What is Initiation ?

What is Initiation? Archangel Raphael through Athene Raefiel Initiation is brought about by the cyclic process of karma. Karma, the plane of cause and effect, says there must be balance in the body, mind and soul to ascend your current plane of existence and continue your spirit journey. Everything and everyone must adhere to the […]

Mother Earth

Mother Earth Athene Raefiel Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and […]

Anchoring Light

Anchoring Light Setting Space and Anchoring of Light By: Athene Raefiel When we want to understand the energy self, and the energy beings we call spirit guides, we need to practice putting ourselves in a purified sacred energy space. This is what I call setting the space. Needing to keep our energy fields clear is […]

Nature’s Order

Nature’s Order by Athene Raefiel I shall here try to describe the explosions of energies that are affecting the synapses of life’s spinal column as well as its brain. We have all heard about the great conspiracy theories that are claimed to be controlling the energies and minds of those on this planet. The pole […]

Soul Memory

Soul Memory by Athene Raefiel Since the fall of man or the time of Atlantis human beings have been trying to restore their connection with the divinity that once was a natural part of their being. If earth was colonized by star beings from other galaxies as Archangel Michael shared with me over 20 years […]


Love By: Athene Raefiel The only thing lacking in this world and human nature is love. Love is more than just a word or feeling; love is an experience of energy. Love is an action and beingness. To be love you must first understand how you and everything else are also made up of love. […]

Anchoring the Light

  Anchoring the Light By Athene Raefiel Heavenly Father Divine Mother, I call you forth and ask that you anchor your light in and around me, so what is needed for my highest and best good take place. I call to the power of light that I am. I call to the Angels and spirit […]

Stargates Article

I publish this now for you to read as it can help you see and understand the progression as it has transpired. This is a powerful article and worth reading. Blessings, AtheneStargates By: Athene Raefiel April 10, 2004Great transformational energies and much personal activation is being experienced by all since The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 […]

Changing Perceptions

Changing Perceptions As the Earth changes abound and sea temperatures raise so does the confusion on the planet show itself more succinctly than ever before. For those of us that are empaths these changes are taking a toll not just in the mind and body but also the soul. Many of you are discovering a […]

Staying on the Spiritual Path

Staying on The Spiritual Path By Athene Raefiel Now more than ever it is hard to follow your inner teachings and knowingness of what your Divine light heralds. The chaos of the world around us seems to say ever more and more that our light is not reaching the deep conclaves of humankind’s hearts and […]