The Winter Solstice is the longest day of the year and falls on December 21st, 2019.
We do ceremony to bring the light back to the world. This year is exceptional as the Solstice will be followed by a Solar Eclipse December 25th, 2019.
I’m going to say we have some unusually hard aspects In December and from what I am seeing it is definitely affecting men much differently than women. This month is an adjustment time for the Yin and Yang to find new balance.
The essence of the Divine Mother entering the fourth dimension will be clearly anchored during this time. Her presence will make itself known during and after the set of Eclipses being Solar in December and the Lunar January 10, 2020.
These energies will bring a great deal of introspection to the surface to be healed and understood.
The Divine Mother comes to assist the Planet Earth in her reconstruction to find and balance Earth energies assisting the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms that have sustained the greatest damage.
She will bring with her an entourage of Divine Hosts and some that will be staying to assist humankind in finding Divinity and Love. Many new teachers will seem to suddenly emerge worldwide to assist the Millennials in what lies ahead for them.
We all will be humbled as the veil will be thinned allowing us to gain great clarity and answers about what we are doing here and why.
For many there will be a changing of the guard as we receive new teachers and guides.
Be aware of the simplest messages your intuition tells you and listen with your inner knowing.
Blessings of Light and Love to each of you; and remember” ye are gods”.