
Message from Gaia


Children of Earth,

Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear me?

“Stop the senseless destruction and devastation to me. Every bomb that is set off reverberates though massive layers of earths ground and displaces more and more of my energy. Every bullet that is fired has its own reverberation. Every person, animal or plant that is killed for no reason leaves a gap in the whole of what I am. The complete dismissal of my feeling body is another wound to my being and my heart. The natural order of life no longer exists and as I struggle to repair the damage, more and more is piled upon me. It is as if I do not count at all to your human species of life.’

“Have you forgotten where your food and shelter come from? Have you forgotten the Law of replenishment? Take what you need but give back and restore.”

My oceans are not your dumping grounds nor are they there to test your weaponry. The rubble you create through your wars and hatred cannot be eaten by me. I hunger not for these things. I am a living organism who has been around for many a millennium, I have dealt with Asteroids, Comets, Dinosaurs and other worlds weaponry; but never imagined that which I spawned would seek to destroy me.

Yes much of your kind walked out of the Oceans to be the protectors of Earth not the destroyers.

As you feed your materialism and need to rule, you overlook your most important and valuable asset: me. So many honor me and ask for my help, yet ignore what I need to maintain and restore some semblance of balance, always looking to another planet or star system to live upon in the future.

What you sow shall you also reap. Pretending my message is not of real importance shows your ability to ignore your own smelly waste.

Yes I could send you a wonderful message of hope and encouragement, yet these are the things I need from you right now. Make haste, time is of the essence.


Prayer and Honor to Planet Earth:

Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, I come to you today in humility, trust and love. I beg your forgiveness for the blinders I have put on and choose from this day forward to awaken to your call of need and sustenance. I honor you, I love you, I appreciate all that you bring to me in life.

I am sorry for the destruction of what others have done to you and pray for the strength to assist and replenish you and the life upon you, with everything I have within me. I ask my spirit to assist me in this and honor the spirit of life that you and I are.

Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, please restore and replenish yourself and become strong and whole once again. I ask the other planetary bodies and star systems you are connected with, to come to your aid in this trying time and assist you.

Beloved I am, beloved I am, beloved I am.

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

A discussion between Athene Raefiel and Sanat Kumara

Athene: Dear Universe what is Divine Intervention and how does it work?

Sanat Kumara: For the human race as well as other beings of form, Divine intervention is an idea or a concept, something that can only be understood through the experience of it. This is to say the Divine must be experienced to understand what it is as well as how intervention may play into life.

You are beings of thought and therefore must conceive of something to make it real. Divinity is only realized by human beings through their own individual conception and can exist only when realized or experienced. In fact the Divine plays no rule in intervening in your lower four dimensional lives unless it is expressly asked to do so, and this is how prayer came about. Prayer is the form of asking the Divine to hear your questions and answer them.

Athene: How do we know when a prayer is answered?

Sanat Kumara: All prayers are answered simply because of the energy put forth by the prayer. The divine is always listening. Yet the expectations of how the Divine should respond often seems to delineate the response given. In order to understand what the Divine is saying or doing you must first understand your own Divinity and proceed with trust and love in your heart. When one has transcended the lower planes of survival they determine that all life is a miracle, as is its ups and downs. They themselves begin to realize that they are a miracle who creates miracles all of the time.

Athene: If I pray and ask for world peace and senseless dying to end, why can I not create this?

Sanat Kumara: But indeed you are creating this all of the time. Unfortunately you are a part of mass consciousness that has yet to reach this simple reality. The animal instinct in humans is strong and they still believe in eat or be eaten. The paradox of the Divine is too confusing for them to take seriously unless it too has animal instinct. Pure love and understanding, kindness and compassion are too often viewed as weaknesses’ and therefore easily discarded in the face of adversity. For one to transcend the human consciousness and identify their divinity is often too time consuming and just too much work. Since what one believes is their reality, to believe differently than before is simply too strenuous.

Athene: there a various groups of pious people around the world that use constant prayer and meditation everyday as a way of life. I have discovered large numbers of them, they live their lives in trust and prayer, living as simple and self-sustaining life they can. Still wars rage and people starve and live destitute.

Sanat Kumara: Yes it is a quandary indeed. How can so many understand the Light and so many more not? Form is a part of creation that is based on light and dark. One cannot exist without the other, though one is simply a shadow of the other, still there is a force within human beings that causes them to battle this reality within themselves and all other life. People see these two as opposites rather that the two sides of the same coin. Yet one cannot exist without the other, for the light dwells within the darkness just as the darkness dwells within the light. Neither is good nor evil; only human conception sees one or the other.

The reason Divinity is so mysterious to human mind is due to judgement, or lack thereof, in so many. Each soul has the awareness needed to blend these seemingly two forces into the true balance within all life, but once again it requires soul recognition and study to find such peace.

Athene: But human consciousness is not taught to search for and discover soul awareness, why? Was there a heavenly fall from grace that predisposed our creators to devise ourselves to be this way?

Sanat Kumara: You indeed were created in the image of Divinity yet too many souls chose to forget their own eternal selves and tried to create a world in which they themselves would be kings and queens, rulers of others by any means possible. This is a human expression of what they thought God or the Divine to be. Yes indeed the heavenly worlds are hierarchal, yet ruled by laws to sustain order and love. All and any beings in form or formlessness have the right to follow these laws or not. What kind of Universe would it be without challenges for growth and opportunity on all levels? As you well know without the dream of a better tomorrow there would be no tomorrow. For many in form they do not believe in a better tomorrow nor do they see a need to work towards it. Having money and power is what currently drives the human consciousness, as well as development of technology and the stars. Even human science is discovering that the mystery of life is always discovering and exploring the origins to explain the present and take them into the future.

The greatest mystery of human life is still life itself and the unveiling of the many levels and dimensions it explores. Understanding how you are all part of a greater whole is the first step in recognition of “what is”. When this question has been answered the unfolding of awareness becomes limitless and the excitement of the journey ahead unfolds.

To allow oneself to remain trapped in an unfeeling world of royal acceptance and power is how you encase yourself in the confusion you call life. That life then becomes your prison rather than your freedom.



Message from Athene Raefiel

I have found that getting a definitive answer from one of these ascended masters is highly unlikely; thought provoking always. We get more definitive information from our own personal guides and teachers and our Galactic brothers and sisters. The Ashtar Command is a good source to learn with as well as The Arcturians. They all work closely with our known divine hierarchy

I have found prayer and invocation to be invaluable tools when looking to connect with Higher-Self and spiritual guidance. To honor spirit is to honor the spirit within you.

When trying to comprehend the Universe we discover just how confused and confusing we must be. This is normal. Confusion and chaos are what all life as we know it is born of, to think otherwise is silly.

Divine Mother

Great Divine Mother Energy of light, we welcome you into our world of chaos in hopes of a righting all that has been dismissed. It is time to reassemble the ancient teachings of light and open new doorways that will keep us alight.

Mighty Mother of us all bring your legions of light, help us balance this planet and bring men’s minds to peace and all that’s right. Shift this displaced anger and hatred now having its way. Bring back harmony and love as the truth and the way. Teach us the proper way to think once again and help us remember the proper way to pray.

The course of men’s minds must be brought back this day to the kindness and understanding that allows us to care. Bring compassion and awareness into alignment this day, force back all dysfunctional thoughts all the way.

Radiant lady of light help us break the bonds of the outer world and mind that have held sway, share with us your radiance and love all the way.
Lords Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel assist us this day, to bring in the great radiance of love every day. Radiant mother of light we welcome your essence and lights of your ray.

July 31, 2019 Eclipse

Well I missed this next lunar eclipse coming up on the 31st. I think I was hoping we made it through the Month but not quite yet. Many of us are still feeling dizzy and out of sorts, wishing the universal energies would calm down. What a ride July has been.

Feeling more tired than usual and sort of out of body? Yep lots of that going on. Meditated yesterday and spoke with Archangel Raphael. He helped me realize how blessed I am and also that I want to teach more and more people to find and work with their guides. It has been such a help and blessing in mine.

I feel strongly that we are bringing in the Divine Mother energy right now. She is ready to intervene and assist us personally for the upcoming future. This is an amazing honor and such a special gift for us all.

It is a time for women to move this planet into a better and more solvent place. Out with the old men and in with younger and female blood. This world needs more compassion brought about by those who have always nurtured and cared for others. It is time for more goodness and kindness to engage with the ugly realities we have been experiencing.

Time for the Divine Mothers love!

Healing Life

Healing your life is a continual experience. Though we wish to believe there will come a time when the healing is complete yet something else up shows up. Healing is done in degrees and levels, this is due to the fact that we are multi-faceted and forever changing. I’ve heard that the only constant in the Universe is change and I know I am a changeling.
Because we grow and get older so do our problems and their impact upon us. Forgiveness is still the greatest tool we have in our toolbox to keep up, yet getting older sometimes makes people more stubborn and set in their ways. We really have to check ourselves to make sure we are not caught in a rut while pretending things don’t matter to us.

I remember when I was questing so hard to find answers to the mysteries of the Universe. Being an avid reader I devoured books like others do food, I came to realize learning and information was my food. I began to eat differently, sleep differently, insisted on changing my obsessions and judgements and seeing myself through different eyes.
Something I found really important at the time was to look for doorways and openings into the unknown and always searching for the keys to open those doorways and portals of enlightenment. I would find a pearl of wisdom here and there as I went along.

Meditation was the greatest key of all as well as learning how I was my own saboteur.
We have many eyes to open within us and learning about the inner being is key; sensing and interpretation help us understand and realize who and what we are as a universe unto ourselves.

Our whole life should be about learning and preparing for the afterlife because indeed we will be going there at some point.

Our Country tis of thee

As the fog lifts from the past month of major confusion I will share with you my take on what is happening. For the past few weeks I could hear a major move of the spaceships that assist humans on this planet. I think things are being moved to the Middle East and the area of Iran. We have a president in office that honors no treaties with those overseas that this country has worked so hard to negotiate deals with over time. A sitting president does not simply come in and undo decades of agreements with foreign dignitaries who have taken countries at their word as they have devised plans to keep peace worldwide.

This time we are in reminds me of all the broken treaties with Indians of all nations. No one person should have such power, even within his own inner circle, to do so. There is no honor in this White House American administration but simply a group of renegades opposed to peace and prosperity. How did we allow this happen? ; When we the so called people put them in office.
I believe this administration has done more damage on The World Stage than any other in history. We do not live on this planet in isolation and a global hand shaking and economic structure tie us together, yet that bond is unraveling. I know that the power of money has to shift and we are in the midst of what will be an extremely hard time of adjustments planetary.

Hang on because these changes will take time and bring a different kind of hardship than we have been up against in the past.

Please vote in the next elections and know that no matter who gets in office they will have tangled web of deception to undo.


All levels of awareness and consciousness are bound by certain rules. We have 7 planes of awareness contained within our own aura known as the Chakra Centers; Root, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown chakras. Each of these chakra Centers has a vast array of information that we can discover and I call soul Awareness.

We are in a time on this planet when we cannot ignore or dismiss the importance of our soul awareness. To do so will only bring more sadness and unhappiness to the consciousness of mankind. Loneliness is already a killer affecting more and more people, are we truly so afraid of others judgements that we cannot find common ground and ways of connecting?

Yes we are a various levels of perception thereby making it difficult to find common ground yet love must transcend even in the most dire of times. Acceptance and allowing is the perfect space to found some even ground.

Yes we must love and be kind to ourselves but not to expense of alienating all others around us. To share what we know with another is a gift and to reciprocate as well. All that truly divides us are our fears, our differences should make us stronger not weaker.



A prayer

We must realize that we have the power to help adjust these climatic energies.


I am the power and the light within all that I am. I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am.

I am earth, I am Air, I am fire, and I am water, I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am.

Mighty beings of Light and Love bring your energies bring your love. Surround our planet with the goodness and grace of the Divine light.

Lighten the load of the downtrodden and help them find love, entice humankind to find kindness and compassion, beloved I am Beloved I am, Beloved I am.

I pray for the grace of divine love to embrace humankind and Earth from above.

The Earth cries out for your grace and help, the winds cry out for more balance and love, The flame of holy sanctity needs to be restored and the waters cry out for help from above.

To our creators we call, we need your wisdom and love.

Free us from the charges of hated and destruction, encompass us with protection and love.

Now see the Earth being surrounded in a globe of light and protection. Call forth the ruby red flame and golden rod. Hold steady to the will of God, Goddess, all that is!

Lunar July Eclipse 2019

As we get closer to the Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 we sometimes feel more tired than usual. It may be hard to hold concentration and it is easy to fly off the handle. Lunar energies tend to make emotions run high and you might be sad or weepy for things that seem small. All of this is normal at this time.

A look at the future says that what is changed and challenged currently will bring long standing results. We are already seeing massive changes within governments around the world. The peoples of various nations are expressing their dissatisfaction and angst with the so called status quo. People no longer want to live in poverty and hunger so that others can live in riches.

The system of monetary inequality worldwide must change if we are to survive as a species and a planet.
Wars must become a thing of the past as more and more people want peace and harmony.

I know what I speak of here seems nearly impossible to accomplish in any one lifetime yet indeed it is happening. Just as the awakening of souls around the planet. We are in a time of empowerment and must hold the energies strong for all those seeking balance and love currently. These are the true riches of life and they need be realized on a grand basis.