Invocations and Prayers to the Holy Flames, The Archangels and Oversoul I pray to the most holy Sacred Flames of light. I pray to, and call forth, the Blue Cosmic Flame of Lord Michael. Cosmic blue flame of Truth and Protection, surround our great planet now. Bring the protective agents and legions of light needed…
OK beautiful souls and spiritual Warriors, It’s time to share the good news. All the suffering and challenges you have faced have not been for naught. The good news is we are all moving to our next level of consciousness and understanding. All the invocations and prayers will be paying off as life becomes more…
Praying is our direct link to the higher realms and teachers and angels who dwell there. When we pray to God, Goddess all that IS we reach new heights of love and caring. All beings of light can help us find ways of caring for ourselves and others that are powerful and enlightening. When I…
Nature’s Order by Athene Raefiel I shall here try to describe the explosions of energies that are affecting the synapses of life’s spinal column as well as its brain. We have all heard about the great conspiracy theories that are claimed to be controlling the energies and minds of those on this planet. The pole…