Soul Discernment
By: Athene Raefiel
Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the Etheric and Physical we can see almost anything that can take on form. Most beings in other dimensions often use the astral plane to be seen and heard so that we can actually interplay with them.
Hearing and seeing with your astral eyes and ears is different than with your physical senses. Information is relayed in what you feel and therefore must interpret to understand the messages. Not unlike the signs we ask to receive from our universal self and teachers; communicating telepathically is the only form of communication.
We often think that there is somewhere to go to communicate with the other realms, all is currently within each of us and we need only to tap the methods.
Telepathy is a sending and receiving of energy in thought form. This is why it doesn’t matter what language you speak in the physical when beings from different realms speak with you they speak your language. Of course love is the universal language and when we meet beings from other dimensions we must discern if they are of love or not.
It is easy for somebody’s uncle Bob to contact you from the other side and tell you things that are of no value. But if you think they are a spirit guide or angelic teacher you will soon find the information stagnant and useless.
When we communicate with our spirit Guides and Teachers we do so through thought. Most often we call it praying. We take the time to form our thoughts in a manner that we believe to be precious to the Divine, therefore setting those thoughts aside from our other self- thinking.
When we begin to examine our thought process we realize that there is an order to them; or should be). Before praying or meditating we try to clear our thoughts of the everyday mundane world and focus on the nothingness of the “I am”. Coming to center we find that there is little static on the line and we can hear and imagine much more clearly.
Discernment is necessary if we are to identify true Divine Teachings from traditional thinking. It is the divine mind within us that we wish to attain the greatest awareness and truth that is held within the Universal Mind. This we tap through our soul consciousness.
Why is it so hard to find and assimilate soul consciousness, you may ask? It isn’t! We simply believe that traditional consciousness is all we are, therefore denying ourselves the right to enter into soul and discover the information and treasures therein.
Though soul works like a computer, and is always receiving and downloading and storing information, it contains the truth about memory and what purpose’s it can serve. Soul contains all information on who I am, what I’ve seen and experienced, and why I think and feel the way I do unconsciously. Travelling with soul allows you to and connects with the memories of collective soul expanding your horizons most profoundly.
Sounds pretty vast does it not; yet soul is your playground of learning about life after life, after life. Life between lives and all the stories of creation are stored within soul archives as well as learning other languages and deciphering the mysteries of the Universes themselves.
Religion teaches us to ignore soul and jump right to Divine Spirit. Some religions even teach that there is no soul. But experience will show you what exists, and is as real as anything you can see or touch. Soul is the vehicle through which we learn, grow and develop. Many believe soul to be the god self and teach us such “it is the way the truth and light” they say often identifying it with different figures throughout time.
Called the Christ consciousness, soul is the intermediary between us and the Divine.
Just as higher self, has higher- self, has higher- self; so soul has over soul, and over soul, and so forth.
We do not have individual identifiable souls, other than the Book of Life registered within our soul memory, currently known as the Akashic Record of self. In order to understand how we are soul and spirit we must first understand the why of the single identity we have chosen to experience in the physical form. This individual and single identity brings us to the awareness that we are part of a soul group that is all working together to attain and become aware of the one- self as being part of the whole self.
Traversing soul allows us to discriminate, change, repair and newly create certain aspects of self. Because physical incarnations are based on patterns of perception, within soul we can renew our perception and heal the past and selves within.
What we perceive to be real is only reality until we understand and perceive differently. Going within soul allows us to change and remove unwanted behaviors by transmutation and reformation. This is how we create new realities as well as open ourselves to existential realities we never knew existed.
For instance; as we use the gift of going within as our tool for learning and advancement, we discover entire new worlds of Angelic beings and spiritual teachers that we have heard of but never understood how to commune with. In this communion we become aware of the fact that we are not in fact individual but multiplicity. We realize that we are “God”, as is all of life. Of course we have been blessed with rationale and conscious awareness of this fact while plant animal and rock and other forms have not.
Do all things living have consciousness? Well of course they do or they would not have life; it is consciousness that gives life.
The first things we discover upon entering soul are the memories of this life as well as others. Too we encounter the awareness of how we are spirit and therefore how all spirit is one. Because of the painful memories that we need to face and transmute, many avoid soul memory at all costs. What they do not know is that to avoid the reality of eternity is to destroy its viability and eventually all memory that lies within. Taking this path can lead to de-evolution and a forgetfulness that closes off memory to the soul thereby throwing people into innumerable cycles of existence without hope of ascending.
We do this by our own power of free will and choice. Free will and choice were given to humans beings of earth, and no other forms of life that evolve, so that we could create and protect all other life forms around us. It does not make us our brother’s keeper but allows us to teach and share the path of Divine Evolution and ascension to all who question and choose to learn.
Within soul we are able to move beyond self and into “The All”. Here we can suddenly see what was known to be un-seeable and unknown. We can see, breath and touch the reality of what is alive and we move from simple existence into being alive. Participating in all that surrounds us in every different dimension we are capable of absorbing.
Now all life has energy and color. Energies we can feel and touch as well as ever changing variety of colors within the different planes of existence and life as we know it. The beauty is awesome and it as if we could see love itself. This changes us and we realize that what we now experience is the reality of transcending and ascension. We also realize that what is being taught as a reality only after death is in fact the only reality of spiritual evolution that we have. Therefore it does not come to us automatically upon us dying but only through the true journey of soul and spirit consciousness.
If it came to all simply because of physical death there would be an immense number of divinely evolved beings physically walking the Earth daily, not so many beings here determined to kill and be killed. Death is an experience of renewal not the answer to prayer. Since all life continues to evolve and de-evolve, renewal in no way corresponds to ascension.
People on this planet take the creator and creation for granted, by and through religion and wrong belief. Never understanding here on Earth how they are the Creator, they seek freedom and peace from an unknown deity spoken about in a variety of texts, but never identified except after death or the baptism thereof.
In this physical life there are many baptisms we experience daily, baptism of earth, air, fire and water. These four baptisms are eternal and ad to the veracity of soul. Never must we forget that we are eternal.