
I guess I am a bit testy with reading all the wonderful posts on Facebook. Seems as though nobody has a bad day anymore because they are so positive.

Without spirit in our life

Without Spirit I our life we just float and wonder why. With spirit in our life we float and kind of know why.

Without spirit in our life we have no idea where we are going when we die. With spirit in our life we can prepare what awaits us.

Without spirit in our life the sky tends to fall way to often. With spirit in our life we know it is just another day and we will survive it.

Without spirit in our life we always feel alone and lonely. with spirit in our life we know we are part of a spiritual family and will never be alone.

Without spirit in our life we wander aimlessly. with spirit in our life we have direction and purpose.

Why seek out your spirituality?

Reach Higher

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