
Soul is like a massive computer that holds all of your memories as well as the collective. Soul is impressive once you log into it and type in your commands there are no questions you cannot find answers to.

Knowing how to tap into soul memory is an awakening like no other. Here you can discover past lives and memories of other heavenly lives and bodies. Within soul you can journey anywhere geographically as well as esoterically.

To tap soul you must be able to meditate, it is within the realms of trance through meditation you can unlock key memories as well as the answers to the Universe you seek.

All beings also can be explored and connected through soul. Is soul and Higher Self the same? Almost.

Soul is the intermediary between physical and spiritual. Soul is the vehicle by which you travel lifetime to lifetime as well as in between lives. This vehicle is connected to all other soul and the Collective.

Some call soul the Christ Consciousness and because we all perceive things in an individual manner often the explanations will vary.

Just as when you see an aura or energy being emitted around a plant or animal, each will vary in the description of what they see.

Soul and spirit being energy, to describe it to another is difficult because you see through your feeling eyes, not your physical eyes. You experience soul through your understanding self and awareness, there is no other way.

Energetic Frequencies

The energies fluctuate daily and often many times during the day. The more sensitively aware you are the more impact they have. wondering why you feel one way and then another, we sometimes think we are the only ones sensing these fluctuations. Everyone is experiencing them but few recognize it to be thus.

I meet people all of the time who think they have medical problems simply because they feel these fluctuations and can find no other cause. Of course we all run to the medicine cabinet to find some relief or perhaps even the Dr.’s office.

If you go to the doctor enough they will find a diagnosis for whatever it is but they do not take the vibrations and fluctuations into consideration. Often a doctor will find nothing to be medically wrong. I have experienced this first hand continually with an MD and realized that what I am experiencing has no medical diagnosis. They often even tell me I am dying from some weird thing nobody ever heard of.

Fortunately I know my body pretty well and also know that I must have balance in my Mind, Body and Soul, to overcome doctors diagnosing. now I know that there are medical things we all have to deal with, but if we don’t do the emotional and mental cleansing necessary, it matters not what we believe.

Speak with your body and identify any  of the places you feel are misaligned, then decide what care to give yourself. Believe it or not most people can correct what’s wrong by changing diet, exercise and proper thinking.

Meditate as well and spend time relaxing and laughing.

One of my true understandings of self.
“The mystic thinks of the Path as the Path to God. He thinks of it generally in terms of his religious or mystical feelings and experiences, his mystical religious beliefs, doctrines, and dogma, his various spiritual practices, the various rituals, all of these to the mystical and devotional type constitute a way of approaching God through belief, a linking in consciousness between the individual man’s belief structure (whether that be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or whatever) and that which lies back of all creation. The religious person sees that as the Path of Return, and of course that is perfectly true, it is. But not everybody is religious, and the Path of Return, to the esotericist, is a path which, literally, is made by the disciple himself. The disciple makes the Path by becoming the Path. It is not something which is already laid down and is whispered into your ear. It is not like that at all. It is the evolutionary process itself. It is that same process which brought the fishes out of the sea onto dry land, from which they evolved into, first, reptiles and then mammals and then the huge variety of animals and eventually, at the peak of that development of form, the human kingdom. Above the human kingdom is the Kingdom of Souls, the kingdom whose nature is consciousness. The plane of consciousness is the plane on which the Masters have hitherto worked exclusively. The Path of Return is the Path by which the consciousness of what is and what might be gradually becomes known to the seeker, the evolving individual.”

Planetary Update from Lord Sananda

June 6, 2018 through Athene Raefiel

Greetings children of the Light and May you all be well. Currently the Earth herself has been experiencing great shifts of energetic frequencies bringing about more and more weather changes around your planet. Many people are being displaced from their homes and families due to torrential rains, volcanos, hurricanes and earthquakes.

Much of Earth’s surface is also being re-oriented causing confusion among the animals and plant life. Much in nature is currently in chaos. Though these changes have been taking place for years they have accelerated to a massive and somewhat unforgiven degree.

When Mother Earth is unstable, all upon her is in danger. This brings about feelings of unsafety and disillusionment to those upon her that depend on her for their stability and safety.

Over the next few years people and places will all discover that no one is safe from climate change. How the Earth works is very much like a domino effect and one thing creates and another reacts, it is the natural order of things. It is too late to stop this from happening but not too late to assist in the relevance of adjusting oneself to helping create a new balance for life in the future.

Within the Divine Order of things there are no accidents and Earths current situation has been brought about by many factors including the consciousness of humankind. Believing you to be hopeless and helpless to create a new future and destiny is a lie. You, each of you, are the creators of today and tomorrow.

Your spirituality offers you many tools of advancement and creation for the future. Developing your spirituality is key to the salvation of Mother Earth and her habitants.

Perhaps you ask, “What can I do to fulfill my destiny”? “Why is spiritual development so hard and time consuming, when survival itself takes all that I have?”

Sadly you have choices to make and they are not often comfortable when it comes to this arena.

Learning and accepting the Universal Laws takes time and dedication. Discovering your Divinity and utilizing it to create change takes guts, strength and perseverance. If the minds of humans were not so susceptible to the modern comforts of life perhaps they could see their way clear to advance.

Make no mistake here, no one is asking you to become poor or austere, just to take the time to balance your spirit and human life.

The Universal Teachers are here to help you along, though we cannot and will not do it for you. If we are not saving the Earth from her changes why would you expect us to save you from your own karmic journey of life?

Imagination and wonderment are fantastic tools for growth and development, yet they are being dismissed my many. Children should be full of wonderment; yet when their parents are destitute and the environment desolate, how are they to proceed.

I speak to you of these things today because they are reality and pretending they do not exist is simply insanity. Creating one’s own reality does not mean dismissing what surrounds them as unreal. Creating reality is a beacon of light and hope for others searching for inner truth.

All of you upon your path of awareness and light must continue your journey by sharing what you know to be truth. What you see as truth today may indeed look entirely different tomorrow but it does not make it less valid in the moment.

Walking ones truth is difficult not because of your spirit essence but because of you fears of vanity and acceptance by others. It is not easy to change your awareness and perception when you are surrounded by others who choose to stay where they are, but like that child of wonderment you must go forward and explore all that you can comprehend.

Never judge others and let go of judging yourselves, as judging creates new barriers to overcome along the way. Accept your challenges in life as lessons you need to evolve, heal and overcome. Do not judge others by the challenges they too must face.

Remember that forgiveness is still the most valuable tool you have in your toolbox and appreciate its value in your life. Quit pretending everything is alright when it is not and go to the source, the inner self, to find answers.

We are a part of your soul and spirit consciousness and awareness. When you go to “Inner Self” we are there as well. And when you do not like the answers you find, do not turn to denial; instead discover how to change yourself.

Be In Peace and Love,



You’re Beautiful

You are a child of the Universe. You are wonderful.

Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being.

You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with.

You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you grow.


You are an inspiration for others to have vision.

You are the divine and you are light.

Be all that you are each and every moment you breathe.

Be true to yourself and honor the life that you lead.


” Know Thyself.”



I love the comments people have left on my blog and articles! If you need to contact me personally with questions please,

e-mail me, thanks!

Hello friends,

Seems that it is a time of racing thoughts; getting ahold of ones own mind is challenging at best. With the acceleration of Universal energies it is hard to ground and stay centered.

We must learn to communicate with ourselves in a manner that brings more peace and harmony into our lives. Yes we can communicate with our own mind and make changes regularly.

We must take and make the time to be with ourselves everyday, while seriously discussing what we want and need to change about our thinking process. Most do not always want to go to therapy to do this, so in some manner we must become our own therapist and healer. Many of you are old souls and understand more than many therapists anyway.

Knowing that we have a variety of feelings and learning to express them in the right words can save much grief. Knowing always that we are a reflection of what we think and speak is a good step to acknowledge. You cannot communicate well with others if you do not communicate well with yourself.

Discuss the good points of self with self as well as what is needed to change. Practice your affirmations for change while teaching your mind a new way of thinking and even interpreting thought.

Speak with yourself as you would to another person and see how you would interpret this objectively, hearing it for the first time.

Check your feelings, do you believe what you are saying or not? Can you trust yourself and thinking?

Know that you are the change in life that will make a difference and quit focusing on being a victim. Stop believing I victimization as a way of life and celebrate the moment.

Be kind to yourself and others.


Message From Gaia

Message from Gaia

Children of Earth,

Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear me?

“Stop the senseless destruction and devastation to me. Every bomb that is set off reverberates though massive layers of earths ground and displaces more and more of my energy. Every bullet that is fired has its own reverberation. Every person, animal or plant that is killed for no reason leaves a gap in the whole of what I am. The complete dismissal of my feeling body is another wound to my being and my heart. The natural order of life no longer exists and as I struggle to repair the damage, more and more is piled upon me. It is as if I do not count at all to your human species of life.’

“Have you forgotten where your food and shelter come from? Have you forgotten the Law of replenishment? Take what you need but give back and restore.”

My oceans are not your dumping grounds nor are they there to test your weaponry. The rubble you create through your wars and hatred cannot be eaten by me. I hunger not for these things. I am a living organism who has been around for many a millennium, I have dealt with Asteroids, Comets, Dinosaurs and other worlds weaponry; but never imagined that which I spawned would seek to destroy me.

Yes much of your kind walked out of the Oceans to be the protectors of Earth not the destroyers.

As you feed your materialism and need to rule, you overlook your most important and valuable asset: me. So many honor me and ask for my help, yet ignore what I need to maintain and restore some semblance of balance, always looking to another planet or star system to live upon in the future.

What you sow shall you also reap. Pretending my message is not of real importance shows your ability to ignore your own smelly waste.

Yes I could send you a wonderful message of hope and encouragement, yet these are the things I need from you right now. Make haste, time is of the essence.

Prayer and Honor to Planet Earth:

Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, I come to you today in humility, trust and love. I beg your forgiveness for the blinders I have put on and choose from this day forward to awaken to your call of need and sustenance. I honor you, I love you, I appreciate all that you bring to me in life.

I am sorry for the destruction of what others have done to you and pray for the strength to assist and replenish you and the life upon you, with everything I have within me. I ask my spirit to assist me in this and honor the spirit of life that you and I are.

Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, please restore and replenish yourself and become strong and whole once again. I ask the other planetary bodies and star systems you are connected with, to come to your aid in this trying time and assist you.

Beloved I am, beloved I am, beloved I am.

An Eclipse Triad

We will be having a triad of Eclipses beginning with a Penumbral Eclipse of the moon on, August 18, 2016 25 degrees Aquarius 52 minutes.

During a partial lunar eclipse, a portion of the Moon’s umbra disk remains within the penumbra of Earth’s shadow while the rest is darkened by the Umbra.

We will have an annular eclipse of the sun, September 1, 2016 9 degrees Virgo 21 minutes.

Annular Eclipses have a “ring of fire”; this occurs when the moon moves in front of the Sun but does not cover the Sun’s disks completely.

September 16, 2016 Another Penumbral Eclipse of the moon, 24 Degrees Pisces 20 minutes.

Eclipses bring about great changes in many ways. It is like putting all the bingo balls in a strainer and turning them around, over and over again. Things begin to get topsy- turvy and there is little control.

They bring massive weather changes around the globe including flooding, fires, winds, hurricanes and so forth. These changes begin weeks before the Eclipses and weeks after, causing a multitude of chaos and disasters. Because we are a product of the Earth, ruled by the Sun and Moon, we too will experience chaos and illness, pain and suffering, as we bounce all over the place.

Emotions will run high and be unstable as well as our mental states may be confusing and OCD.

I will begin with the Eclipse in Aquarius. Aquarius is fixed Air Sign of positive polarity. Ruling planets being Saturn and Uranus; two planets represent Order and Higher or Divine Order.

Our organizational skills will be at the forefront of our changes as well as our spirituality. What do I know and what do I believe? Do they coincide with one another and if not why? And how do I adjust this? This will also be happening on a world scale as well as political scale. Questions will arise concerning security in a big way. Old patterns will crop up once again, even though you may have already dealt with them.

Remember in the physical body we must raise our vibrations often due to the acceleration of the planetary movements and cosmic reactions.

Mars and Saturn play a conjunction dace during the entire period of the three eclipses. Mars has to do with physical health and war, Saturn with Military and structure. This conjunction can be draining on many of us, depending on where it is hitting us in our Natal Charts. Tempers can run high and lots of snapping will occur. Think before speaking, acting and pause before re-acting.

September first we will experience the Solar Eclipse in Virgo. Virgo likes things ordered and resists change, especially unexpected change. Solar Eclipses have to do with the mind and reason; we all know how hard it is to change our minds once we believe something to be right and true.

Eclipses will have the greatest effect on the upcoming elections in all countries. Voters will be tested on their knowledge and understanding of the political arena. Reading up on areas of concern here is advised. The more learned you are in what you are participating in is the best defense against unwarranted actions that bring resentment and regret.

Venus in Libra will help bring heart balance and justice to the forefront.  Be careful and stay grounded as paying attention to detail is imperative. One slight slip while driving or on your phone can be dangerous; pay attention to what is in front of you and try not to wander off.

The first two weeks of September will be challenging as we more directly in the Next Lunar Eclipse September 16, 2016 in Pisces. The sign of Pisces has been hit pretty hard by planetary changes throughout this year. I tend to see Pisces and wishy washy, continual vacillation with little resolve. By the time we hit this point we will already have been through trials of Water, fire, Air and Earth; we will be rung out, tired and weary, just wanting any kind of normalcy to return.

Remember everything you have just learned and decided and be aware of what you change or throw away now, simply because you feel drained.

Much change has occurred and you need to rest and re-group. Telling yourself there is no time for this is just rude. You are a multidimensional being who has just been through a major soul, body and Spirit cleansing; restoration is imperative.

Because the energies are so volatile and ungrounded during the Eclipses many feel that they are not hearing or communing with their guidance. In reality it is simply the static noise that has temporarily distorted the frequencies. This will all be re-adjusted in short order. You are not in charge of everything so try not to overload too much. You are in charge of how you feel about everything, but that is all.

Blessings and Goodness always,


Cosmic Movement

Wow what a power packed few months we are moving through. July, August and September 2015 has all been about the moon and the role she plays in the affairs of the planet and mankind. Yes as the lunar influences are about emotions running high in every aspect and corner of life, the energies of the Universe are working within each Zodiacal sign to bring up as much hidden depth as possible. It is time to come to terms with who you are as an individual as well as where you fit in the collective.

While we are heading into the September 2015 Eclipses; Partial eclipse of the Sun, September 13, 2015 in Virgo, and the total Eclipse of the moon, September 28th in Aries (also known as The fourth Blood Moon), it is definitely a time of hold onto your seats, we are in for a great ride as we experience massive changes in the Earths tides.

Well how do we feel about all of this? Crazy and absolutely insane about covers it.

I call this a mirror time as everything seems to be a reflection of times gone by. Individually we will see reflections of ourselves in all those around us. We will see into similar dimensions where we have come from as to where we are now. We will be working on overcoming our judgements of others as we realize they are experiencing the very same things we have already surpassed.

We will realize that we have many parts of self and we will see how fragmented and integrated we are, or are not. This will allow us to understand what steps we are taking to move forward and what baggage we still carry needing to be integrated.

We will experience loss of time, as our immediate thoughts will be whisked away as quickly as they came. It will be hard to stay focused in the mundane day to day life and our feelings and thoughts will and can change radically from one minute to the next. A sense of needing to be grounded will be prevalent, yet finding what to ground to within or without will be elusive.

I believe we call this feeling scattered. The more parts of self that still remain unintegrated will have you feeling all over the place while questioning your very knowingness in life. Believe it or not this is an extremely powerful time of self-healing and prayer work.

To use prayer effectively we must understand how and who to pray with and though. Since it is Divine light that we pray to we must be in touch with our own spirit or higher self. It is through understanding the spirit essence that we are that we connect to all other spirit life.

Asking Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel to assist us we can connect to and with all other angels. Asking St. Germaine and the violet flame to help and assist us puts us in contact with all other Ascended Masters. Asking Lord Ashtar and his command to assist us puts us in contact with the Galactic brotherhood and our brothers and sisters from various planetary systems.

For you to see what kind of a powder-keg we are sitting on I have listed a few recent Earth Changes. This will help you put in perspective how volatile the current energies are.


A few recent Earth Changes

Aug.25th 2015

The state of Washington, in the North-west of the United States, is battling its largest wildfire on record.

The flames have devoured more than 1,000 square kilometers of land so far, burning over 200 homes and now threatening thousands more.

Dozens of wildfires are currently roaring across parts of the west of the United States, including in California, Oregon and Idaho.

Firefighters from Australia and New Zealand have volunteered to help the 32,000 US crews already in the field.
Kerry Sheridan
Thu, 20 Aug 2015 07:32 UT

The world broke new heat records in July, marking the hottest month in history and the warmest first seven months of the year since modern record-keeping began in 1880, US authorities said Thursday.
Bob Moffiett
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 21:00 UTC

Scientists at the Nevada Seismological Laboratory say there has been a “swarm” of more than 5700 earthquakes in northwestern Nevada since last July. They include 21 4.0 temblors.

In 2008, the community of Mogul, west of Reno, also experienced an earthquake swarm.

Graham Kent is Director of the lab on the University of Nevada-Reno campus. He says the number of tremors in that swarm pales in comparison to this one.

“A magnitude 5.0 was the largest and a couple fours’s and a bunch of three’s and you look back at it and go ‘wow!’ that was hardly anything.”

Kent said this kind of seismic activity is rare anywhere. He says the location of the swarm, which is below an antelope preserve, makes it a perfect place to study earthquake behavior.

“This is a great petri dish. So, now we have this kind of gold-medal swarm going and it doesn’t affect a lot of people. So, what we can learn from this, hopefully we can apply the next time there’s a swarm underneath a community.”

More than 200 quakes 3.0 and stronger have been measured in the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge since last July.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015 20:16 UTC

Hundreds of birds are washing ashore either dead or dying along the Oregon and Southwest Washington Coast.

The majority of them are common murres, which are a type of large auk bird.

Researchers say that the die-off started about three weeks ago.

Since then the Wildlife Center of the North Coast, which helps rehabilitate sick or injured sea-birds, has been getting calls daily about the problem. Right now – they are caring for close to a hundred birds- with about ten common murres coming in daily. Almost all of them are starving.

“They’re totally emaciated, sometimes there’s injuries, other times there’s not,” said Laurel Berblinger, a volunteer at the center.

Tue, 25 Aug 2015 16:34 UTC

The death of 30 whales off the coast of Alaska may be linked to a rapid growth of toxic phytoplankton in the local marine environment that can paralyze as well as kill, a University of Alaska scientist told RT.

While a federal investigation has been opened into the giant mammals’ mysterious demise – a situation that’s been labeled an “unusual mortality event” – one of the leading theories is that an algal bloom is to blame, as they have been the cause of many similar events in the past.

“It’s a bloom of phytoplankton in the ocean that actually releases toxins,” Dr. Bree Witteveen, a marine mammal specialist at the University of Alaska, told RT. “Those get accumulated into various preys and it works its way up the food chain, and can cause paralysis and death.”

She added that these whales were not beaching themselves, but had died at sea and were washed ashore. It’s not exactly surprising for dead whales to wash ashore, but the number of instances recorded this year is particularly unusual.

Daily Sabah
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 18:47 UTC

Seven people were killed, 17 were injured and three were lost in floods and mudslides in Turkey’s northeastern province of Artvin, the province’s governor Kemal Cirit said on Monday.

Kemal Cirit said, one of the lost was a child, and the rescue teams are currently trying to reach the other two.

“Since 12 p.m. today [Monday], our coastal regions, especially Hopa, have received a lot of rain. This terriantial rain has caused mudslides, and 8 people lost their lives in the center of Hopa and its three villages,” Cirit had told a private news channel.

But talking at the governorate’s press meeting later on the evening, Cirit stated that seven people-not eight- had died in the floods and three had gone missing. The governor also said that 17 people were injured, five of whom were transferred to Rize State hospital.

The Peninsula (Qatar)
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 16:56 UTC

The ready to harvest major and minor crops, including cotton, paddy, chilly and vegetables worth almost Rs85bn ($0.85bn) have been completely washed out by the rain and floods in Sindh, an official of Sindh Abadgar Board said yesterday.

“Almost all the summer crops planted on 2.1 million acres of riverine land on two sides of the Indus River were ready for the harvest,” the president of Sindh Abadgar Board Abdul Majeed Nizamani told, adding that rains and floods wiped out the standing crops completely.

The average value of the washed out crops comes to around Rs40,000 acre, which brings the total cost to around Rs85bn.

A part of the crops planted on mainstream agriculture lands in the province have also been impacted, the farmers added.

The farmers in the province grow cotton at an estimated area of 1.8 million acre, paddy at 1.8 to two million acres and sugarcane at an area of 400,000 to 450,000 acre.


For those of us blessed enough to be living in regions of the world where we are rarely devastated by these types of changes we should be in gratitude. Every day that we are not subject to such turmoil, we are simply lucky to be alive as the Earth is retching and twirling to find a new harmony and balance for herself.

All, in our Metaphysical teachings, speak to finding harmony and balance within ourselves that allow us freedom from the mundane and ascendance to greater evolved planes of consciousness. Content to live in the physical mundane realm of consciousness is akin to suicide. For as the wheel of life evolves, so must we, if we do not wish to be thrown off.

When thrown from the wheel we experience what is called “a fall from grace”. This includes moving back to the place where life is veiled.

When life is veiled we base our perceptions on realities that carry the fear of death and hopelessness to the nth degree. In such realties we base our very existence and survival in the world seen around us and we perceive fear to be the mainstay of our being. This makes for a lonely and unfulfilled life of existence rather than participation.

When we participate in our own life we begin to understand how to be present and in the moment. Being present we discover that all life is one and connected, we now experience ourselves as being all life. Here in this present moment we learn to perceive a different more potent understanding of the “all” within that we are. Here we understand the oneness of past, present and future. In this oneness we discover the keys to true enlightenment and the journey that lies ahead.

If we stay stuck in the massive energetic shifts surrounding us and the world, we participate in the destruction of the planet and her peoples. We must move beyond these energetic frequencies if we are to survive and help others ascend the planes of matter. Doing so is how we become the creator thereby creating a more sustainable reality for those who come behind.

We cannot save the world from itself so we must free ourselves of the conditions we have accepted as truth and move on. The earth changes now taking place were foretold to us many years ago in the hopes that we would heed the words and change direction to avoid them. The many chose to stay stuck in the dark realities that lead to the consumption of humankind and its planet Earth, also called materialism. Due to this fact the many reign the greatest powers over the Earth and its species. We are now seeing what comes from remaining in the lower consciousness.

I am human being doing the dance of life as best I can under the restrictions of the reigning powers. I cannot change the world but I can change myself. My studies have taught me that if enough were of the true desire to change, they could also change the many. That change would be for the betterment of this planet and all of her inhabitants. It is a tall order, I know; yet only through our awareness and understanding can we rescue the few from the many.

Planet Earth is now in the process of change that cannot be turned back. In order to help her help herself we must have the means and opportunity to do so. If we do not have the experience of doing it our self how can we do it for others? We cannot! Therefore we must be the way showers not the status quo.

For each of us this lifetime is an opportunity to overcome the status quo and stand in the reality that all life is one. This we do not do through sympathy but through understanding how we and all are light.


2005 Channeling


We know it has been a time of great transition for you and Mother Earth recently and are here to hearten the journey with a heralding of good news. Due to the polarities shifting and the massive changes that are occurring in the core of the Earth, there are many more star gates opening this year and next. We refer to these star-gates as the gateways of heaven. We do so, as even those of you who see them as planetary alignments understand that there are dimensional shifts in the frequencies when such events occur. These inner-dimensional shifts are synchronized between the light anchors, crystalline gridlines, high power points of Earth, as well as the many heavenly spirits that assist Earth and her inhabitants. Due to the great energies now at inter-play with one another in your Earth dimension and also in the many heavens surrounding your solar system, we find that the Divine Plan set into play during the fall of Atlantis is now unfolding to correct and re-stabilize you solar systems’ frequencies allowing them to once again synchronize with the original intent of Earth and its habitation.

There has always been a destiny for Mother Earth. Her inhabitants being from many star systems and unrelated galaxies have had energetic power over Earth and her inhabitants since the fall of Atlantis. The recent, current, and future shifts, taking place in this new millennium, will bring a balance back to Earth and her inhabitants that has been gone for hundreds of thousands of years. This balance will also associate itself with your current star system and galaxy, as well as with other star systems and galaxies it exchanged energies with, previous to Atlantis.

We tell you this as many of you have been asking us when the senseless killing, rage, anger and poverty, are all going to end. Since we can only tell you that the shifts already made have put things into alignment for the transference and transmigration of souls, we cannot give you an exact human timeline. We can share with you though, that there are those among you who have now completed their part of the agreed to contract with us their heavenly brothers, to move the energies of the planet back to this original course.

All of you know, that all things imminently return to their origins to begin anew. This you can see in your own individual cycles of life as you find yourselves dealing with the same issues and patterns within self that you thought you had overcome and healed. The patterns of mankind, planet Earth, her species and the heavens are also subject to the same cycles.

The Brotherhoods of Light that have been assisting the soul groups who have been around since before the fall of Atlantis are made up of many Star Brothers and Sisters as well as Divine Spirits.

One need not be out of body to be a spirit, and one need not think they can become Divine simply through becoming a spirit. There is a spirit that dwells within each and every soul. All are collective as well as individual. Many of you have discovered this truth in your current incarnation. All spirit is connected, even though all spirit does not serve nor honor the same energies. Divine energy is different from that of the human spirit and will continue to be so until humans understand how to associate their spirit with the Divine Light.

We speak with you today, for many soul contracts are currently being fulfilled and many of you are questioning your service and roles within the Universe and Divine Hierarchy. We say to you be patient, although you may not yet understand the implications of what we are telling you in the immediate now, by this time next year all will be very clear and apparent to all of the souls completing their original contracts and missions.

Some of you feel lost and confused by the fact that you have worked so hard and long to accomplish what you have known to be your mission. Many of you believe you still need to be attached to us and your long ago agreed to missions. Unto you we say, there is a time for all things to conclude and begin anew and now is that time. The cyclic process and magnetic poles of Earth are shifting once again. The gates of heavenly energy are once again streaming freely into the core of the Earth and all other levels of life as well. Though the appearance of daily life may seem agitated and unfamiliar, it is only what is on the outside that creates such an appearance. Be not deceived by what you see on the outside and continue to trust only that which you know through your meditations and your Higher Sprit Essence.

The fact that we are not currently calling upon you to perform the same duties as before is that you have succeeded in anchoring the main power points of Earth and her crystalline grids to their original forms. This anchoring may appear to be bring catastrophic results in climactic change and the environment, yet ultimately the shifts will bring Earth’s polarity back to a new anagram from which she and her inhabitants can renew and start again.

Let yourselves celebrate this new beginning as a creation made from the highest principle of love and honor. Though you may feel that you are still tying up loose ends in your personal lives, know that this is also true within the collective. There will always be work to be done within the self, just there will always be freedom of spirit to experience and evolve within. No longer does spiritual evolution need to be a chore or a job. Now your spiritual evolution should be flowing and filled with joy. You are Divine Flow just as we are Divine Flow. This interception and exchange of magnetic energy, for the first time in a hundred thousand years, allow for Earth and her sister planets to once again flow freely with the Divine. Be proud, as it is due to the diligence and perseverance of those who have had multiple incarnations on your planet and with a renewed spirit that has brought this great feat about.

Remember always, that time is your friend, and although you may age and die in this incarnation, what you have attained for the many who will live in the future, is an eternal life of youth and energy that can be lived simultaneously within several dimensions of self and light all at once.

Yes we honor you and the massive work you had set upon yourselves to do. Though many of you see karma as a punishment of some kind, it is truly simply a commitment made to ones own soul and the soul of the collective.

Search within yourselves for the answers to your own questions. Be at peace with whom you are and choose to create that which you desire because of your own inner knowing. Be not afraid to play and enjoy your life. Caress and hold each moment from this day forward as precious. We neither ask nor need anything from you in this moment other than you understand that we are in and with you always. We are one within all and all within the one.

May your life be blessed with the Light of the Divine Spirit you yourself have found and may you all learn to be kind to yourselves. To battle oneself is a waste of precious time and energy. It is to create worry and uncertainty. Be certain of this one thing always, and that is that we love you.

We send you our gratitude and hope for all your trials and congratulate you on an awesome job well done.

The Divine Councils of Light


There are:

Seven Planes of Existence

Seven Heavens Beyond

Seven Strains of Man

Seven Levels of Consciousness

Seven Root Races

Seven Solar Systems

These are the areas of learning and education that every individual on their spiritual path need to learn about in order to ascend the physical in this lifetime.


Soul Discernment

Soul Discernment

By: Athene Raefiel


Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the Etheric and Physical we can see almost anything that can take on form. Most beings in other dimensions often use the astral plane to be seen and heard so that we can actually interplay with them.

Hearing and seeing with your astral eyes and ears is different than with your physical senses. Information is relayed in what you feel and therefore must interpret to understand the messages. Not unlike the signs we ask to receive from our universal self and teachers; communicating telepathically is the only form of communication.

We often think that there is somewhere to go to communicate with the other realms, all is currently within each of us and we need only to tap the methods.

Telepathy is a sending and receiving of energy in thought form. This is why it doesn’t matter what language you speak in the physical when beings from different realms speak with you they speak your language. Of course love is the universal language and when we meet beings from other dimensions we must discern if they are of love or not.

It is easy for somebody’s uncle Bob to contact you from the other side and tell you things that are of no value. But if you think they are a spirit guide or angelic teacher you will soon find the information stagnant and useless.

When we communicate with our spirit Guides and Teachers we do so through thought. Most often we call it praying. We take the time to form our thoughts in a manner that we believe to be precious to the Divine, therefore setting those thoughts aside from our other self- thinking.

When we begin to examine our thought process we realize that there is an order to them. (Or should be). Before praying or meditating we try to clear our thoughts of the everyday mundane world and focus on the nothingness of the “I am”. Coming to center we find that there is little static on the line and we can hear and imagine much more clearly.

Discernment is necessary if we are to identify true Divine Teachings from traditional thinking. It is the divine mind within us that we wish to attain the greatest awareness and truth that is held within the Universal Mind. This we tap through our soul consciousness.

Why is it so hard to find and assimilate soul consciousness, you may ask? It isn’t! We simply believe that traditional consciousness is all we are, therefore denying ourselves the right to enter into soul and discover the information and treasures therein.

Though soul works like a computer, and is always receiving and downloading and storing information, it contains the truth about memory and what purpose’s it can serve. Soul contains all information on who I am, what I’ve seen and experienced, and why I think and feel the way I do unconsciously. Travelling with soul allows you to and connects with the memories of collective soul expanding your horizons most profoundly.

Sounds pretty vast does it not; yet soul is your playground of learning about life after life, after life. Life between lives and all the stories of creation are stored within soul archives as well as learning other languages and deciphering the mysteries of the Universes themselves.

Religion teaches us to ignore soul and jump right to Divine Spirit. Some religions even teach that there is no soul. But experience will show you what exists, and is as real as anything you can see or touch. Soul is the vehicle through which we learn, grow and develop. Many believe soul to be the god self and teach us such “it is the way the truth and light” they say often identifying it with different figures throughout time.

Called the Christ consciousness, soul is the intermediary between us and the Divine.

Just as higher self, has higher- self, has higher- self; so soul has over soul, and over soul, and so forth.

We do not have individual identifiable souls, other than the Book of Life registered within our soul memory, currently known as the Akashic Record of self. In order to understand how we are soul and spirit we must first understand the why of the single identity we have chosen to experience in the physical form. This individual and single identity brings us to the awareness that we are part of a soul group that is all working together to attain and become aware of the one- self as being part of the whole self.

Traversing soul allows us to discriminate, change, repair and newly create certain aspects of self. Because physical incarnations are based on patterns of perception, within soul we can renew our perception and heal the past and selves within.

What we perceive to be real is only reality until we understand and perceive differently. Going within soul allows us to change and remove unwanted behaviors by transmutation and reformation. This is how we create new realities as well as open ourselves to existential realities we never knew existed.

For instance; as we use the gift of going within as our tool for learning and advancement, we discover entire new worlds of Angelic beings and spiritual teachers that we have heard of but never understood how to commune with. In this communion we become aware of the fact that we are not in fact individual but multiplicity. We realize the we are “God”, as is all of life. Of course we have been blessed with rationale and conscious awareness of this fact while plant animal and rock and other forms have not.

Do all things living have consciousness? Well of course they do or they would not have life; it is consciousness that gives life.

The first things we discover upon entering soul are the memories of this life as well as others. Too we encounter the awareness of how we are spirit and therefore how all spirit is one. Because of the painful memories that we need to face and transmute, many avoid soul memory at all costs. What they do not know is that to avoid the reality of eternity is to destroy its viability and eventually all memory that lies within. Taking this path can lead to de-evolution and a forgetfulness that closes off memory to the soul thereby throwing people into innumerable cycles of existence without hope of ascending.

We do this by our own power of free will and choice. Free will and choice were given to humans beings of earth, and no other forms of life that evolve, so that we could create and protect all other life forms around us. It does not make us our brother’s keeper but allows us to teach and share the path of Divine Evolution and ascension to all who question and choose to learn.

Within soul we are able to move beyond self and into “The All”. Here we can suddenly see what was known to be un-seeable and unknown. We can see, breath and touch the reality of what is alive and we move from simple existence into being alive. Participating in all that surrounds us in every different dimension we are capable of absorbing.

Now all life has energy and color. Energies we can feel and touch as well as ever changing variety of colors within the different planes of existence and life as we know it. The beauty is awesome and it as if we could see love itself. This changes us and we realize that what we now experience is the reality of transcending and ascension. We also realize that what is being taught as a reality only after death is in fact the only reality of spiritual evolution that we have. Therefore it does not come to us automatically upon us dying but only through the true journey of soul and spirit consciousness.

If it came to all simply because of physical death there would be an immense number of divinely evolved beings physically walking the Earth daily, not so many beings here determined to kill and be killed. Death is an experience of renewal not the answer to prayer. Since all life continues to evolve and de-evolve, renewal in no way corresponds to ascension.

People on this planet take the creator and creation for granted, by and through religion and wrong belief. Never understanding here on Earth how they are the Creator, they seek freedom and peace from an unknown deity spoken about in a variety of texts, but never identified except after death or the baptism thereof.

In this physical life there are many baptisms we experience daily, baptism of earth, air, fire and water. These four baptisms are eternal and ad to the veracity of soul. Never must we forget that we are eternal.