Goodreads Review Service Book Title: Getting to the Heart Author: Athene Raefiel Number of Reviews: 15 BOOK REVIEW 1 “Getting to the Heart” by Athene Raefiel is a thoughtful guide to spiritual growth that really spoke to me. The book explores the journey of the soul and how important it is to balance the…
There are many beings spiritually awakening on the planet at this time. As one awakens and chooses to follow their spiritual path and open to the Universe, they can find themselves besieged with obstacles and hardship. This occurs because of unresolved issues in present and past incarnations. Spiritual development the soul’s journey can only be…
Be not judgmental of those that become the teachers. Judge not whether one is intelligent enough, enlightened enough, one is beautiful enough, one has enough experience. Understand that when the soul is awakened, it is a time for that individual to re-remember everything that has come before in their own awareness, as well as the…
Spirit Guides By: Athene Raefiel In order to have spirit guide you in your life you have to know how to get out of the way and allow them to do so. When I say get out of the way I mean your own thinking process will undo everything they are trying to help…
How life becomes a state of grace rather than a state of reason Thinking is a way of seeing and reasoning out what we experience in the 3D around us. Becoming is a state of being that allows us to open ourselves to more development to become. Often my spirit guides will say to me,…
Message from Gaia Children of Earth, Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear me? “Stop the senseless destruction and devastation to me. Every bomb that is set off reverberates though massive layers of earths ground and displaces more and more of my energy. Every bullet that is fired has its own…
Soul Discernment By: Athene Raefiel Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the Etheric and Physical we can see almost anything that can take on form. Most beings in other dimensions often use the astral plane to be seen and heard so that we can actually…
Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts of our sublimation. When we hear or are taught something over and over again we begin to accept it as part of our reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, famine, homelessness, politics and Jesus, all are part of…
Message from the Divine Mother Children of the Light, I come to you today to give an update on how I am working with Mother Earth and her Children. The changes now happening to Earth Children are vast and many. Many hybrid children are currently awakening and assisting with the consciousness of the planet. These…
Teaching on Cause and Effect Lord Kuthumi through Athene Raefiel Each of you is made up of many different levels of energetic light and vibrations. In order to understand and participate within all levels of self and consciousness you must allow yourself to be free of physical thought. If you do not control…