El Plano Astral

El Plano Astral Por: Athene Raefiel www.AtheneRaefiel.com El plano astral, también conocido como uno de los siete cielos, es el plano de existencia a través del cual toda vida tangible se experimenta a sí misma. Nosotros nos experimentamos y experimentamos nuestras vidas en el plano astral a cada momento de cada día. Cuando alguien muere,…

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Las Frecuencias

LAS FRECUENCIAS by Athene RaefielDiariamente todos estamos sujetos a las frecuencias que nos rodean. Es como si fueran radio-ondas que vienen de diferentes direcciones. A travez de las frecuencias es como todo se comunica alrededor nuestro. La tecnologia moderna ha producido un amplia variedad de frecuencias desde el descubrimiento y el invento del telefono, la…

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LA HERMANDAD DE LA LUZ Canalizado a través de Athene Raefiel – 2007 Nos hemos reunido como la Hermandad de la Luz para traer a nuestros maravillosos trabajadores de la luz un mensaje de suma importancia. Tal como cada uno de ustedes lo ha sentido a través de las experiencias en estos últimos años, ha…

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2011, Sanat Kumara Channeling

El Tiempo de Cosas Nunca Antes Vistas Canalización de Sanat Kumara A Través de Athene Raefiel 2011 Queridos preciosos seres de Luz y Amor. Mientras llegan al final de otro año en tiempo de 3era dimensión, ustedes se encuentran con muchas aventuras inesperadas y también poderosas iniciaciones les han llenado el año entero hasta ahora….

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THE CONCORDANCE PENTECOST By: Johnny Mirehiel, 2005 May 15th presents several interesting astrological occurrences that relate to the Harmonic Concordance chart. It seems to mark an “attunement” with the energies that were set in motion on the “birth date” of the Concordance. That it also marks the traditional observation of the Pentecost is an interesting…

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GALACTIC WINDOW 2012 By Kiara Windrider April 2, 2005 I remember when I was a young student trying to study for my exams or writing a major term paper. I would usually wait until the last possible moment and then stay up all night to get it done. I just couldn’t do it any other…

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Katrina’s Real Name by Ross Gelbspan The Boston Globe Tuesday 30 August 2005 The Hurricane that struck Louisiana yesterday was nicknamed Katrina by the National Weather Service. Its real name is global warming. When the year began with a two-foot snowfall in Los Angeles, the cause was global warming. When 124-mile-an-hour winds shut down nuclear…

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March Astrology Rant 2006

March Astrology Rant 2006 by Mystic Marguerite March is one of the most transformational months of this year. As we begin, the Sun is traveling through Pisces, sign of dreams, dissolving and melting away, introspection, surrender, escape, sacrifice; we celebrate the experience of being one with All. Then abruptly on the 21st, the solar orb…

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MEMORIAL WEEKEND NEWSLETTER by Caroline Myss June 8, 2006 It’s been a long while since I’ve had the time to write a general newsletter to everyone. I’ve been more than busy writing my new book, ENTERING THE CASTLE, for months now and between that and teaching, I haven’t had the time to do any extra…

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Astro Frequency by Ralfee Finn November 1, 2006 It’s a “two steps forward, one step back, and then a giant leap into the future” kinda week as the final Mercury Retrograde phase of the year hastens a review of 2006 and assists in sorting out what’s a good idea to leave behind and what’s essential…

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