Good and Evil

Good and Evil

The Astral Plane

By; Athene Raefiel 2018


Everyone has their own awareness and belief about good and evil. I can only share what I have learned since accessing my own Akashic record and the Lower Astral Level to which we are all exposed and experience throughout life.

Within the astral plane are many different levels of existence.  When we remember that the heart chakra is attached to both the upper and lower chakras, exploration of the astral becomes one of a spiritual as well as physical nature. All things being interconnected and part of a whole, whatever people believe to be truth, is created and dwells within the astral plane. The astral body and astral consciousness experientially travel throughout the astral plane continually. In the physical plane, we, our planet and solar system are all within the astral plane.

The astral is a repository of the energies of the Cosmos on their way downwards and it is a receptacle of whatever passes out of the physical sphere on its way upward.

Exploring the astral plane is like going to a library that is filled with an immense variety of categories and experiences. Each person’s book of life as well as all the stories of creation is catalogued within the astral library.

All information and learning in the astral is transmitted and received through a process of osmosis. In this manner, we actually absorb information though our inner awareness and understanding.

In metaphysics, the astral library is often referred to as the Akashic Records. To understand fully the volumes of information we have access to here; we need to become spiritually integrated. The five outer senses are of little use when exploring the astral plane and Akashic records; opening and developing the inner senses is primary.


One of the levels of experience within the astral plane is referred to by some as hell, or purgatory. This dimension is where the so-called demons reside.


Every thought and emotion humankind experiences produce energy. Through our fears and vivid imaginations, we create energies that often produce entities. These thought forms dwell within the astral plane and are seen as demons. Not all demons are bad. Many religions refer to Angels and other beings of light as being demons as well. Yet energies that are created from ignorance and fear are dark energies and feed off the negative emotions of man. Needing negative emotion to survive they often attack humans in their sleeping and waking state producing fear and hatred so as to feed; Hence comes the lore of vampires.


Seemingly, human beings cannot make themselves do what is good unless they have the threat of evil to overcome. This martyr program has been taught as a religious dogma helping humans acquiesce to it as being their nature. The power of evil is great only because of the power we give it.


Energy creates, and beliefs are very potent energies.  When people believe in fear, pain, chaos, and deprivation, these projected energies take on a form and life of their own.


The dwelling place of these vampire energies is known as the lower astral. These are our energies; therefore, they become our demons.  When we die, these entities remain in the lower astral awaiting our return to earth. When we reincarnate, these energies are restored to us because we are their creators and only we have the power to un-create them.

We must see for ourselves what we have initially created, before we can create anew. Because all things are created from energy, all things can be brought back to a pure energy state.  Reacting in fear or ignorance when confronted with these creations blocks our spiritual progression. By continual denial of the existence of these blocks, humans remain stagnate and remain stuck in dysfunction.


When we open our hearts to transmute our creations, “our demons”, they disappear.  This only happens by us bringing them a pure energy state of love. Love is the eternal fire of life that burns within every heart. Love is the greatest healer that we have.




Heavenly worlds of color and geometry also dwell in the astral plane, awaiting exploration. Using astral consciousness, one can see and experience Angels and Teachers of Light. These beings use this plane of consciousness, to make themselves visible to us.


Using our astral consciousness, we can visit other universes, galaxies, and beautiful temples of love. The astral plane was created for us to have direct accessibility to our companions in spirit. These beings are known as spirit guides. These guides and teachers of love are part of our spiritual family. They are always with us in spirit helping us understand the spiritual nature of our earthly journey.


When people first begin consciously journeying within the astral plane, they tend to doubt the reality of their experiences, suggesting to themselves that it’s all imagination. They find it inconceivable that such a glorious and magical life can exist in the midst of our chaotic everyday existence.


It is the outer world senses and learned responses that are at first difficult to override. It takes time and training to experience and accept the different realities that exist, especially when they exist within you. Our perceptions can only change when we open and allow it to happen. When we take the time to explore the astral realm, we can discover a limitless multitude of spirit awareness and personal understanding.


Astral plane

The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions. It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.


Astral plane – Wikipedia



Prayer during Hurricane Season

I do not do well during Hurricane season as I am so connected to the oceans. I have been praying daily for the coastlines that are being hit. I saw what is left of the Bahamas and gave thanks that Puerto Rica was not hit hard again.

Global warming is no joke and so many suffering people and souls are being affected in the US and other countries.
It is time to acknowledge that we too are Earth, Air, Fire and Water and work with these elements to save as much as possible. Do not think for a moment that our food and water supplies will not be affected globally.

We were told by the Arcturians some thirty years ago that this would come to pass if changes were not made, but even with such information humans tend to wait for the disasters to decide to change. Well the disasters are upon us.

I am Earth, I am Air, I am Fire and I am Water. This simple mantra can help.

The spiritual Path

Choosing your spiritual path, becoming the spiritual warrior.

Surrendering to the holy light within that you “are”, choosing to follow your own inner light, the soul awareness and the journey to ascension.

When we finally surrender to the spiritual path and holy light within we kick our intuitive body into play in ways we never imagined. We begin to trust in a higher power that can lead us out of darkness into light. We choose to see the truth on a larger scale and also what “The bigger Picture” is. The results of which are us expanding our consciousness and realizing who we are authentically.

At every degree and level of attainment we must know how and when to surrender and trust in the unknown. It is always best to call forward the four directions of Earth, Air, fire and Water as well as the four Archangels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. These are our protection energies needed to help keep us safe on our journey.
We need safety as the Ocean of inner and outer demons must be conquered as we go. All energy has its own awareness and to strive for the light may be no small task but worth the time to learn about and many times overcome. Remember you are an eternal being with much information stored within soul from previous incarnations, none of us are pure.

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.

Spiritual Housekeeping

It’s time to do some spiritual housekeeping; out with the old in with the new.

Letting go is a process whereby we come to terms with and integrate our feelings. It is not the same as distancing away from them. Ultimately what we won’t deal with today can find a way of hiding itself from us by manifesting through illness or new situations we don’t want it in.

For example you have heard the phrase “the past rears its ugly head”, this is when we have forgotten about some inner stuffed feelings and secrets we have tried to bury within.
In order to heal on the inside we must be willing to dig deeply into the old stuffed emotions and transmute them through forgiveness and understanding. Embracing the past can seem like a bad love affair at first as we find the parts of self that we may hate the most.

Always visualize the circumstance, parts of self and or others you need to forgive, bring those feelings up to your heart and see a blazing flame of violet, then simply say “ I forgive myself for the feelings surrounding these things and now choose to heal and transmute them. I choose to love myself and understand and— I let them go, I let them go, I let them go.” Put them into the Violet Flame as well as your heart and feel the change to the reality they have held.

“I am open to the holy light of life within that I am. I am that I am, I am that I am.”

There are many in depth exercises in my book “Getting to the Heart” a journey of soul transformation and spiritual enlightenment. By: Athene Raefiel

Divine Mother

Some other names the Divine Mother has been called.

Mother Mary

Phallas Athene

White buffalo Calf woman

Lady Nada

Shakti and Kali

The divine Mother coming in.

The Divine Mother is coming in and what it means.

It would take me pages and pages to share and explore the depth of its meaning and because I am not privy to all the information the universe has to offer. I am simply a messenger of light who can share the information I get.

This is a terrible time for the Amazon forest to be burning the way it is and the fires were all set not by nature but government and forestry services. It is this kind of abuse of power that has had the effect of bringing more energy of the higher levels to intercede on Earth’s behalf. This abuse of power has taken the world stage and become extremely destructive to our planet affecting even the smallest of animals, streams and agriculture.

Mother Earth, Gaia, has called out to the various higher realms in the need of reconstruction and balance to take place. Human’s awareness of these problems has helped bring light to assist the many destructive practices to fellow human beings as well. The angels, spirit guides and ascended ones have carried these messages to the Divine Mother and she has decided to respond.
The Universal Laws have kept most ascended beings from interceding on our behalf as there are certain force fields in place that were put there to allow humans to decide their own destiny, but when they decided to own and destroy Mother Earth that had to change.

Many force fields will have to be broken down for the ascended ones to enter this plane and work with us and the planet. This will be quite uncomfortable for several upcoming months and it can feel as if everything is coming unhinged. Not that this hasn’t been going on for the past several years already but at an even more accelerated pace. Hold on to your boot straps and remember to not lose yourself.

Meditation will be changing as the movement of such energies will feel very unfamiliar for a period of time and grounding into the universal energies will be what is called for even though they will be in great movement. Continue to pray to the divine Light and its intercession.

More Info from The Universe

I wake up every day now with a new hope for life and the future of our planet, knowing that “ The Divine Mother” is entering our plane of existence is precisely what is needed to help bring back balance and harmony to all life upon earth.

I know the poles are shifting and the weather is continuing to deteriorate, yet I also know that “The Divine Mother” is who the entire Hierarchy works for and answers to, including the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms. Beings from these etheric and celestial planes have been praying for Earth and us for the past century, hoping to help us reclaim a fruitful and fulfilled life while in body.

The concern for the upcoming generations has been great and the need for Earth to be able to replenish herself even greater. We are part of a Solar System, and a Galaxy within a greater Universe. Our Universe is but one among many and as we struggle, so do other planets and Galaxies. Though I know this is hard to comprehend we are one among many stars and planets that need one another. We are not nor have ever been alone.

The movement of this new influx of blessed energies will need to be received with as much awakening of souls as possible. Ignorance will not be tolerated, not will hate and disease; all life must begin to heal and this will take time and patience but must be so for the preservation of our future.

Do not expect these upcoming miracles to bring goodness and light to every corner of your life for you are the ones that will need to be strong and hold this heavenly light within your being. Be willing to participate and help. This is what is being asked of you currently.

Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.         

Life after Death

Crossing Over


Ever wonder what happens after you leave this world and enter the next? Wonder no more; Archangel Raphael has offered some important information for the future of your being.

When someone dies there is a process to which they must adhere before entering into a state of blissful consciousness and peace. This process involves the Soul and the Astral Self.

When hearing someone speak of seeing the soul leave another’s’ body, what they are actually seeing is the Astral body of that individual. Few make the distinction between the astral and soul, as few really seek to enlighten themselves to these teachings. Death often referred to as a great Mystery of the Universe, yet there is no greater mystery than life itself. I say this as Death is part of life and so life part of death, or the great transitions within soul.

When leaving the physical world due to dying, you immediately enter the Astral body. This vehicle of time and travel is extensive and whether you choose to be aware of it or not and has been actively participating throughout your lifetime. The astral is a vast plane of reality and consciousness that is always connected to and part of your soul.

The astral plane is not now nor ever has been separate from the physical for it indeed is a transmission plane through which all out of body experiences are lived and experienced before moving beyond.

Often meditation and an altered state of consciousness allow the individual to enter and explore the many dimensions of the astral plane. In this awesome plane of existence beings and teachers of light such as the Angels and Spirit guides can be met with and utilized within your own individual consciousness.

Other things such as the heavenly colors and passages of illumination can be found here. When exploring such awesome beauty and light many assume this to be heaven. I may say that it is one of the many heavens you can experience after death and while still in the physical, but only one.

Upon entering the astral plane many become quite frightened and try to flee back to the physical. In doing so they only prolong the after death process, but the rules for dimensional travel still allow the free will to choose its behavior. Oh yes, as in all life, death also has its rules of travel and experience.

The more one has meditated and studied the art of trance the greater the possibilities of faster promotion once they have died the physical death. For them, traveling the realms of awareness and illumination are already the discipline they have placed upon themselves, helping to guarantee a vast and harmonious transition into the life awaiting them.

For those who have had no formal training in the correct art of prayer and meditation it is unlike anything they could have imagined. The first step for all is the acceptance of the fact they are no longer in the physical. For the unenlightened this seems to be the hardest step of all as they fear being out of body to begin with. For these souls it will take longer to reach the heavenly planes of the Astral to experience and learn what they are as soul.

Since time no longer exists the same way on the other side as it does here, these beings can linger for centuries before deciding to take an alternative route to the life that lies ahead. They are known to you as disincarnate beings or ghosts. Their fear or shame is blocking them much the same way it did in the physical.

The tunnel of the Astral light still awaits them but will not interfere with their choice.

For those who have been extremely religious and choose immediately to enter the Light, whatever teacher or being they have believed in will be there to greet them on the other end of the tunnel. It will be a fabulous experience and the beginning of the true journey into the afterlife.

For the enlightened many, the experience will be similar yet different, as they will be ushered to entire different places to explore the journey and purpose of the afterlife. So you see indeed, death has as many doorways of life once entered into and no two individuals will experience it the same way.

Let me speak now of the most common of those. Once through the tunnel and united with the Archetype most familiar to them they will then immediately see all others that are familiar to them that have crossed. It is not exactly like a homecoming as many on the other side have still not resolved their differences. All of this will come to light one second of your time here, seeing it all at once can be quite shocking to the individual; as it is like a life review in fast forward. The emotions and attachments here will determine where the individual will go next.

This experience is often referred to as the dream time or dream tunnel experience. Seeing your entire life flash before your eyes can be quite disconcerting when realizing how much has been left undone. After this experience you and the Spirit Helpers with you will sit down and plot a plan of action.

It is at this juncture that the individual and they’re soul choosing a journey of restitution to right the wrongs left between themselves and others. Lots of forgiveness lay ahead and some will not wish to enter such a journey. Their reasoning being that they don’t need nor deserve such action now that the physical is over.

Others will be so attached to those they love in the physical that they will choose to wait for other family members to join them before making any kind of decision to move on; and still others will insist on getting to work as soon as possible.

The misconceptions that once you die you automatically are forgiven for all errors are erroneous. You as the creator have chosen to have these attachments and agreements therefore only you can heal and transmute what are your creations.

Too often physical beings assume that they have a godhead greater than themselves that will magically fix everything one they are deceased. This is nonsense. As you live so shall you die, and how you die so shall you live, no matter what plane of existence you inhabit.

Though humans prescribe too many deities as their salvation there is but one journey and one journey alone to other side after death.

What of Heaven and Hell you may ask. Well I am getting to that, as what you choose after travelling through the great chamber of life will determine the type of consciousness you will dwell within for some time. It will be your own need to torture yourself or others that will determine your penance.

Once the choices have been made at this juncture many choose to dwell in settings much the same as they did in the physical realm, often only waiting to return to the physical once again. Some choose to sleep for an eternity and they too have a place and sleep with the millions. Here there are an assigned number of Spirit Helpers who care for them in case they choose to awaken. And others will have to experience the lower astral level of demons and ugliness.

Those brave souls that choose to move forward will begin a great journey of enlightenment and soul memory, leading them to the freedom of love and bliss. Of this journey I will not expound as it is as individual, as it is powerfully special. Here the climb to true attainment begins and will become eternal, even when and if they return to physical.

What happens to the more enlightened when they too cross over? The beginning process of entering in the tunnel of the astral light is the same for all when leaving this dimension, yet what occurs after they arrive is somewhat different.

All are subject to laws of karma whether in life of afterlife. When they are met by their Spirit Guides on the other side they are taken to the same dream state as the others and decisions will be made about any needed adjustments within the Karmic Realm. Once these have been adjusted there are many planes of consciousness within which the soul can dwell and operate.

Most of these beings have already left this world understanding themselves to be in service of the higher orders. Therefore it will be decided where the best fit is for them to help. The hierarchy is a vast expanse far beyond human comprehension therefore there are many different positions open to those already aware on their path of eternity.

Just as the sands of the Earth, so are the many places to explore and experience in the lives between lives. The vastness of this journey cannot be put into physical words, nor definition, as no such experiences can be had in the physical. The causal plane, celestial plane, and all other heavenly planes are merely the existence of and understanding of a variety of energies. This is the closest I can get to an explanation.

We the angels dwell in what is known as the Angelic Realm. This realm has such a massive number of dimensions that they cannot be counted, just as the many other realms of light and intelligence.

Peoples rational have held them prisoner in the physical for eons of time. This is a choice made out of ignorance and denial of the realities that lie beyond.

Though so many proclaim this to be their last physical lifetime, the work needed to accomplish this is massive and few dare to challenge themselves enough to stay the course.

The thought of dying and ascending in the light with all God’s forgiveness is a wonderful thought, but even more wonderful is presently living heaven on earth.

The Great Hack

Watched the documentary on Netflix yesterday call “The Great Hack” Everyone needs to check it out if possible!

Finding Balance

Ask the Universe.

Through Athene Raefiel

Mighty beings of light assisting us in our journey of life, won’t you please tell me why there is so much suffering and sadness in life upon this planet?

Dear children of Love,

This is a very important question that we find great promise in answering.

Life goes in cycles, you live many lifetimes in the physical plane to gain awareness of the soul and light being that you are. The separation of love and life began long ago. Believing themselves to be separate from the eternal, humans determined it their right to rule the elements surrounding them. This of course is the nature of the beast within that strives to survive.

Existence unto itself is simply form; therefore all life having form must ascend each plane and dimension of being they are capable of in order to move beyond the limits imposed by those dimensions. Limitations are the key to growth in all dimensions of form. Sadness and suffering are caused by an imbalance of one’s flow.

Flow is the movement of all energies combined. When the flow of the earth is endangered so is the flow of all life upon her. To find balance in the flow one must move into various dimensions of consciousness continually rise from tangible to intangible, from outer senses to inner perception and continue in developing the understanding of themselves.

The earth polarities constantly shifting causes the tides of oceans to be at unrest affecting all things of life upon her; be it human, animal, plant or vegetable or mineral. By now you have realized the very foods you eat, air you breathe, and water you drink all have been contaminated in some form or another. Your bodies and the body of earth are all connected.

Due to many of developments of modern times the very tough processes of individuals have been affected. The conditions you call thinking and feeling centers are sensory perceptions and though some may ignore such sensations they are truly magnificent unto themselves but can also be a burden when contaminated.

There are many areas of sensory perception that need to be cleared up in the human race in order for a balance on a feeling and thinking level to occur. This is a job all of you should be currently participating in.

To bring balance to the many you must first establish balance within yourselves.

Finding Balance

Only in the higher realms of consciousness can one find balance and harmony, this being the one place that attunes within to soul such frequencies. Some people are born in this frequency simply because they have evolved to this realm of vibration and conscious thought before coming into body. This is often a rarity rather than the norm, due to the lessons that must be learned and experienced to overcome the lower and sadder vibrations known in life.

Let us look at plant animal and mineral life. Each of these is susceptible to the sensations they feel around them and each of them responds. All need sustenance, light and love. When denied any of these things they wither and decay; so it is with all life.

In your dimension the human psyche must be fed as well as the emotions and physical being. When deprived of the necessary nutrients parts simply wither, affecting the other parts.

Because you chose to live in the dimension of cause and effect you also chose to evolve or not. Evolution is the one food everything upon your planet needs to sustain life. The part that humans play is grandiose indeed as you have the ability to think and know. Yet the misuse of such abilities works to deterrent of all other life upon the planet. You are gods to many species of life around you, yet humans have too often chosen to be ruled by other humans rather than themselves.

They believe they must have guidelines to exist upon the planet and they have given this power to others to decide for them. They have built towers and governments, roadways and automation, telescopes and theories, all to the result of their imaginations, yet they have forgotten to develop their soul awareness and consciousness. Without these it is as if a plant were plastic rather than live. Yes too many humans have become plastic ignoring their origination and own power.

The sadness in the world is due to the ruling factions of the world who have decided to hoard and covet all things considered to be of value except human life. When human life became expendable so did soul awareness. So long as people believed themselves to be helpless and powerless so did they choose to ignore the eternal self.

When humans decided they no longer believed in life eternal they created death. The soul is the everlasting life that all were designed to dwell within but free will and choice played havoc with this awareness. Many forgot the power of belief and simply began accepting that life was out of their hands so existence became to norm.

The human Condition

This brings us to the human condition in life. People are taught and learn through one another and their environment. When in a loving and nurturing environment the opportunity exists to exhibit these same traits, the personality of a person is guided by their thinking and seeing selves. To understand that the various conditions in the world and one another help to determine the personality one learns to survive its environment.

The thinking process of people aids them in their everyday life but does not necessarily fill their soul with beauty. Beauty can only be found within each person and thing. True beauty is pure love. Finding this beauty in life is key to understanding the different dimensions of self. When anything is born into and lives within chaos and destruction, love is left outside and they believe it is only meant for some, not them. Take for instance a plant, when the soil is rich and fertile and there is plenty of sunshine it will flourish. So it is with all life when in the proper environment. When deprived of the proper nutrients life withers and dies.

Mankind was created to feast upon the love of the unconditional yet found ways to destroy this very important element of life. Love became a conditional element to life and they have accepted that love as the true light. The true light only exists within the unconditional life and must be sought to be found.

Though a natural aspect of life, the distortion brought to unconditional love was done by power hungry animals wishing do dominate the whole of earth and the life upon her. This domination and condition of life has all but sucked the true light out of living, breathing things.

Think of your pet animals and how they learn to be trained and experience love. Human life has become quite the same; thereby bringing sadness and grief to all corners of life. This has been occurring since the beginning of time as you know it, and even though there are variances within the flow of each person, still what one believes still hold true their perception and reality. This is the conditioning and training that life has accepted itself to be dominated by.

It does not have to remain so, but as long as the many outweigh the few it is often easier to give up and join the crowd. Usually a feeling of desperation and dissolution brings life to its knees and into subservience of what appears to be the norm.

The many awakened and enlightened beings upon your planet strive to raise the consciousness of the unaware and teach them to use their individual power and work within soul and spirit. This is the only purpose there currently is for those working within and seeking truth at this time.

Death is but a transition, but transition to what is determined by the awareness gained each life.

If no awakening takes place beings simply continue the same self- serving cycles they have already accepted as reality and continue war, hatred, devastation and denial of everlasting life.

Awakening is a choice that few too many make thereby allowing these self- serving souls to continually re-incarnate and spread their disease and disarray they believe to be life all over again.

So conditioned are the current players upon your planet, that even eons of time have not left them wanting a higher more beautiful existence; this is where the sadness and suffering lies.

Only through the reconditioning of man and complete program change can peace and love be restored as the imminent truth among the many.

Fighting for truth is not the answer, only the understanding of truth can free the mind, the body and the soul.

Each and every one of you is the true essence of life and being. Realizing this is freedom and joy.