Challenging Times

These times are very challenging on many levels. As we watch the trash pile up on the beaches and in the oceans we realize how sad and disgusting things have actually become. I used to travel down to the bottom or the Oceans in my early visualizations. What I found was astonishing to me. There […]

July 6, 2019

With the Eclipses also come major earth changes, such as the California Earthquakes. I didn’t mention this before as we have experienced so much weather damage already this year and last that to some it just seems more of the same. Many people have been displaced from their homes due to flooding and hurricanes the […]

July Solar Eclipse

Today Is the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Two weeks from now the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Eclipses bring a time of revue and can often be emotional for little or no reason. Lots of vacillation and the “what if’s” can come up regularly and we may be forced to re-live things from the past […]

Backward and Forward

We must look backward in order to see forward. So Often this week I have heard “Leave the past behind”, of course we should not make the past our present but without the past there is no way we could learn. There are many phases of life and development that we are privileged to experience […]


There are many forces currently working to sublimate and control the thinking of humankind. We have been and are fed lies and deceit as reality for so long it seems to be reality. I feel that we are in great danger of losing the battle to control our own thinking and perception. Without meditation I […]


  Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts of our sublimation. When we hear or are taught something over and over again we begin to accept it as part of our reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, famine, homelessness, politics and Jesus, all are part […]

Feeling Lost

The urge to do something new and different contains me today. I miss so many places that I have lived before. I miss Long Island the kinds of people I would meet there and in NYC; such a wide variety of talented and interesting souls. Everyone was so diverse and vibrant and no matter who […]

Keeping Alive

Sorry for being absent sometimes, it is usually the arthritis in my hands that holds me back. Today I wish to share that we have a set of Eclipses coming up in June, 2019 as well as three major Planets retrograde and somewhat in Conjunction. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. I feel as if they have […]

Standing up for oneself

Standing up for yourself. Standing up for oneself can be very difficult the more aware and compassionate you become. You have gained great understanding and love, so you want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. In so doing others often feel that you are easily manipulated and try to take advantage of you. […]

Self Development

Often people find it hard to slow their own brain down long enough to really listen to what the other person is saying. Because of this they don’t have an opportunity to process what is being said. Too often we have an answer to a question we never took the time to really hear or […]