To my spirit guides and Archangels, Today I ask for advice to assist the peoples of the planet Earth to hearten them with some sort of good news for the upcoming future?
Children of The Light, we understand and hear your current concerns of paying your bills and putting food on the table. We too are concerned for your well-being and shall ask The Divine Mother and Councils of Light to share information on the status of this pandemic that is helping Mother Earth heal and re-balance herself.
A new message from Gaia;
Humans of Earth, I understand the operations of beings upon my life who utilize my firmament to sustain life for themselves. My firmament serves many species of life in abundance for food, air, fire and water.
This pandemic is but a taste of the pain and sorrow other kingdoms dwelling within and upon the Earth have endured for decades.
Stay in touch with helping one another and pray for the well-being of the Earth; this is how you can help both us and yourselves.
Prayer to keep aligned:
Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, I call you forth and ask that you align your light within me. I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am.
Please assist the young ones and make sure that all will be fine.
Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.