Challenging Times

These times are very challenging on many levels. As we watch the trash pile up on the beaches and in the oceans we realize how sad and disgusting things have actually become.
I used to travel down to the bottom or the Oceans in my early visualizations. What I found was astonishing to me. There were pyramids, volcanoes, caves galore and I met my father Poseidon and many of my Mer family. This was back in 1986 and 1987; the magic and mystery of it all was eye opening and educational like nothing else I could have imagined.
In 1999 as I went to visit the Ocean floors there was great chaos being perpetrated by human beings and my Mer family was forced to leave their home and go into the caves of inner-dimensional worlds. It was no longer safe for them here in the 3 D. they showed me how to get to the new dimensional places they were moving into and told me to be careful when traveling the Ocean floors from then on.
In 1999 I also saw the Parallel universe merge with the current one and have since seen so many different worlds interplay with one another. Not all the interplay was to be positive and I was shown that there would be great chaos in the future. Here since 2005 through 2019 I have watched so much anger and hostility surrounding ourselves and the planet that it hurts my heart.
Many star brothers and sisters came through the many star gates during those years that we are currently in a war of sorts for our own souls. The saddest thing that I have found is the ignorance of soul and spirit in everyday living. Survival has taken precedence in ways that secure the fact that people must exist in what they see around themselves as existence, thereby deafening themselves to the afterlife and eternal essence.
This is great time of awakening yet we have allowed monetary sustenance to break our spirit and keep us in fear. So long as we allow ourselves to be held by the bounds of fear we will not accelerate and grow.
I am a pacifist yet I will fight to keep life alive. Remember you are multi-faceted and have much more power than you realize. Just because you cannot see, touch, feel or hear things with your outer senses does not mean they do not exist.
Demand of your soul and spirit daily that they be there with you and assist you in your many awareness’s.
You Are Earth, Air, Fire and Water, stay connected.

July 6, 2019

With the Eclipses also come major earth changes, such as the California Earthquakes. I didn’t mention this before as we have experienced so much weather damage already this year and last that to some it just seems more of the same.
Many people have been displaced from their homes due to flooding and hurricanes the past few years that more Earth disruption is never good news. Global warming is not only real but we are in it to a very great degree currently.
Eclipses also bring many emotions to the surface for seemingly no real reason at all. You may be weepy and sad at unusual times. Staying close to safety is important as the weather can drastically change from moment to moment in some places.

Feelings being so close to the surface you must take care what you say as little can start an argument right now. Feeling alone and lost will also come into play so beware that is more a symptom than actualization. You may need more me time than usual so try to make the time to relax and get away for short trips.

Spirit is reassessing what roles they will and can play with upcoming changes, so honor and acknowledge them daily. Use your prayers and invocations as well as rituals and meditations to keep them close.

The Divine needs our light to work here with us, they must be acknowledged to do so.

Currently working with the planet are Archangel, Michael, Raphael, St. Germain, Lord Sananda and Lord Ashtar.
The Arcturians are closely related to us as are our soul families and essence. This is simply to name a few. Jophiel the angel has been showing up quite a bit as well as others. I will put out a channeling soon.

Be kind to yourselves and one another as this is a rough time for many. Many blessings, Athene

July Solar Eclipse

Today Is the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Two weeks from now the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn.
The Eclipses bring a time of revue and can often be emotional for little or no reason. Lots of vacillation and the “what if’s” can come up regularly and we may be forced to re-live things from the past that we thought were totally behind us. Take heart this is simply revue and need not take up all of your energy.
Cancer is the sign of Mother so this can also bring up more feelings around mother than usual. Remembering our mothers and all the mothers in the world is a good thing. Of course the divine mother, the Mother of us all has and is playing a most important role at this time. Women are on the move in ways that are bringing about the greatest changes currently on the planet.
Sadness can sometimes be a reaction to the past but we must remember the past is how we move forward in the future. Emotions are meant to be stairways leading us higher and higher in our understanding of life and self. Healing the Heart and its past pain can be prominent now, so do the self and other forgiveness necessary to move ahead.
Do not try to hide from yourself during this month as you will be the greatest quest to experience currently. Wait till august to make of change plans if possible; plans already made should be followed through.
Continue to be loving and kind to yourself as you will be in the foreground right now.
Blessings and Goodness to all!

Backward and Forward

We must look backward in order to see forward. So Often this week I have heard “Leave the past behind”, of course we should not make the past our present but without the past there is no way we could learn.

There are many phases of life and development that we are privileged to experience so we must indeed learn to see the whole picture of who we are. We cannot be without becoming and we must always look forward to advance.

There is a big difference in holding onto the past and reviewing and learning from it. The difference is generally about how we feel. When we hold onto unresolved feelings we block up inner space needed to create newness. By forgiving and letting go we transmute the old to make way for the new.

Forgiveness is a very powerful tool but must be done through the whole being; we cannot do with our mind alone. Also we beings have many stages and phases of growth that we go through; sometimes we need to keep letting go through a variety of levels as we grow.

The first and most important step is to forgive yourself for being human, too often we are our own worst enemy and self-judgments can be detrimental and growth stunting.

“I forgive myself for holding onto the pattern of judgement and I transmute and let it go, let it go, let it go.

I now choose to allow and accept life no matter how difficult without judgement.”

Sounds easy enough but really takes great strength.


There are many forces currently working to sublimate and control the thinking of humankind. We have been and are fed lies and deceit as reality for so long it seems to be reality. I feel that we are in great danger of losing the battle to control our own thinking and perception. Without meditation I feel we can get easily lost and persuaded to believe the lies we are being told.
If we are looking to governments to help us out we might as well be praying to the underworld as it seems that power and greed will always lead the way. As the students of life and light that we are we must find our own way to enlightenment and some semblance of inner peace to survive in any type of comfort.
I believe we are currently at war with hidden forces whose agenda it is to keep people in place by keeping them struggling to survive. This is a stratosphere we need to break out of and the only means I know of is meditation. If you do not try you will not learn, and if you do not learn the struggle will just go on.
I know all the excuses for having no time to meditate, or I’ve tried and can’t get there, or I have a family and they won’t let me. You can learn to meditate in your bathroom if need be. Study and learn about meditation it can literally save your life.
Buy my book “Getting to the Heart, A journey of Soul Transformation and Spiritual enlightenment” If you need help. You can also contact me for advice.


  Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts of our sublimation. When we hear or are taught something over and over again we begin to accept it as part of our reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, famine, homelessness, politics and Jesus, all are part of our consciousness because we have seen and heard about them constantly. Had we not seen and heard about them, they would not exist in our consciousness, nor would they be part of our reality.


The many things we have not seen nor heard about, play little if any role in our daily awareness. Because this is true, it is up to us to educate and sublimate ourselves with thoughts and ideas that promote happiness, joy and peace.


 To believe that there is an unseen force of energy that pervades all life is to believe in Spirit. It matters not what name you give to spirit, what matters is that you understand that you are spirit.


 In order to identify how all life contains spirit, you must first study about soul. All things of life in this world contain soul. As long as we refer to the soul as being unconscious then that sublimation will remain intact. The fact that all life contains soul, should make it obvious enough, that the only thing that is unconscious of soul is the seeker. If the mysteries of the Universe and the Divine are actually natural soul awareness, then it is only natural to seek them out for your own revelation.


Your soul is actively participating in your life everyday. The more you learn to hear and see it, the more help it can offer you in understanding your individual purpose in being alive. It is time for human beings to re-sublimate themselves and turn to the soul for its memories and awareness of the truth and light within. With soul, light, and spirit all things are possible. Without them, more of the same will perpetuate itself. Call to your soul daily and let it know that you acknowledge it. Discover the world of soul that you are.


You are a beautiful energy of light. Your emanations make up the whole, just as the whole makes up the emanations that you are!

Reach Higher


Feeling Lost

The urge to do something new and different contains me today. I miss so many places that I have lived before. I miss Long Island the kinds of people I would meet there and in NYC; such a wide variety of talented and interesting souls.

Everyone was so diverse and vibrant and no matter who they were they had interesting stories and places they were from and going. Even people you would meet in a grocery store were opinionated and themselves and truly living their lives. None of this fear I feel from everyone now.; just living their lives and complaining or happy about it but not afraid to share.

I sometimes feel so alone and constricted by this town and the mentality of people I see here. Even though this is a college town and military surrounded, I find it hard to meet and make friends. I love being social and enjoying the company of others, yet everyone is always so busy in their lives they really don’t have time to look deeper into what friendship means.

I’ve never believed in aging as getting old and boring, I am a changeling and a traveler. If I can’t travel geographically I travel astrally, but to be stuck not going and doing is not my way.  

Though I get sad I never feel sorry for myself as that is a waste of time I cannot endure. Life is for living and I will always love life.

Keeping Alive

Sorry for being absent sometimes, it is usually the arthritis in my hands that holds me back.

Today I wish to share that we have a set of Eclipses coming up in June, 2019 as well as three major Planets retrograde and somewhat in Conjunction. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. I feel as if they have been affecting the mass consciousness in an adverse manner, causing more and more people to do violent and stupid things. Too many senseless bombings and school shootings.

The Earth is in great turmoil presently and we see this in the weather, it doesn’t take a genius to see it is affecting the moods of people as well.

I have been watching Ancient aliens on TV and am happy to announce that the scientists on the show are finally getting at the truth of the Higher Planes and creation. It does my heart good to see this. I also watch a few other programs worth mentioning; “Democracy Now” on PBS and Fereed Zacharia on CNN. These programs bring awareness and Enlightenment to world events.

As we push through the energies this year has and does bring, there is a sense of tiredness for many of us that seems a bit much, kind of like dragging along quite a bit. Majorly important to take care of oneself. Vitamins, minerals exercise and meditation will help.

Please leave me a comment once in awhile so I know you read m blog and all suggestions and questions are welcome as well.

Know that you are never alone in your quest for enlightenment and love is still the greatest healer that we have.

Standing up for oneself

Standing up for yourself.

Standing up for oneself can be very difficult the more aware and compassionate you become. You have gained great understanding and love, so you want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. In so doing others often feel that you are easily manipulated and try to take advantage of you.

I try really hard to find common ground and am even willing to agree to disagree, yet sometimes you simply reach the end of your rope. I especially find this to be true with family members.

When simply saying no is not enough we sometimes must distance ourselves from those we love most. This can be painful and sad but necessary for our own truth and sanity.

The outside world has become a rather cold and dangerous place to reside currently. People anger too quickly and can take it to a place of life or death in an instant. Moderation and Mediation no longer seem to be the patient ways of dealing with disagreements; it feels like an all-in or all out situation anymore, with little or no middle ground. I find this to be sad.

I know many great things are occurring right now and that there are a great many intelligent, open minded souls working hard to make our life a better place, and I also so know many have and are advancing in the face of climate change. These things I stand with in appreciation, love and optimistic joy. I still believe that love can heal in wondrous ways, so I shall continue to love myself in the hopes it will rub off on others.

Self Development

Often people find it hard to slow their own brain down long enough to really listen to what the other person is saying. Because of this they don’t have an opportunity to process what is being said.

Too often we have an answer to a question we never took the time to really hear or understand. Because of this we often jump to conclusions way too quickly.

Listening is an art and should be treated as such, to answer a question before we really realize what is being said is how we accidentally cut people off without meaning to. It is the same when we are trying to hear what spirit is trying to get across and continually find our own mind gets in our way. Listening is done in many ways. Knowing what we are listening for and also how we feel about it takes a few seconds to digest.

Spirit mostly communicates with us though our feeling selves. If we can’t understand our own feelings we will probably miss their message. Learning to discern how and why we feel the way we do is mandatory if we want to develop our intuition and inner knowing. Because we have been taught throughout life to ignore our feelings and suppress them, this can be very challenging at times. Pretending we feel differently than we do can be very self-deceiving.

Self-development is an awesome experience but can be very difficult when we wait till much later in life to bother with it. Life often keeps us so distracted that we may never do it. It is a personal choice. Making such a choice can be difficult to follow through with, but ultimately is so very soul freeing you can truly discover your inner light and live a more fulfilling life.