Athene Raefiel – Book and CDs
Back Cover of Book:
Understanding is that space in time where the truth is realized. Without truth in life there can be no fulfillment. When we begin to understand and truth is revealed, our perception of what life is about for us changes.
For us to truly achieve understanding we must be willing to examine ourselves thoroughly. We must seek to discover how we are actually the reflection of what all life is instead of allowing the outer world to determine our fate and our destiny.
In order to understand the Divine you must understand yourself, for in understanding yourself you will realize that you and the Divine are one in the same. By living the truth and light within yourself you can actually become yourself. This can only be accomplished through self-realization and understanding.
You as soul are a collective whole of all that has gone before is presently happening and is yet to come. Through the understanding of this principal you attain enlightenment.
Dwelling in the realm of true understanding allows us to conceptualize instead of rationalizing. Conceptualizing allows us to realize that what we earlier saw as reality was merely an aspect of the truth and a small one at that. Understanding is the key element to awareness and truth. Understanding, awareness, and truth are synonymous with one another; in fact they are like the strands of a tapestry that are beautifully woven together. It is their weave, their color and their beauty that brings the whole picture to life for those who choose to experience it.
149 pages, Perfect Bound
$10.00 per book plus shipping and handling
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e-Books You Can Pay and Download from Athene please just contact her.
Visualizations, Prayers and Invocations eBook
All e-books are password protected. When you pay for an e-book you will send in an order, you will then receive the link, user name and password within two days to download and print the book.
This e-book has been developed to help you have all the information you need to teach others, by guiding them through the visualizations included. If you just want to use it for yourself, you will find lots of invocations and prayers to use, and just reading it will produce shifts in your energy. Created for those who want to teach and help others, but awesome individually as well.
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All e-books are password protected. When you pay for an e-book you will send in an order, you will then receive the link, user name and password within two days to download and print the book.
Cost only $2.00.
Athene channels many Ascended Masters, Archangels, Councils of Light, and Galactic brotherhoods. She has compiled this e-book for those seeking to hear from these great teachers of light that work with all of us. these are the channelings that can be read over and over only to find that they change as you do. they are a great catalyst of energy and light. They are truly a treasure of information and light.
Channeling Treasures eBook
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All e-books are password protected. When you pay for an e-book you will send in an order, you will then receive the link, user name and password within two days to download and print the book.
Cost only $2:00
Finally “Getting to the Heart” can be purchased as an e-book. Many who own this book have called it their bible at times. Great information on many topics, please see the description of the paperback on this website. This book is valuable asset to anyone wanting to learn about the soul, the astral, the chakras, the inner child, forgiveness, spirituality and so much more.
Getting To The Heart eBook
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Guided Meditations on CD-Go to
CD 1: Stairway Of Angels Go to
Track 1: Stairway to Heaven – Go to
Great for individuals and classes.
Let yourself travel the stairway of light and meet with an angel who can help you see the light of God that dwells within you. Open the doorways of your heart. Learn how to open your heart and remember how you are love.
Stairway Of Angels Sample
Track 2: Halls of Learning – 20:39-Go to
Halls of Learning – 20:39-Go to
Visit the Akashic records in the halls of learning.
The Akashic records are within everyone’s soul memory. By taking this journey you enter into the wonderful world of soul. Here you will find your own book of life and memories of many spiritual experiences.
CD 2 – The Sacred Garden – Go to
Track 1: Sacred Garden- 20:39-Go to
Great for individuals and classes.
The Sacred Garden is a very special place where your spirit guide awaits you. For twenty years this channeled meditation has been helping people meet with and learn about their guides. The experience is wonderful and full of excitement and love.
The Sacred Garden Sample
Track 2: The Sacred Circle 23:00-Go to
Great for individuals and classes.
This channeled meditation is awesome. It guides you to a high plateau where you meet the messengers that attend the four directions of North, East, South and West. Here you will receive your spiritual gifts while creating your own sacred circle.
CD 3 – Prayers and Invocations – Go to
Anchoring Light – 9:26
Prayers and Invocations Sample
Creating Sacred Space – 16:47-Go to
Prayers for the Planet – 10:55-Go to