When we participate in our own life we begin to understand how to be present and in the moment. Being present we discover that all life is one and connected, we now experience ourselves as being all life. Here in this present moment we learn to perceive a different more potent understanding of the “all” within that we are. Here we understand the oneness of past, present and future. In this oneness we discover the keys to true enlightenment and the journey that lies ahead.
If we stay stuck in the massive energetic shifts surrounding us and the world, we participate in the destruction of the planet and her peoples. We must move beyond these energetic frequencies if we are to survive and help others ascend the planes of matter. Doing so is how we become the creator thereby creating a more sustainable reality for those who come behind.
We cannot save the world from itself so we must free ourselves of the conditions we have accepted as truth and move on. The earth changes now taking place were foretold to us many years ago in the hopes that we would heed the words and change direction to avoid them. The many chose to stay stuck in the dark realities that lead to the consumption of humankind and its planet Earth, also called materialism. Due to this fact the many reign the greatest powers over the Earth and its species. We are now seeing what comes from remaining in the lower consciousness.
I am human being doing the dance of life as best I can under the restrictions of the reigning powers. I cannot change the world but I can change myself. My studies have taught me that if enough were of the true desire to change, they could also change the many. That change would be for the betterment of this planet and all of her inhabitants. It is a tall order, I know; yet only through our awareness and understanding can we rescue the few from the many.
Planet Earth is now in the process of change that cannot be turned back. In order to help her help herself we must have the means and opportunity to do so. If we do not have the experience of doing it our self how can we do it for others? We cannot! Therefore we must be the way showers not the status quo.