuse of our masculine power, which have been adversely affecting us since our fall from Grace aeons ago, were shattered and transmuted into Light. This victory cleared the way for the next phase of the Divine Plan.
The next major step of preparation occurred during the Summer Solstice, June 20-21, 2008. Because of cosmic harmonics, celestial alignments and cycles within cycles the Company of Heaven said this was one of the most powerful Solstices the Earth has ever experienced.
Lightworkers all over the world responded to their heart’s call and organized various activities that added to the Light of the world in myriad ways. The powerful collective effort of these events opened an interdimensional doorway that allowed the Earth to ascend further up the Spiral of Evolution. The Earth and all her Life are now vibrating at a frequency that will accelerate the expansion of the archetypes of Eternal Peace and God’s Abundance once they are anchored in the physical world of form.
The next step of preparation involved the influx of Light that occurred on the planet through the celebration of the 4th of July in the USA. This is a day during which the patterns of perfection destined for this country are empowered through the hearts and minds of all Americans. Liberty, Justice, Freedom and Victory in the Light are the keynotes for this celebration. The influx of these Divine Qualities enhanced the preparation for the events in August.
On July 7th, another very powerful activity of Light was set in place through the Divine Intervention of the mighty Elohim—the Builders of Form. Working with Lightworkers embodied on Earth, these august Beings projected their luminous Presence into the Sun of Even Pressure, which pulsates in the center of the Earth. This blazing Sun in the center of the Earth embraces the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in the heart of Mother Earth.
From within the heart of Mother Earth, the Elohim magnetized the most intensified frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity and the Earth were capable of receiving. These Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Rays of Light were anchored within each of the Twelve Solar Chakras that pulsate along the axis of the Earth.
Once the highest frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that the Earth has ever experienced were secured within each of Earth’s Twelve Solar Chakras, the mighty Elohim breathed that powerful Light into all of the vulnerable areas in the body of Mother Earth.
The Elohim projected this monumental influx of Light into all of the faults, cracks, fissures and tectonics plates in the body of Mother Earth. Once these weakened areas were strengthened and secured, the Elohim expanded the Light into all of the areas where nuclear testing, mining, drilling for oil and every other invasive practice has wounded the body of this precious planet.
The Divine Intent of this intervention from the Elohim is to secure the Earth and prepare this planet and all her Life to be able to assimilate and sustain the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that will be anchored in the physical plane in August.
In the next few weeks, there will be a few more very powerful steps to complete the preparations.
On August 1st, there will be a unique Solar Eclipse. Spiritual astrologers are indicating that this celestial event will open a window of opportunity during which the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will be able to enlighten the outer mind and empower the Divine Potential encoded within our RNA and DNA structures. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this event will greatly enhance Humanity’s awakening process.
The effects of the Solar Eclipse will build in momentum for eight days until the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympic Games, which will take place in China, August 8, 2008—08-08-08. Eight is the number that models the Divine Fiat, “As above, so below.”
The Olympic Games are always a very powerful time for the planet. They symbolically represent the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences as we come together, in Peace, to strive toward our highest level of excellence. For 17 days, it is estimated that approximately five billion people will, in one way or another, turn their attention to this global event. This will create a colossal Cup of Humanity’s consciousness through which the Light of God will flow to assist all Life evolving on Earth.
During this unprecedented Cosmic Moment, the Olympic Games will be more significant than ever before. It is not by chance that these Olympic Games are being held in China. At the moment, China is outpicturing the full spectrum of what is right and what is wrong with Humanity. It is serving as the microcosm of the macrocosm for this planet, and, as China is healed and lifted up, all Life with be lifted up with her.
Pulsating in the Etheric Realms above China are the Etheric Temples of Beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Divine Family Life. This selfless Ascended Being of Light is an exponent of our Mother God. She represents all of the Divine Qualities of the Feminine Aspects of Deity.
Blazing on the altar of Kuan Yin’s Etheric Temple is the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion. This is the Sacred Fire that will bathe the Earth and all of her Life during the Olympic Games. Kuan Yin has said this unparalleled purging by the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion will be the final step of preparation necessary for the anchoring of the very first archetypes for the New Earth.
The influx of Divine Light that will be initiated at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games will build in power and might for eight days. This will bring us to the apex of the Olympic Games on August 16th.On August 16, 2008, the Earth will be bathed in the Light of the most powerful Lunar Eclipse we have ever known. This will occur because, after all of the steps of preparation we have been through this year, Humanity will be vibrating at a frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. We will now be able to access celestial energies that have previously been far above our reach.
On the evening of August 16, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, we will begin the Opening Ceremonies for the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This will begin the initial impulse of the process of anchoring the very first archetypes for the New Earth. This event will take place at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, which is held within the embrace of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Power and Protection. These Etheric Temples pulsate above the beautiful Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains in Alberta, Canada.
Throughout the week, we will be guided by the Company of Heaven, and the Divine Plan will unfold day by day. The Light will increase with every breath we take, until the first archetypes for the New Earth are fully anchored. That event of the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination will be God Victoriously accomplished during the Closing Ceremonies between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time on August 21, 2008. We will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so no matter when you can join with us in consciousness, your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light into the Cup of our collective consciousness.
Know that we are ALL One. We will all be in our right and perfect place for this wondrous global activity of Light. If your heart is calling you to be physically present at the event in Lake Louise, there are still a few rooms available. We must release these few rooms back to the hotel on July 17, so please register as soon as possible in order to assure your space.
You can find all of the details you need to attend this gathering of Lightworkers on our website:
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization