March Astrology Rant 2006

March Astrology Rant 2006

by Mystic Marguerite
March is one of the most transformational months of this year. As we begin, the Sun is traveling through Pisces, sign of dreams, dissolving and melting away, introspection, surrender, escape, sacrifice; we celebrate the experience of being one with All. Then abruptly on the 21st, the solar orb moves over into Aries, crossing the Aries Point of detonation into an explosion of new life. Aries energy is driven to explore, to test the limits, start new projects and get the lead out of winter blahs. The dregs of comfortable old dreams and projects begin to fade away, and the rather uncomfortable process of thrusting out new roots in order to surface new creations demands our attention.

Of course, this March turns out to resemble a personal bout with hives when examining the planetary aspects slated for the month. Seldom are so many irritating, progress-stalling and even violent energies bouncing off one another, from one end of the month to the other. The baseline of advice is to hang loosely; don’t make any binding agreements of any sort, spend major money or believe what you hear. Try to refrain from joining in with the general mayhem, rather wait for dust to settle because there is going to be change and more change in the playing field, accompanied by much subterfuge, fumbling and dissemblment. The sorting out and committing process is best begun in April, roughly coincident with spring cleaning.

Below is the list of aspect highlight, offered with handling suggestions:

March 2 to March 25, 2006: Mercury (communication and transportation) goes retrograde, or into apparent backwards motion, moving from 26°Pisces to 13° Pisces. Pisces is a sign famous for not speaking its mind. It prefers to communicate in visions and images while tending to procrastinate when pressed. Great for purposes of spin and propaganda. As pertains to your own mind, think of week old, re-heated rice pudding and proceed accordingly. Those born in Pisces will probably get away with hell, or will appear to flicker in and out of embodiment.

March 4, 2006: Jupiter goes retrograde, moving from 18° 52’ Scorpio back to 8°58’. The planet will resume direct motion around July 6. Jupiter rules expansion (bigger and more is better), generosity, law, organized religion and good times in general. This event does not mean you cannot have any good times or make money from now ‘till mid summer. We are just more inclined to turn inward and contemplate first, rather than immediately reaching outwards into worldly distractions; to exercise more caution before taking risks. In the negative sense, truths preferably left hidden are far more likely to surface while Jupiter retro’s in Scorpio, consummate sign of power and ambition obtained at any cost.

During March the other social arbitrator planet Saturn (limits, frustrations, obstacles and disappointments) is also in retrograde motion. When both Jupiter and Saturn are retro, it’s not a good time to start a new business or commence any other major new project involving money. All the retro action plus two eclipses this month, signals great potential for a major financial adjustment in the economy. In the mean time, speculation and gambling likely continues to run amok.

March 11 2006: Mars at 11°Gemini 18’ squares Uranus at 11°Pisces 18’. This aspect invites violent activity of a radical nature. Watch the news for fresh atrocity. Good idea to watch the temper, watch what one says and expect people to be a bit out of sorts during the days immediately surrounding this aspect.

March 14 2006: Lunar eclipse and Full Moon at 24° Virgo 15’: The focus is on how we organize and present information, also doing service, attending to detail and health concerns. A lunar eclipse signifies a change in form; often we are not in control of the situation. It’s best to wait on taking action, as information that was not available before will surface in the weeks following. The closer and eclipse is to the position of a natal planet in your chart, the more likely its affect will energize a specific area of your life. On the social level when eclipses are accompanied by difficult aspects, there may be a major shift in orientation brought about by an event of impact, either natural or man-made.

At the same time, Sun opposing Moon will be in square with Pluto in Sagittarius and asteroid Juno in Gemini, all four points forming a grand cross. This is likely to be a tension-filled time for committed relationships, as some may feel the need for increased freedom. The cross smacks of power struggles in general and ambition welded aggressively by clergy or religious factions as they attempt to impose conservative agendas on the populus.

March 26 2006: Venus conjuncts (is next to) Neptune at 18°57’ In the middle of all the confusion, we have the goddess of love (also beauty, values, sensual pleasure) right up next to the planet of glamour, vices, lavender fog, deception and mystic spirituality, both in the sign of idealism and interest if humanity at large. So chances are good we will want to put an unrealistic and rosy spin on life at large. We already have a the long-term aspect of Jupiter square Neptune, which is encouraging foolish speculation, arguments over belief and over-amped expectations of all kinds, good for most of the year. Both aspect patterns are good for keeping hopes up and ideals elevated, but one needs to take care that this spirit doesn’t intrude on keeping the check book balanced or encourage a predator to camp on your doorstep.

March 29 2006: Solar eclipse at 8° Aries 51’: A solar eclipse is a change in essence; the spirit and direction of an enterprise is subject to diversion. Again, it is best to keep affairs just as they are, roll with the flow and see what happens in a couple weeks. This event will be followed shortly by a Pluto-Mars opposition in early April, so there is likely to be some aggressive belligerence over financial or relational affairs in the air or perhaps a hostile show-down or two over turf.

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June 8, 2006
It’s been a long while since I’ve had the time to write a general newsletter to everyone. I’ve been more than busy writing my new book, ENTERING THE CASTLE, for months now and between that and teaching, I haven’t had the time to do any extra writing, even though so many ideas and world events have crossed my mind that I would have loved to write about. Recently I attended a conference on Sacred Activism that was held in Seattle, sponsored by Wisdom University located in San Francisco, and the combination of that event, Memorial Day weekend, and my manuscript now in the hands of my editor getting chopped to bits for the re-write process, I have the time to write a newsletter again.

Memorial Day was a big deal for my family when I was growing up because my father served in World War II. He was a Marine who fought in the Pacific and he brought us up with strong, patriotic values and a deep love for this nation. I could sing, “From the Halls of Montezuma” before I was three-years-old…no kidding. Memorial Day meant something, as did all of the values that America stood for, not the least of which were all the First Amendment Rights. I majored in journalism in college – those were the days of Watergate and investigative reporters. Remember those types of reporters? I grew up in Chicago, home of the infamous Democratic National Convention. I can still see the riots in the street that took place as people stood on the streets proclaiming their political stands against a government that had gone to war immorally. They took on the government and put their lives on the line for what they believed in and for what they opposed, like the Vietnam War. They spoke out against a government that had lied to them about the so-called righteous reasons for going to war and they took on the system. I remember that….I remember that…I remember my country – then. I remember them screaming, “No More War!” And do you remember that we weren’t afraid to speak out? That’s what I remember the most – that we weren’t afraid to speak out – then. We weren’t afraid to be Americans then. People can tell me that we aren’t afraid to speak out now, but that’s simply not true. We are afraid to express our opinions about what our nation is doing. We absolutely are afraid. We are afraid of our government and we are afraid of each other.

When did that happen? When did we stop talking politics? When did it become impolite, rude, inappropriate, “non-new age” to discuss the “unconscious” activities taking place in world governments??????? How shall consciousness ever be brought into the arenas of politics if we ourselves do not discuss politics among ourselves? You can challenge me, of course, and tell me that this is not true – to which I would say, “This has been and this is my experience. People are afraid.” And I am with far more people than most of you reading this newsletter. I am with thousands of people per month and I have asked audiences, “Are you afraid to express your political opinions in public now?” – and you know what? The vast majority says, “Yes”. They are afraid of each other and they are afraid of government repercussions. The Patriot Act? Phone tapping? Library card Watch List for the books you are taking out? They are afraid they are being “listened to” by someone and that they will be “reported”.

I remember the anti-war songs of that era…and that they were so popular. Remember that? We loved those guys…they were our heroes – then. These days if someone offers an opinion, his or her career is destroyed. Look at the Dixie Chicks…. I could care less about that group. I have never listened to their music and never will. I never listen to Country Western music. But I am an observer of responses and it’s the public’s response that intrigues me. This is a nation created on the right to express an opinion – look what happens to people who do that. They are practically slaughtered and at the very least, they are banned from places as if they had Bird Flu. What are we doing? Have we forgotten that if we respond to people expressing their opinions like that, they will do the same to us???? Will we be silenced next? Are we among those doing the silencing?

I marvel at the fact that in our contemporary spiritual culture, it is considered an absolute MUST to listen to a person carry on about their emotional past – their wounds and their painful history. You have to listen to that and not judge. My God, if you judge a person recalling a forty-year-old history, why you are considered insensitive and horrible and “unconscious”. Unconscious???? Because you are nearly cross-eyed from boredom as you listen to a person carry-on yet again about an injury that goes back 40-YEARS!!!!!! And yet, let someone bring up a current political issue that is worthy of discussion – REPEAT DICUSSION – and immediately fists get clenched and people chose sides and the “consciousness” crowd closes down. Hostilities rise and all hope of a discussion AMONG THE VERY GROUP THAT SHOULD BE CARRYING LIGHT AND INSIGHT AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS INTO THE CHALLENGES FACING OUR SOCIETY – WHICH ARE SO MANY AND SO DIFFICULT – turns to attacks. I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count.

Recently I was attacked via email for attending a conference on Sacred Activism sponsored by Wisdom University BEFORE I even went to the conference!!!! A few people who noticed that peace activist Cindy Sheehan was scheduled to speak were motivated to send an email to my web site reading, “How could Caroline attend a conference with Cindy Sheehan?” First of all, what’s Cindy Sheehan got to do with MY decisions and my work on this earth???? She doesn’t control or influence what I do any more than I influence her. That is what FREE CHOICE is about. Secondly, what on earth motivates someone to respond in such a hostile way to my attending a conference? I was hardly going there to promote anti-American activities…What on earth were these people thinking??????
Why would anyone comment about my attending a conference because another speaker was going to be there?

Now let me just report – as a journalist – on this conference. About 350 officially registered. By the time the four-day conference was over, 1,000 had come to attend the various events. The idea of being “active” once again in America had become an inspiration to them. They were seeking a voice, a means to make their Robert Kennedy, Jr. spoke at this conference (no comments about his past, please. I am not here to DEFEND his past or to PROMOTE his politics!) He spoke about the environment and he spoke about this government. He was direct and he was blunt. People found it refreshing to listen to him as he revealed the backroom agreements that had been made among the media moguls who promised to reduce all investigative reporting and upgrade all entertainment journalism. No reports of returning coffins from the war would be allowed on air; no interviews with angry soldiers; minimum coverage of anti-war protests, should they begin; absolute minimal coverage of all the proof that the government has that going to war was planned before 9/11; maximum coverage of celebrity divorces and scandals, etc. etc. etc. Keep America entertained – that was the goal. Americans would hardly notice that slowly but surely they were getting less and less foreign news reports and quality investigative reporting at home. No journalists challenged the White House at all. All questions were rehearsed. Anything that challenged this was considered “anti-patriotic”, a card that would be conveniently played by this Republican political administration again and again and again and again until it finally silenced America entirely.

Other speakers did presentations on various topics related to Sacred Activism or to their related fields. The topics were intriguing. I, however, was more interested in speaking to the audience members. I wanted to find out what motivated them to attend the conference – to “come out” of the passivity that has gripped America for years and once again become active in the future of their nation.

NOW LET ME BE VERY CLEAR ABOUT SOMETHING: By ACTIVE, I DO NOT MEAN BECOME A REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!! Active means to become a person capable of discussing the future of this nation and the issues and problems facing this nation with the intention of finding ways of initiating positive change. These gatherings are NOT about choosing sides – that is, Democrats versus Republicans versus Libertarians versus Independents versus Whatever’s. These gatherings are about DISCUSSING THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY AGAIN!!!!! They are open forums for the sharing of opinions and fears and options for change. That I would even have to emphasize these points is sad to me, but I feel I have to lest an onslaught of letters arrive in my mailbox admonishing me for being part of an underground revolution instead of attending an open forum of discussions about the future of this – MY nation.

I have thought long and hard – more than I can even begin to tell you – I have anguished about the political atmosphere in this country. I have wanted to write about it for years now, but have hesitated and that in it and of itself has left me infuriated with myself. This spiritual culture of which we are a part BEGAN during the era of the Democratic National Convention and the Hippie Days and the Free Love Days and the drug culture days and the Vietnam Era. That’s when Guru’s and meditation and mysticism and eastern religions and Vatican II and the mystical transition of the sacred ritual of the mass shifted into the language of those present.

The roots of who we are and the desire to be spiritually liberated go back to a REVOLUTION, just as the roots of who we are as Americans go back to a revolution. We took to the streets in the 1960’s because we wanted the right to express the “second wave” of power – the power of our soul to co-create our interior world. We wanted the right to LOVE who we wanted to love, to PRAY to the God that called our soul, to PERCEIVE REALITY without social, ethnic, and religious parameters, and to CREATE A PEACEFUL WORLD because we believed that conscious people could accomplish such a task. This was, after all, the Age of Aquarius…the age of light and we were the light bearers. We would become a conscious generation, bringing consciousness into all walks of life, which meant at the time that we would bring consciousness INTO THE WORLD, not just into our own worlds.

But as the decades passed, we took the more cautious routes of consciousness. We took the internal healing path, the internal spiritual path (which for the most part is the same as the healing path), and we withdrew from creating too much commotion in the outside world. In fact, we started to have babies and families and, well, the rest is history. Now I hear people say to me, “I don’t listen to the news or read the newspaper because the news is just ‘too negative’”. What am I supposed to say to someone who tells me that? This type of comment comes from individuals who, at the same time, consider themselves “conscious”. How can you be “conscious” and not look at the world that feeds you? How can you not care about the world that you walk upon? If you, who say you are dedicated to living a conscious life, are not devoted to walking directly into the center of the social and political activities of our world, then who should? Is not the center of darkness exactly where the light should penetrate? We MUST open ourselves up again not as critics, but as people who want to listen and share ideas and become active agents for change when they feel called to make a difference. No one should be allowed to get away with saying, “But what can I do?” any more – not when you realize that this world is being run by but a hand full of individuals.

Oh, at the conference, an announcement was made just prior to a guest speaker coming on stage that Karl Rove is up for indictment. It was on the blogs and still unofficial, but even at that, the crowd exploded with cheers. One woman said, “Finally, after five years, I can once again smell the sweet fragrance of justice in America once more.”

So – that’s my report and those are my thoughts on this Memorial Day. As Americans, we have the RIGHT to express ourselves, the RIGHT to challenge the actions of our government. Our government serves US – that is the brilliance of the American system. When corporations run the government, however, that should send an alarm off deep in our American fiber. I remember hearing President Bush slip up (imagine that) in one of his talks – He referred to America as a “company” and not a country….I heard it myself. Caught….

Happy Memorial Day, everyone. God bless this nation. May we return to the vision of our Founding Fathers and Mothers: the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Astro Frequency

by Ralfee Finn November 1, 2006

It’s a “two steps forward, one step back, and then a giant leap into the future” kinda week as the final Mercury Retrograde phase of the year hastens a review of 2006 and assists in sorting out what’s a good idea to leave behind and what’s essential to take with into 2007. But—and this is a big but—this is not your mother’s Mercury Retrograde, and it’s not my mother’s either. This Retrograde, which began on October 28th and ends of November 17th, is in a class all its own—a new hybrid that can’t slow down long enough to take a good look at the details of just about anything. Don’t be surprised if an urgent need to push forward at almost any cost drives a need to leave the past in the dust. Just be aware, while this clash between the past and the future isn’t necessarily negative, handling the intensity of the present is going to take stamina and a great deal of patience.

Normal retrogrades are always about revisiting what was, and even though retrogrades are often fraught with hassles, delays, and teeth gnashing snafus, they are also often the only time life slows down long enough to reexamine recent choices. Yes, it’s true, retrogrades are crushing to communication, computers, and all things related to language, yet retrogrades are also beneficial to editing, tweaking, and fine-tuning what’s already in motion.

But Uranus sponsors our current Retrograde, and Uranus isn’t particularly interested in the details. It’s also not fascinated with the past. And what it desires most is revolution. Uranus is currently trining Mars, the Sun, and Venus, all traveling close together in Scorpio. As Uranus trines Mars, the need to move and to move quickly could lead to hasty decisions. When possible take your time. Uranus trine the Sun supports individual radical acts of independence from whatever enslaves—people, work, attitudes, or addictions. Uranus trine Venus leans directly toward fast love affairs that ignite instantaneously and burn out a moment later. What’s always significant about Uranus interactions is their creative signature. All three trines, Mars, the Sun, and Venus support creativity in a variety of forms—from attitudes to paint colors.

Again, during a normal retrograde, simple tasks tend to turn into monumental efforts and regular routines transform into quagmires of frustration. And while some of that wisdom may apply to the current retrograde, the Uranian push toward the future is certain to override retrograde caution—which may not be a bad thing.

During the coming weeks don’t be afraid to break the Retrograde Rules. I know that sounds like heresy, but resisting Uranus will take more energy than riding its tide. Give yourself lots of latitude, plenty of room for mistakes, and when possible extend that same generosity and understanding to all your relations. It’s gonna be a wild ride for everyone.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19

It won’t be easy containing your intensity—inside or out—so rather than denying the buzz, use it. Transform this energy into passion, and then channel it into areas of your life that need authentic inspiration.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Surprising developments with significant others challenge your need for consistent behavior. Rather than insist on certainty, make every effort to stay flexible, and you’ll handle the unexpected with ease.

Gemini May 21-June 21

I’m not sure how you’re going to manage the workload, either. But I am sure you will be able to organize a reasonable game plan. Just try to be moderate and don’t take on more than you can accomplish.

Cancer June 22-July 22

Too much is changing to quickly for you to get under the covers—there’s barely time to process the latest development. So breathe, deeply, and soothe your anxiety with knowing that eventually you will be able to rest.

Leo July 23-August 22

Acknowledge your need for rest, but also don’t expect that need to be satisfied anytime soon—you’re in transition, and no where near the end of this phase. Set a realistic pace, and then utilize this time as best you can.

Virgo August 23-September 22

Be willing to be intimate and you’ll encourage a new level of communication with lovers, friends, and family. You don’t have to tell every secret—you just have to be authentic.

Libra September 23-October 22

You’re working on establishing and maintaining the equilibrium between caution and optimism, particularly when it comes to finances. Here’s some help—avoid what’s expedient and concentrate instead on the big picture.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

Sometimes too much attention can be unnerving, but at the moment, you not only can’t escape it—you also deserve it. So rather than shy away from the spotlight, take a gracious bow.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

My head is exploding just from thinking about what’s going on in your head. It isn’t possible to solve every problem simultaneously, so prioritize your goals, and don’t try to do everything at once.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Unusual demands on your time and energy are taking a toll and raising your stress level, which is why you’re tempted to say more than you want to. There’s only one solution—get some rest.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

It won’t be possible to say, “yes” to everything, so resist the temptation to overextend and instead, focus on the one or two or even three things you know you can do well.

Pisces February 19-March 20

Be honest with yourself and others, even if that means reacting in the moment and risking “wrong” behavior. Rather than apologizing for what you feel, own your attitude, and if it needs a tweak, you’ll do the necessary work.

A month abloom with fateful omens has kicked off with a total solar eclipse at 9 degrees Leo. Eclipses occur either during a New Moon (solar) or Full Moon (lunar), and only when one or both luminaries are close by one of the Moon’s Nodes. Due to their relation with eclipses, the Nodes can function as karmic indicators for destiny, whether for a nation or an individual. An eclipse of the Sun represents a darkening of consciousness, therefore allowing the contents of the unconscious and collective gestault to come forward. An eclipse of the Moon symbolizes a darkening of the mind, resulting in changes of form. It’s easy to confuse mind-ego with conscious awareness, however they are two different states of being.

A horoscope chart cast for the eclipse at 10:13 am GMT in Washington , DC . places the fateful phenomenon right on the Ascendant angle, just rising in the nation’s twelfth house of karma and self-undoing. Not an understatement to suggest that past immature or self-serving economic decisions are coming home to roost, with the resultant detriment likely to change the face of the “land of free and home of the brave” for a long time to come. Mercury (media and commerce) and Venus (values, finances) bracket the unlucky South Node in the first house; Venus stands in opposition to Neptune in the house of partners, open enemies and projected problems in the house opposite. The public might be up in arms, but seems prone to misidentifying the roots of their discomfort. For example, somehow the current oil crisis tends to get pinned on the Democrats, intimating that some sort of gol’durned social program must be behind soaring prices at the pumps. Somehow it remains difficult for the average man on the street to connect the dots between unregulated market conditions crafted by Republican fiat over the last years, and grossly inflated corporate oil profits. In fact at last glance, investors were disgruntled because oil profits weren’t even higher.

Saturn (limitations, loss, status quo) stands in the second house of the people’s money, in trine to Jupiter retrograde in the sixth house of workers, definitely cramping funds for personal entertainment and quite in line with the governator of California pink-slipping thousands of state workers due to a bankrupt budget. Mars (aggression, ambition, drive, the military) is also in the second house, approaching an opposition to Uranus located in the house of other people’s money, debt, taxes and power issues; this one reads like big money and bad loans grinding towards a confrontation with the grass roots except again, the enemy may be misidentified. We tend to forget too, that Uranus in a bad mood is not a loose Aquarian hippie, but rather fascist and reactionary in nature; it doesn’t react well to interference with a need to control. Locally, this is an aspect of impulse, violence and psychotic breaks-perhaps triggered over money issues. Do wonder also, if this is the month when people at large discover that the American Lifestyle ain’t necessarily what it was made out to be.

On the personal level, however, the time between these solar and lunar eclipses can be immensely powerful for putting change into motion. If there is any project or self- improvement to push forward, any free-loader to throw out, someone to fall in love with or commit to, what a great time to do just that. It’s not all doom and gloom out there at all; use the momentum to streamline; discard whatever or whomever is in the way; move aggressively to forestall further financial losses, watch the back door.

Venus enters Virgo on August 5, making the lady much more discriminating, perfectionist and critical. She is in her fall in this sign, meaning its time to wear grey, seduce slowly and watch the manners. A caution is sounded for the days around August 6, as Mars reaches exact opposition to Uranus while Mercury is in opposition to Neptune . This combination does not bode well for straight talking or suffering fools gladly. Imagine a smooth-taking con man, whispering lies in your ear while he snags the wallet and then kicks you to the ground. Defer certain crucial decisions if possible, as more valid information should become available at the end of the month.

On Aug 10 Mercury enters Virgo so the rhetoric should get slightly less bombastic and expansive; organization, administration and detail are easier to come by, but communications may obediently follow a hidden line of special interest. Through the 15th, the expansive Leo Sun moves in quincunx to Uranus, then in opposition to the North Node, asteroid Chiron and Neptune, shining a light on the plentiful suffering, starvation and pain out there, just when the Olympics will be at their glossiest height. Hey, instead of letting the poor eat cake, how about issuing sweat pants globally? Venus in conjunction with Saturn can herald a lucrative contract, new job or marriage proposal for some around mid-month.

The Lunar eclipse takes the stage at 23 degrees Aquarius on August 23rd, and the scenery won’t have gotten any calmer. A horoscope chart cast for 9:18 pm GMT in Washington , DC , puts the darkened Moon in the second house of the people’s money, fresh off of passing over Neptune, master of illusion, delusion, victimization and big oil. Add asteroid Chiron and the North Node in Aquarius and we have suffering humanity, standing forlornly in opposition to an aristocratic eighth house loaded with the money and power of the elite. Populating the premises are the South Node and Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus, looking like butter wouldn’t melt in their mouth. The energies are regal (Leo) and inquisitional (Virgo); shades of the Roman Empire and its social regulatory structures, hoping that electronic virtual reality will keep the masses in check.

With Jupiter retrograde in the first house of the people at large in trine to Venus, plenty of folks likely still believe their masters are going to save them. The really harsh impact is delivered by Mars in the ninth house of the law, ideology and relations with foreign countries, in square to Pluto ominously placed in the twelfth house of karma and self-undoing; an aspect that is brutal, ruthless and violent in connotation. Another reflection of brewing turmoil can be found in disruptive Uranus gracing the third house of communications and lifestyle, still within breathing distance of opposition to militant Mars and pondering about its upcoming square to brutal Pluto in a few years. Still in all, if you need to strong-arm somebody or sell the Brooklyn Bridge to a sucker, progress can be made. This eclipse marks a sea-change in relations between the haves and have-nots, which bodes well for provoking riot and revolution in awhile, out of discontent.

Mars enters Libra on August 19th; while we can hope that this signals a return to aggressively seeking social company instead of gripping, remember that Libran energy is not always gracious and sophisticated-especially when seeking its own relentless version of justice. With asteroid Ceres entering Leo it may be a good time to step up the networking efforts and make preparations for an upcoming harvest.

On August 22 the Sun enters analytical, obedient and cool-minded Virgo, just in time for the Media Kickoff for the Democratic Convention to be held at Elich’s Amusement Park in Denver , Colorado on August 23rd. A horoscope chart cast for this event at 6:00 pm MDT is rather juicy for conspiracy buffs cognizant of the power stars that were aligned with our nation’s capitol at its inception. The main feature is king-maker Regulus, currently holding court at 29 degrees 56 minutes Leo; has anyone wondered if Regulus moving into the zodiac sign of Virgo next year is likely a Big Deal when referring to an alleged New World Order? (Note: The headline banner on the official Olympic website is One World, One Dream.)

Anyway, Regulus will be right close to the Kickoff Vertex of fated events and the Sun (national identity, the leader). The Moon (the people at large) in Gemini resides in the fourth house of home base just a few minutes past a tense waxing square with the Sun, Vertex and Regulus. At the same time, we have Polaris and Etamin, pole stars present and past in exact zodiacal opposition to one another. Etamin of the constellation alpha draco is also conjunct to Pluto (Ancient, Transformative Power); this loaded opposition sits in harmonious aspect to the event Sun, Vertex, Regulus and Part of Fortune, which happens to be the most elevated point in the chart.

Echoing the recent Lunar Eclipse chart, we have Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Mars all in the event eighth house of other people’s money and power. Saturn dominates as ruler of the Ascendant and twelfth house of karma and secrets; the lord of status quo is in applying trine to Jupiter rising, ruler of fortune hidden away in the twelfth house. Big deals will have already been quietly brokered before the first firecracker goes off. The hoopla is provided by Mercury and Venus in opposition to Uranus (females will be important to this occasion); however actual media action will be fed through the fogging filter of Mercury in quincunx to deceptive Neptune . H-m-m-m.

Let’s end the tumult with Venus waltzing into Libra at the end of the month. The lady is exalted here and maybe finally, we can get out to have some easy fun without rude surprises or excessive decorum. But hold onto your hats, ladies and gentleman because the big ride for many of us actually departs the station in September.

More Mystic Marguerite at:

The Final Steps of Preparation

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The preparation for anchoring the very first archetypes for the New Earth is unfolding in Divine Order. The synchronicity of this Divine Plan is wondrous to behold. Lightworkers all over the world have been weaving their unique gifts and their service to the Light into this vitally important facet of God’s Plan. This is something we have all been working toward for lifetimes. At last, the moment has arrived, and we are now experiencing the final steps of preparation.

I would like to share with you a small fraction of the Light work that is paving the way for the anchoring of the archetypes of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance, which will take place August 16-21, 2008. This will be a global event involving the conscious participation of Lightworkers around the world, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on the planet.

This is a multifaceted and multidimensional Divine Plan. Everything that is happening on Earth at this moment is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. The Presidential elections in the United States of America are a critical part of this plan. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have stated that because of the things that are destined to occur on Earth during the next eight years, these elections are the most important we have ever experienced.

On May 18, 2008, the day before the very powerful Wesak Blue Moon, we gave one of our free seminars in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly Love. This is a powerful focus for government in the United States of America. It is where our sacred documents were cocreated and signed. These documents include the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America.

These Divinely Inspired documents contain the Immaculate Concept of what this country will one day outpicture. Unfortunately, because of Humanity’s fear-based human egos and our blatant abuse of power for over two centuries, the Truth contained in these documents has been distorted, suppressed and cloaked in darkness.

During our free seminar, the Beings of Light who are associated with Divine Government joined forces with the Lightworkers gathered in Philadelphia. A powerful activity of Light was orchestrated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, and the cloak of darkness that has suppressed our sacred documents was shattered and transmuted into Light.

Now the patterns of perfection for the government of the United States of America are pulsating in, through and around the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth. These patterns are filtering into the consciousness of every person who is, or ever will be, involved with the governments of this nation.

The Immaculate Concept for Divine Government—a government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity—will now be available to positively influence the next President of the United States of America and all those who will be elected into office.

Our responsibility as Lightworkers is to continually invoke the Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned regarding these elections. We must ask Archangel Michael to place an invincible forcefield of protection around everyone involved with these elections in any way, and all of the people who are dedicated to cocreating Divine Government in the United States of America. It is important that we also ask that this force field of protection be expanded to envelop everyone associated with the manifestation of Divine Government in every country in the world.

Another very powerful step of preparation took place during the Universal Lightworkers Conference. This annual gathering of Lightworkers was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, June 13-15, 2008.

Due to myriad activities of Light that have been cocreated by the Company of Heaven and embodied Lightworkers over the past few decades, our Mother God has returned to Earth. Her momentum of Transfiguring Divine Love is now integrating into every Heart Flame. This has brought into balance the Blue Flame of Divine Power associated with our Father God and the Pink Flame of Divine Love associated with our Mother God. When these two aspects of our Father-Mother God are balanced, they manifest as the infinite power of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame. These energies are now flowing through Florida, which is part of the largest portal for the Violet Flame on the planet.

During this gathering of Lightworkers, the Company of Heaven asked if we would be willing to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. The Divine Intent was for us to be the Open Door for a frequency of the Violet Flame that would transmute the obsolete archetypes of Humanity’s abuse of our masculine power. This abuse of power resulted after the fall when we closed our Heart Chakras, and our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, was forced to withdraw from the Earth.

Humanity’s abuse of power and the lack of reverence for Life are the bases for all of the maladies existing on Earth at this time. These obsolete archetypes of imperfection had to be cleared and transmuted into Light in order for the archetypes for the New Earth to be anchored in the physical plane.

This was a global activity, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth joined in consciousness with the Lightworkers in Fort Lauderdale. Several outer-world events occurred during that weekend that helped turn the focus of Humanity’s attention to the Father and the positive aspects of the Divine Masculine. Most importantly, Sunday, June 15th, was Father’s Day. This day honoring Fathers is celebrated in many countries around the world. During that important weekend, hundreds of millions of people focused their attention on Fatherhood and the positive qualities of the Divine Masculine.

On Friday the 13th, one of our beloved news announcers died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack. The shock of that event held the focus of the media for the entire weekend. Tim Russert was a good man and a devoted son and father. On Father’s Day last year, he released a book that he had written about his own father. On Father’s Day weekend this year, all of the news reports focused on the positive relationship Tim had with his father and his own son. For several days, this gentle man was revered and honored in all aspects of the media.

During his memorial service at the JFK Center in Washington, DC, the song “Over the Rainbow” was played. As people left the center after the service, a huge double rainbow appeared in the sky.

Another beloved man was honored that same weekend. It was Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday. There were celebrations and news reports throughout the weekend that reflected what this humble man has done to restore freedom, dignity and healing to people in Africa and around the world. He is a wonderful example of the positive use of masculine power, which must now be restored within every person on Earth.

During this same weekend, a tremendous purging took place in many parts of the world. In the United States of America, we experienced record-breaking floods and wildfires. Mercifully, even though the loss of property was tremendous, there was relatively little loss of life. What often appear to be random weather conditions and coincidental Earth changes are actually Mother Earth’s way of cleansing the human miscreations and the pollution Humanity has inflicted upon her over the years.

The Beings of Light said the unified efforts of the Lightworkers at the Universal Lightworkers Conference were God Victorious. The obsolete archetypes of Humanity’s abuse of our masculine power, which have been adversely affecting us since our fall from Grace aeons ago, were shattered and transmuted into Light. This victory cleared the way for the next phase of the Divine Plan.

The next major step of preparation occurred during the Summer Solstice, June 20-21, 2008. Because of cosmic harmonics, celestial alignments and cycles within cycles the Company of Heaven said this was one of the most powerful Solstices the Earth has ever experienced.

Lightworkers all over the world responded to their heart’s call and organized various activities that added to the Light of the world in myriad ways. The powerful collective effort of these events opened an interdimensional doorway that allowed the Earth to ascend further up the Spiral of Evolution. The Earth and all her Life are now vibrating at a frequency that will accelerate the expansion of the archetypes of Eternal Peace and God’s Abundance once they are anchored in the physical world of form.

The next step of preparation involved the influx of Light that occurred on the planet through the celebration of the 4th of July in the USA. This is a day during which the patterns of perfection destined for this country are empowered through the hearts and minds of all Americans. Liberty, Justice, Freedom and Victory in the Light are the keynotes for this celebration. The influx of these Divine Qualities enhanced the preparation for the events in August.

On July 7th, another very powerful activity of Light was set in place through the Divine Intervention of the mighty Elohim—the Builders of Form. Working with Lightworkers embodied on Earth, these august Beings projected their luminous Presence into the Sun of Even Pressure, which pulsates in the center of the Earth. This blazing Sun in the center of the Earth embraces the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in the heart of Mother Earth.

From within the heart of Mother Earth, the Elohim magnetized the most intensified frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity and the Earth were capable of receiving. These Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Rays of Light were anchored within each of the Twelve Solar Chakras that pulsate along the axis of the Earth.

Once the highest frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity that the Earth has ever experienced were secured within each of Earth’s Twelve Solar Chakras, the mighty Elohim breathed that powerful Light into all of the vulnerable areas in the body of Mother Earth.

The Elohim projected this monumental influx of Light into all of the faults, cracks, fissures and tectonics plates in the body of Mother Earth. Once these weakened areas were strengthened and secured, the Elohim expanded the Light into all of the areas where nuclear testing, mining, drilling for oil and every other invasive practice has wounded the body of this precious planet.

The Divine Intent of this intervention from the Elohim is to secure the Earth and prepare this planet and all her Life to be able to assimilate and sustain the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that will be anchored in the physical plane in August.

In the next few weeks, there will be a few more very powerful steps to complete the preparations.

On August 1st, there will be a unique Solar Eclipse. Spiritual astrologers are indicating that this celestial event will open a window of opportunity during which the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will be able to enlighten the outer mind and empower the Divine Potential encoded within our RNA and DNA structures. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this event will greatly enhance Humanity’s awakening process.

The effects of the Solar Eclipse will build in momentum for eight days until the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympic Games, which will take place in China, August 8, 2008—08-08-08. Eight is the number that models the Divine Fiat, “As above, so below.”

The Olympic Games are always a very powerful time for the planet. They symbolically represent the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences as we come together, in Peace, to strive toward our highest level of excellence. For 17 days, it is estimated that approximately five billion people will, in one way or another, turn their attention to this global event. This will create a colossal Cup of Humanity’s consciousness through which the Light of God will flow to assist all Life evolving on Earth.

During this unprecedented Cosmic Moment, the Olympic Games will be more significant than ever before. It is not by chance that these Olympic Games are being held in China. At the moment, China is outpicturing the full spectrum of what is right and what is wrong with Humanity. It is serving as the microcosm of the macrocosm for this planet, and, as China is healed and lifted up, all Life with be lifted up with her.

Pulsating in the Etheric Realms above China are the Etheric Temples of Beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Divine Family Life. This selfless Ascended Being of Light is an exponent of our Mother God. She represents all of the Divine Qualities of the Feminine Aspects of Deity.

Blazing on the altar of Kuan Yin’s Etheric Temple is the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion. This is the Sacred Fire that will bathe the Earth and all of her Life during the Olympic Games. Kuan Yin has said this unparalleled purging by the Violet Flame of Mercy and Compassion will be the final step of preparation necessary for the anchoring of the very first archetypes for the New Earth.

The influx of Divine Light that will be initiated at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games will build in power and might for eight days. This will bring us to the apex of the Olympic Games on August 16th.On August 16, 2008, the Earth will be bathed in the Light of the most powerful Lunar Eclipse we have ever known. This will occur because, after all of the steps of preparation we have been through this year, Humanity will be vibrating at a frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. We will now be able to access celestial energies that have previously been far above our reach.

On the evening of August 16, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, we will begin the Opening Ceremonies for the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. This will begin the initial impulse of the process of anchoring the very first archetypes for the New Earth. This event will take place at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, which is held within the embrace of Archangel Michael’s Focus of Power and Protection. These Etheric Temples pulsate above the beautiful Lake Louise and the surrounding mountains in Alberta, Canada.

Throughout the week, we will be guided by the Company of Heaven, and the Divine Plan will unfold day by day. The Light will increase with every breath we take, until the first archetypes for the New Earth are fully anchored. That event of the 22nd Annual World Congress on Illumination will be God Victoriously accomplished during the Closing Ceremonies between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time on August 21, 2008. We will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so no matter when you can join with us in consciousness, your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light into the Cup of our collective consciousness.

Know that we are ALL One. We will all be in our right and perfect place for this wondrous global activity of Light. If your heart is calling you to be physically present at the event in Lake Louise, there are still a few rooms available. We must release these few rooms back to the hotel on July 17, so please register as soon as possible in order to assure your space.

You can find all of the details you need to attend this gathering of Lightworkers on our website:

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


April 2009 Astrology Article

April 2009 Astrology Rant

by by Mystic Marguerite
April starts with a dramatic square from Venus in Aries (surfacing consciousness) to Pluto in Capricorn(status quo authority); it has been rather itchy out there and we may have found ourselves behaving strangely. For some, a classic symphony of sex-money-power-death-ego has been playing in the background, made even more poignant as Venus is retrograde in the primal life sign of Aries and just emerging from an inferior conjunction with the Sun. Symbolically, the goddess has traveled to the underworld, been put to death and then reborn in rejuvenated form. Soon she will rise up raw and militant, bringing primal dreams of creation and newly quickened life up from the unconscious. In plain talk, the ides of March has been marked by more death than usual; of beloved friends, relatives or pets, but also of cherished dreams, hopes, relationships and careers.
This particular retrograde Venus transit is occurring right over a single point in the zodiac associated with transformation and rebirth, reinforcing this theme over the entire month, not only of letting go of that which can no longer be; but also of experiencing the strangeness of stepping into an altered state of being brought on by an eclipse in the soul. Already made vulnerable by fear, confusion or sorrow, we are being further pressed upon by Pluto, archetypal lord of transformation, ruler of mass-movements, catastrophic breakdowns and the more Kali-esque forces of existence. We might be experiencing strange cycles of high, even manic energy and a wild willingness to risk, alternating with feeling worn out, depressed, shell-shocked and over-stimulated. Those still defiantly holding on to the usual paradigm of self-definition may be feeling like a rabbit that has been hunted down to hide in the last bramble; wondering if the hounds will flush them out, or if laying low enough will grant more time in a familiar space. Or maybe if one exhibits enough spirit of transcendence that will suffice to buy a ticket to grace.

Expect incidents of chaos and upheaval natural or man-made starting around April 4th; Pluto will station retrograde while a passive-aggressive Mars in Pisces opposes Saturn the karmic task-master. Stations of the outer planets often translate into major events in the mundane word; Pluto rules the larger destructive forces at work in the world such as volcanoes and earthquakes; or matters such as genocide and government coups in the arena of human affairs. Mars in opposition to Saturn retrograde represents one of the more unpleasant energies to be experienced, think irrepressible force meeting a thick, spongy wall, or the phenomenon of driving a car with the brakes on. On the 4th, the aspect is exact and the resistance is increased even further by the Moon in quincunx to Mars and Sun-Mercury in quincunx to Saturn. In the mundane sense we consider the Sun as representative of national identity and ruling authority; the Moon represents the people at large. Quincunx energy is resistive, restless and full of friction; two different kinds of doing and being are not fitting at all well together. Quincunxes often figure prominently in a visit by Death.

Looks like a big slow-down in the OK Corral goin’on, across the country in the early weeks of the month. It may be dawning on more and more people, that the power at the top is purposefully engaged in bringing this country down, by printing ruinous amounts of money that disappear into a bailout black hole. Yet we do not dare correlate government officials or politicians with a condition of treason. Unthinkable. As Pluto stations retrograde it is in quincunx with the Nodes of the Moon (the status quo) and squaring a debilitated Venus; there is a slow and insidious transformation going on within the collective, as it becomes clear that little of this bailout effort is having much positive effect on the man down on the street. Even if we do have those innovative, revolutionary new ideas for living in the Brave New Age, most of us are not being granted the financing or regulatory support to make it so. On the personal level, think of this aspect combination as the tension in a bow as it is being drawn back to fire an arrow; the release when it happens is going to be a dozy, and there is a cosmic correlation for that happening this month also.

The Full Moon occurs at 19 degrees Libra on April 9th. Things seem to get a tad more intense around the time of the lunation, and the strings on this one are further tightened by Mars (aggression) in quincunx to the Moon (the people at large, your security needs) while heading for a meeting with Uranus, another planet representative of the larger forces at work in our universe that don’t immediately appear to be subject to personal control. Uranus represents cosmic creativity, sudden change, revolution and the future. When activated by a fire-bolt like Mars, Uranian energy detonates violently, big time. Think pipe bomb, think psychotic breakdown, nuclear incident, transportation accident, flood, volcano or earthquake.

Mars actually meets up with Uranus on April 15th; we could say the intense resonance evoked at the Full Moon of climax is only a prelude to mid-month mayhem. If casting a mundane chart for the time of conjunction, set for Washington DC and Koch houses, Mars-Uranus detonates in the twelfth house of karma, self-undoing and bondage. Mars is also ruler of the first house and Ascendant; Uranus is ruler of the collective and unconscious twelfth house in this chart, so we could be looking at a massive disaster involving water, large-scale riots or a terrorist event or melt-downs and accidents down at the personal level, as Venus retro nearby rules both the house of our money and the house of perceived enemies. This chart is also remarkable as a Moon-Pluto conjunction sits up on the Midheaven in the ninth house of government structures, foreign countries and the law. Pluto here is ruler of the mundane eighth house of other people’s money, debt, taxes, power and control. The Moon, representative of the people, is ruling the fourth house of home base and the fifth house of children and speculation.

The Moon-Pluto thing essentially looks to be a collision between the demands of the people at large, slamming into the realization (hopefully) of what Big Money and World Based Power plans to do with us and our children due an impossible debt load coupled with devaluation of US currency. Alternatively, one could also imagine that elected representatives and/or the President suddenly grow a huge set of balls and stop the Fed, the Treasury Secretary and a disastrous monetary policy dead in its tracks.

Well, but we have Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (the fantasy that everything is going to be alright) sitting in the eleventh house of the legislature in sextile to the Sun, located in the first house of the people (we will take care of you). Yes, great effort is going to be expended by our august leaders and the media, to make us believe everything is going to be fine and the right band-aid will be applied soon. Just expect social chaos, fantasy, violence and power-plays to compete for your attention this April.

The New Moon of beginnings occurs on April 24; by then a great energy shift will have taken effect, and we may be able to feel a tad more easily grounded. The Sun will have traveled into Taurus around the 21st; energizing the urge to get on with planting and cultivating. Mercury will have been in Taurus since the beginning of the month, but now communications take on a new sensibility and groundedness, bringing that expansive Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune fantasy back to earth, making it produce by hard work instead of fanciful promise.

This lunation has remarkably fertile symbolism in it; in a horoscope chart set for Washington DC and Koch houses, we not only have the Moon and Sun cuddled up in fertile Taurus and the fourth house of home base; Venus has finally gone direct and sits right on the birthing point of zero degrees Aries, fresh off of a meeting with Mars at 1 degree Aries 59’. You don’t have to know astrology to know that Venus represents females and Mars represents males, a conjunction represents a union of sorts. The lunation Sun and Moon are also in trine to Pluto in the mundane first house of the people at large; it might be a little sloppy and makeshift out there, but seems like we will have gotten past a freak-out of sorts by the end of the month. It’s gonna be time to make hay in new ways, grow babies or have some fun while the sun shines, to heck with it.

Here I would like to insert an explanation of the current state of affairs as offered by certain acquaintances in the spiritual arts. They say a choice was made last August, amongst all of the beings in and out of existence and the forces of “evil” and “good”. This was to allow the Light to shine on everything that was previously hidden. So nobody gets away with much that is imbalanced or false for very long. It means that to the degree we may have judged others and made scapegoats of them, we now see them as a mirror reflection of whatever aspects of self we had chosen to deny before.

It also means we have opportunity to change whatever contracts we have made with self and others, radically change the way we are living and surviving. This is why the economic turmoil is occurring, because many of us really are changing our consciousness about existence and our place in it. Others of us are choosing to rigidly defend the usual way of conducting conditioned life with great determination. The turmoil will continue to fuel the break down old structures and belief systems, even while they strive to impose more control than ever. The outcome is not certain at this point, as our race has been blinded by tribal cant long enough to mutate many into narrow emotional and spiritual cripples.

Upsets, power struggles, accidents and violence can still occur as Mars squares Pluto on April 26th but collectively we will be ready to move on into the promise of summer, whatever it may bring. At month’s end Mercury the communicator moves into its home sign of Gemini, quickening the mind and urging us to embrace the amazing technological advances that continue to unite the globe via the world of communications. It’s not yet prime time for lift-off of new projects and new directions; real progress will not come easily until late May. April can be well-spent reworking blueprints, investigating, designing, experimenting , traveling or researching in preparation; in addition to throwing out more of that old baggage, there is always more. Even though various people and powerful institutions will continue in the house-of-cards game for awhile longer, hopefully for those at ground level the fog is lifting and the next steps forward are becoming clear. May the wind be at your back; know that God(dess) holds your soul safe through every throw of the dice and ripple in the veil that is Life.

Astrology Charts for This Rant and More Can Be Found At:

Planet Update

Planet Update 2008

Athene Raefiel
Dear Friends and Fellow Lightworkers,
I have much to report on since my last communication with all of you. In late February 2008 I experienced a shift in the energies that showed me that the parallel universe has now begun to separate from the one we have always experienced before. When the parallel Universe merged in August of 1999 it was undecided as to whether it would stay merged or would be forced to separate due to the devastating frequencies of the so-called human Universe.

The call went out many years ago for the Earth and its inhabitants to raise its consciousness to avoid devastation throughout this very intense cycle of change. The Earth and the Solar system responded but unfortunately enough humans did not.

The frequencies of the parallel universe that merged are those of extreme love, harmony, understanding, compromise and compassion. Those energies brought great angst to lie upon the war mongrels and others of greed, gluttony and power. Unfortunately some of the results we have experienced from this merge of energies has caused more violence against the innocent and pure of heart as well as continued dismissal of poor countries and medical needs.

The two Universes separating at this time heralds the teachings of many prophecies that foretold of a change where “some will remain and others will be taken”. These prophecies and stories are old and varied but the same theme runs through all of them. That theme is that evolved consciousness shall have its own dwelling place where it is able to grow and develop unhindered by those that have chosen a much longer and more arduous journey before attaining enlightenment and spiritually evolving.

Though I see everything more conceptually than in 3 D, I realize that appearances are very deceiving. Seeing and participating in a life of energy is very different than seeing and experiencing a life of the five outer senses.

The illusions that have been created and categorized as life, have been, and will be always be made up. We call these illusions reality because we are subjected to them daily, as our survival needs to sustain life upon this planet. Since we are the creators of our own realities then we are not stuck with life in the same way as we have led to believe.

Third dimensional life is just that, third dimensional. The more dimensions we become aware of while living here in this lifetime the more expansive our view of the worlds and life become.

Since the parallel Universe merged in 1999, astronomers have discovered new universes, stars, planets and galaxies that they never before knew existed. This was not due to new equipment and has been just as mystifying to them as any sudden change in the heavens would be to anyone. They do not know what to call this phenomenon so they are thinking of calling their findings “The Parallel Universe”. Interesting how that happens.

Scientists too are discovering an amazing amount of metaphysical findings that correlate with the massive climate and earth changes now occurring. They too have begun expanding their minds and concepts to open to new awareness and information streaming into the long time closed process known as “Science”. Science has always viewed itself as the fact finders and now understands that fact can only come from theory. What a concept.

Theory of course is ideas along with calculations that are then tested to find results, just as Metaphysics is.

I find it quite ironic and yet very appealing that so many judgments have been and will be changed over the brief period of just a decade.

We have all had our struggles with self about what is important and valuable to us in this life. We have all sacrificed for the betterment of others as well as lost those people and things we cared about most. We have grown, developed and changed to become more aware as spirit only to find us further set apart from the masses. Yet for those who have found inner peace and realization they would not trade it in for the mundane ever again.

This year of 2008 promises to be the most interesting time the Earth and its peoples have ever experienced. The uprising and upheaval of Governing Systems will continue to be at forefront as the battle for fairness and balance become more primary than money and greed.

It is hard to topple a system of lies that have perpetrated and penetrated the consciousness of so many for so long, but what we see happening now, right before our very eyes, will tell us if that truly can be accomplished in this go round.

I anchor light daily and send light out to the world as well. I truly believe that this is the work lightworkers do. I feel there is no greater power than that of the light and I know that when you shine light in the darkness all things can finally be seen and addressed.

Light and Love are synonymous to me, and Love is still the greatest healer that we have. So please, call forth the light everyday and surround yourself and your loved ones as well as the planet with it. The greater the frequencies of evolving love the greater the transition into balance and light.

I call forth the power of Light that I am. I call forth my teachers and my guides, all those that assist guide guard and protect.

I call for the Angels of Holy Light of Life and to The Divine Mother of us all. I call to all the energies and agents of love and ask them to surround and anchor that love here and now in me and into the Earth.

I accept Love as the one true essence and power of change needed by this planet and her inhabitants and recognize myself to be the catalyst for that love.

I am, I am, I am, a child of love and light.
I am, I am, I am, bonded to the light.
I am, I am, I am, heralding spiritual wisdom and insight.

Holy Sacred Spirits and Angels of Love, Holy Flames of the Glorious Source, Know that I now align myself to highest principals of light and love available and surrender my power and love to be merged with yours.

Let me always be the chalice of love that permeates within all life.
So be it, So be it, So be it, Amen.

2010 The beginning of a New Cycle

Athene Raefiel
On December 31 2009, we experienced a Full Moon. This particular moon was also a blue Moon, (second full moon in same month), and was also a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Blue moon eclipses are a rarity and the next one will not arrive until 2028.
We are currently experiencing a Mercury Retrograde as well as moving into a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn on January 14, 2010. These massive and wonderful energies have re-opened some very powerful gateways of loving advancement energy and synergy that we have needed to move forward evolutionarily.

Wow, what a timely comeback from the energy of the past 14 months when the energies took a forty- five degree turn with no forewarning; as if all of the momentum that had been built from the previous two decades seemed to just disappear. It felt as if we went into retrograde and back to the birth canal. We suddenly had no control at all in the massive change of events and tides of flow and most of us felt as if the rug had been pulled out beneath their feet while they were still walking, This screeching, forty -five degree turn occurred in Early November 2008, it was in conjunction with the US Presidential race as well.

Here is a world already pinning its hopes and dreams on change we can believe in and then the bottom seemingly falls away. It has been one big roller coaster ride since then, and many beautiful souls have left and joined our planet during this season of fog and dreariness. Now the light is back and shines forward heralding unparalleled energy and power. We need this power to regain and remain empowered ourselves. We need to bathe ourselves in this unconditional loving light to heal the wounds we have endured in the recent past and we also must re-energize our vitality, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It is time to re-energize, re-create and build, a time to know that we did nothing wrong and that the changes we have been through could not be stopped. It is our time to re-establish our spiritual vows and disciplines to patiently take the time to restore our inner joy and fulfillment. How can we help others, if we ourselves are depleted?

What we have been through, in this past 14 months, is no greater or less than a massive hurricane or tsunami that thundered right through our path and destroyed everything that we had built over many years. It would be easy to brood and be bitter about what is gone, but that is not the nature of the spiritual warrior. The nature of the spiritual warrior is to do whatever is needed to recover from whatever it is life throws at them.

All the answers we need lie within each and every one of us. Truth is everywhere and ever expanding. Sometimes we fall and sometimes the prankster Coyote trips us up. But what truly matters is how present one can stay in the chaos and then still come out the other side understanding that death and re-birth are one and the same thing.

To all of you who have made the journey and the sacrifices to establish a new Reality filled with Love, Light, and Abundance and Sharing, I honor you! To those of you who have started your realizations in this past decade or so, I wish you strength and fortitude. And to all of you just opening up and beginning to realize your soul path as the true nature and purpose in life, I send you great inspiration and love.

All of us have chosen to experience this particular lifetime in the physical because we wanted to clean up our karma and ascend to planes of unconditional learning. This lifetime is a magnificent gift that has also been extremely intense for all who chose to discover awareness of the whole being and spiritual reality.

Remember always, the same simple truths that have been handed down, century after century, still apply. The journey of life is about Self-Realization and Self-Actualization.

May the beginning of this new cycle help you let go of the past and begin with what you have, and may you find grace and kindness in all that you do and that you are.

Much Love,


Planets and The Zodiac

Planets and the Zodiac

Athene Raefiel

Important note: I am not an Astrologer
It is very important to take interest in, and learn about, the solar system and the Universe as a whole. Of course Astronomers and Astrologers have been saying this forever and a day, but it all seems so complex sometimes. I have decided to try and make it a bit easier for you to understand the planets movements in our Solar system as it moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are pretty familiar to everyone, yet to be able to identify their formations in the sky is quite different from knowing their names. There are actually 88 constellations which can be divided into eight constellation families, (See footnote: See Menzel, “A field Guide to the Stars and Planets”). The Ancient Greeks used to assign their Gods to certain figures in the sky. Because of their Northern location, they gave names only to those regions visible from their countries.

The current zodiac is based on twelve constellations in the sky mostly named by the Greeks. Stories of how these constellations were named are learned through Greek Mythology. The constellations of the zodiac we know nowadays reach back to the days of the Babylonians and Chaldeans, 2000 to 3000 years ago. Back then the sun passes through twelve constellations we still assign to the zodiac. But since those times, there have been several changes to the assignment of the stars.

Everything in Astrology and Astronomy is based on Arcs and Degrees. An Arc is a breakdown of minutes and seconds of Degrees that gives an Angular separation. As we look at the sky it appears to be round, just as do the Earth and the Planets therein. For this reason Arcs and Degrees are the main measurement used to assure proper Declination and Ascension.

When we have a planetary alignment it can occur in many different configurations but to simplify for you, many planets line up at close Degrees within the same sign or Constellation where they are importantly aspected to one another, as well as planets residing in other signs. These aspects are of particular importance because of the effects they present. When this occurs these existing planets affect the Natal chart of each individual as well as that of each planet and sphere. It is much like taking many different energetic frequencies and jamming them all together to see how they affect the whole. These planetary alignments sometimes wreak havoc on our civilization and planet as a whole as their resonation can be like nails on the chalkboard. These energies often times, create very intense frequencies making it harder to decipher or disseminate what we feel and think.

It is as if musicians in a symphony are all warming up at the same time and none is yet playing together to create harmony; searching to find a key to play in that will blend well with the other notes. This is how these planetary frequencies and energies sometimes affect us individually as well as collectively.

If you are a sensitive during these experiences you may feel totally out of sync. Depending of the placement of the Planets and their proximities in your Natal Chart, you could be affected by racing thoughts, emotional instability, physical illness and bouts of indecisiveness. Feeling ungrounded and out of body is common during such fluctuations and with the polarities currently shifting; it seems as if time has sped up immensely. Breathing correctly can be challenging as well.

To bring a bit more clarity I will share the number of years various planets in our Solar system take to make their revolution. This helps us understand how each planet moves as well as how often they each might be in the same sign together.

The Earth’s cycle around the sun is 365 days or one solar year. Our Moon revolves around the Earth approximately every 27 days.

A strange thing is that if we lived on the Moon and thought of days and years the same way we do on Earth, a day AND a year would be the same length! Since the rotation and revolution times are the same, the length of a day and the length of a year are identical. All the other planets revolve around the Sun. Venus spends 225 days moving around the Sun, Mercury 65.6 days, Mars 687 Days, Jupiter 11.8 Years, Saturn 29.5 years, Uranus 84 years, Neptune 165 years, Pluto 247.7 years. This information helps you do the math to understand just how often these planets touch each other’s elliptical orbits.

Since I am not an Astrologer I can only share a variety of information to help you to see that some planets move around the Sun through our Solar system. These in turn then moves through the twelve sign of the Zodiac making changes to the Earth as well as one another causing a variety of effects on everything. The slower moving planets will remain in one sign long enough for the faster moving planets to catch up and move around again and again; causing a variety of elliptical orbits that create different frequencies.

What does all of this have to do with you? Well depending on where the placement of the planets and constellations were in the sky at the time of your birth, you can determine how each of these bodies and energies affects you, not only on your Solar Return or birthdate, but also every other day of life that they move through the Zodiac. Due to not just the Revolution of the planets but the Rotation as well, it is as if we are in the center of an awesome cycling process that has some energies moving clockwise, others semi clockwise, and still others appear to move counter clockwise.

Each Planet, each Constellation has a variety of frequencies that is emitted continually. In order to understand the energy of these things it is important to meditate upon them but also to read and study. Looking to discover how they receive the names that they have and understanding that each planet has its own Master Teacher to work with will help. ( Note: I do not know the exact name of the Master Teachers for Each Planet but using their individual names posed by the Greeks will work when meditating upon them; i.e. Jupiter, Mars, Pluto etc.)

Tuning in and learning about the harmonics of the Universe is important. It helps to know what energies and frequencies are at play on a grand scale as well as individually. Why does this or that feel this way currently and how is it affecting the planet, the masses and myself?

Of course we try to downplay the effects of the planets and Constellations because we want to believe that we have some kind of power to control the energies we experience daily. This is not helpful in the long run; if we do not keep abreast of the planetary influences we do not know how to keep ourselves healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In learning and studying, I have discovered that we must educate ourselves about all things that are a mystery to us in order to advance and grow.

Too often we “think”, instead of understanding, we choose instead of discovering and we try to sidestep the most important elements of learning. It can seem so complicated to learn with the vast perception and awareness involved yet, looking at the stars is like looking a map that has been around since time immemorial. The sky as guided civilizations for as long as they have been here.

When you learn what sign you were born under, you begin to show an interest in the documented traits it represents. As you explore, you may find many elements in one Sun Sign that have a variety of traits you can relate to. It is not just your Sun sign that makes up the map of influences that is you but your entire Astrological Natal Chart .It need not be astronomically accurate but it has its virtues, which have been explored and nurtured over many years.

Discovery is the element of life that keeps us exploring and searching. We are never “there” but always learning and advancing. Astrology and Astronomy never cease to bring in new insights and great revelation. These areas of study can prove invaluable.
Source: The U.S. Geological Survey

Named for the winged Roman God of Travel. ( The God of communication)

Roman name for the Goddess of Love. ( Also known as our sister Planet.)>

Named by the Romans for their God of was because of its red color. (Also known as the planet of war)

This large and Massive planet was named Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the Romans. (Jupiter is said to bring fairness and balance to many situations. Jupiter’s influence has changed over the years since it was hit hard by and asteroid.)
The Moon

The name is of Anglo- Saxon derivation. (My perception of the Moon is Female and often the Mother, since she rules the tides of the Water and Emotions on the planet)

The name comes from the Indo-European bas ‘er’, which produced the Germanic noun ‘ertho’.

Saturn was the Roman name for the Greek Cronos, ( Also known as Kronos, father time)( Saturn is the planet of Order and Organization, It has to do with the Military as well as learning to progress with order)

Named for the Greek god of sky.( Uranus is known to be a higher Octave of Saturn. Uranus is a major planet of expansion as well as spiritual enlightenment.)

A blue planet, named for the Roman god of the sea.( I have tuned into King Neptune and discovered he is one of my many Fathers. His reign of the sea includes the mermaids, Dolphins and all other Sea Life.)

The outermost planet in our solar system was named after the Roman God of the underworld. (Supposedly demoted from being a planet, Pluto is very influential in everything that occurs on this planet. Pluto is the planet of transformation and has a great effect in the Solar system as a whole. We cannot downplay the effects of this Body as it has a major influence in everything.)
It is important to also read about the Asteroids that now have an effect within our Solar System. Their configurations also represent added influences that we need to take into account; Chiron is very prominent currently and has a great influence that we need to look at.
Everything added in Brackets by Athene Raefiel.
Footnote: Menzel, Donald Howard Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography | 2008 | COPYRIGHT 2008 Charles Scribner’s Sons. (Hide copyright information)Copyright

The bulk of Menzel’s professional papers are contained in Donald Howard Menzel, 1931–1986 HUG 4567 at the Harvard University Archives, Pusey Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Also at Harvard are his records as HCO director, and related collections, including Records of the Harvard College Observatory (UAV 630.37.x), Records of the High Altitude Observatory (UAV 631.10.x), and Records of the Dept. of Astronomy (UAV 169.12.x). He deposited his records dealing with UFO phenomena at the American Philosophical Society, and his files covering his loyalty hearings and potential loss of security clearance are housed at the University of Denver.
A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, Including the Moon,Satellites, Comets, and Other Features of the Universe. London: Collins, 1964. Revised edition with Jay M. Pasachoff. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.


Ready to move Forward

Ready to Move Forward?

By: The Arcturians through Athene Raefiel

As we progress into this awesome time of advancement it is time to discover anew who and what you represent. We as the guardians of this new age hope that you will open to the vast peace in the current energies. There has been so much transition and change that many are yet assimilating these changes as they advance to the next level of perception. It can be hard to find center and balance when everything around you is swirling. These new energies are powerful and pervasive.

Each of you is held in the greatest esteem by the Hierarchy of Love and abundance. Each of you is a teacher and helper as well as a great transformer of the previous misconception that has been the true edict of man. As you have each discovered various levels of truth and insight in the cosmic mysteries of life, too you have helped to change the perception of the world.

This is our resolution to you. All of you who choose to listen to the magnificent language of the Universe and the Hierarchy shall find themselves inundated with the understanding of the highest potential. Expansion is unlimited and you can use your awareness of vibrations to grow tremendously. Now is the time to awaken to the understanding that all are one.

Though many of you have heard and understand that this planet was colonized, still it is a fact that now is the time to unite and clear the energy and debris that hold human beings back. Though you may be from different Star Systems you must acknowledge that you all have the same opportunities to work and advance together. Earth beings are communities of expression and as they share those expressions they grow and produce new fruit.

The political climate of the United States and other countries is currently undergoing a major transition. This has been a long time in coming. Much like the Roman Empire, the Empires of your era must also transform themselves before they fall. This is due to the fact that they must see and adhere to what is being presented to them on a large scale. (Global Warming, Warring, Economic woes).

There is a whole in the Physical that should not be denied. All is not perfect in the Universe; even though the greater whole holds a variety of heavens and assignments as does that of Earth and her inhabitants. You have each heard before that you are a Universe unto yourselves. This being true, to connect with all other life is surely the whole that you seek.

It is time to take off the illusion of whatever you have heralded as truth and reality; it is time to create anew. As the harbingers of truth and light, it is your god given responsibility to assist in the opening of an era that will long affect the peoples of the world. Coming into this new Era is a magical and blessed an occurrence, greater than anything you have imagined. You are the bringers of light and new realities that will shine brightly into the future.

Yesterday is gone, and even as you try to remember what purpose it served or of what it meant, you find yourself moving on. New territories and directions call to you as well as the hallowed teachings of old that echo their greatest teachings. All will make sense as it falls together to present itself in the new light brimming quickly onto your consciousness now.

Imagine what life would be like without these awesome changes and transitions. You have all had your turn at experiencing a life that doesn’t move or moves too slowly. That’s right, currently this massive movement of energy is a breath of fresh air. Imagine now the greatest of beauty, awareness and centered life possible, and hold that energy. Changes, transition and love these are all the things that have been put into motion and continue to find their way into the mainstream of everyday life.

No longer do people go without praying and asking for the assistance of the Higher Realms. No longer does one expect life to encompass the Vibration of loneliness and boredom. It is a major time of thought and action. Every thought holds energy and vibration. Every thought has power.

What we are seeing now is a transition that we never expected to occur and come to fruition. Those who have been entirely close to the whole element of truth and light are now questioning those beliefs and searching for the reality of truth. Truth of course is relative, yet the depths that it reaches are profound. What truth is and how it develops and changes is a fast moving project for many upon your planet. Truth like the vastness of eternity is forever in motion.
Let us now move into the future.

2011 has heralded a time that will be the core change of the future of Governments and peoples of your planet as a whole. More advancement in the spiritual revolution and evolutionary path will occur in this year of 2011 than in any other recorded to date. The whole understanding of food stuffs and the resources that keep your world operating and moving will take on a new face as well many people opening to the realization that they can think for themselves.

The Light and the Dark exist because of one another. One cannot exist without the other. The true light of life is beyond this symbol; all life permeates from this higher light and truth as it reflects the views of the Universes. Because you exist in a human form you are subject to the laws of light and dark perception, awareness and action. In order to continue to move beyond this until you must continually expand your consciousness and advance to other planes and realms of experience.

This year of 2011 has allowed many of you to ascertain that you are more than body. Mind body, soul Spirit, all must work together as a unit for the true Divine expression of being to take precedence. You have discovered your true power of being in many dimensions and frequencies of awareness. Because of this you have taken charge and responsibility of your own lives and destiny. Perhaps this has helped you to better understand how you too are to ascend the lower planes of being and thought.

Preparing for 2012 has already occurred for all of you, as this particular time (2012) is simply a symbol of time that will determine the destiny of what humans now refer to as mankind. Since so many realities are available for humans to currently tap into, there will be a powerful need for “choice and free will”. The consciousness of the many as well as the Planet and her inhabitants, be they Animal, mineral, aquatic or otherwise has always been what decides the progression of the future.

These times of great assessment and transition only occur rarely for your species. We suggest you pay specific attention to your thoughts, feeling and decisions from here on out. Power can be a pitfall when the human desire gets in the way. Though the ancient teachings have brought forth the awareness that wealth and money is not necessarily the same thing, still many of you would choose money and possessions over the good of the whole. This is understandable as you have needs and survival. Yet the true wealth of an individual is based on their works and what they have given to the world as a whole. Money on the other hand is what is accumulated through your deeds to protect your way of life and lifestyle; it does not necessarily give you fulfillment in the higher realms of awareness and enlightenment.

Choose wisely light beings, as the future is in your hands. The truths that you have been taught have not floundered but sometimes the need to adhere to them has. Yours is a complex life and requires complex decisions, this does not mean the simplest of tasks cannot be awarded or deemed important. You have the future in your hands now and you will be the decisive energy that moves your planet and species forward.
Questions you have been asking. Will there be a third world war?

Answer: You are already in one.

Will we ascend to another plane of existence and live in peace and harmony forever?

Answer: You already are there.
When can we plan on an adjustment to the Energy that allows us to feel grounded and at peace?

Answer: Within the next ten years.
What does 2013 and beyond portend for all of us?

Answer: Decisively speaking you are not all the same nor will you all enter a state of Nirvana that circumvents the actions of others upon your planet. Remember the term Soul Evolution as it will have more meaning in the future than it has ever had before. Each of you is a whole unto yourself and the more who recognize and develop into this reality the more hope of positive and productive survival you will find.
There indeed will be a 2013 and beyond, but as many inspired writers have expressed; it is still within your conception of reality to determine.

Never in the History of Mankind have you been engaged in such a limitless experience of creating. Take your power and your vision very seriously.
What can I hope to learn in 2013 and thereafter?

Answer: Human beings are always concerned with the future, it is your nature. You will soon discover how much of a double edged sword your current technology holds. This massive new means of communication and information sometimes creates many illusions that you will have to decipher. Though technology allows a great sense of independence it has also creates an interdependence that keeps many under the radar of understanding and learning about the true nature of life.

Dependence upon electricity as well as dependence on where to find information has and will indeed become more influential through your Internet. The information of the Soul is much like this vast network as you continue to tap into the collective consciousness. Though access to information seems to be at your fingertips, the power of meditation is far beyond anything man can learn from a machine.

History cannot be forgotten but it can be rewritten. The past has always been the prelude to the future. Learning from past experiences is what is deemed necessary to change the future; so many still live in past relationships and realities to life, while others are quantum jumping into future realities. All of this is going on through multiple planes of awareness and existence.
There will be a duality that we perceive will become life in your plane of existence after 2013. This duality will be based on the premise that life evolves and there is always more to learn and experience; the other premise is that humans are doomed to continually repeat history. Change is the only constant in the Universe. Therefore understanding how change can make life better and more progressive is key to evolution.

So long as the polarities exist so shall there be a number of dualities that play out within the human planes of consciousness.
Predictions from The Arcturians: In the future there will be Electric cars as well as alternative fuels that will help heal and repair the ozone as well as the atmosphere of air that you breathe.
There will be major Diplomatic Forces put together by the advanced minds of not only science and governments but also dignitaries of the “Life Experience” to consult with others on plans of development and change not only to the Infrastructure of Countries but also the habits of learning of how to expand and heighten the children of this New Age.
As quickly as the destruction of Cultures has expanded, too that quickly will it learn to repair itself, as humankind begins to realize that you all subsist together.
The young indigos of today will begin taking their places in Society on a grand scale in the next 5 to ten years. They will have a much different viewpoint as to what is relevant and important than any could have imagined. They will possess not only the will to succeed and progress but also the understanding and compassion necessary to bring life forward in an unconventional but healthy manner.
The Young Crystalline children have come to assist and make sure that the Arts as well as Science of the planet and the past are revived and relegated to the true areas of power that they need to subsist within. These children have full memory of former incarnations and they truly love to share and educate.
To our beloved Light workers of today, we say: You have laid the foundation and groundwork for New Realities to come forward and exist in planes of existence that were stifled and losing momentum. You have with your steadfastness and honor stood true within the changes and held on to the truths that have sustained great substance throughout the ages.

Though you have been pulled by competiveness at times, you still came back to yourself and honored the tradition of Light that you discovered as your true path of light.

You are to be commended for the fight and essence of Light that you have presented to all future generations. Your work has laid out the ground rules for the future and this will be seen by all before 2020.
We are blessed to be part of your experience and awareness this lifetime.

We are the Arcturians