Be Happy

A brown and red abstract design with some shapes

Are you finding it hard to stay centered and on task in this energy? Just want to throw caution to the wind and have a good time for a while? Then perhaps you need to do that! We too often take life and ourselves too seriously; at times we even make playing a chore. Relaxation […]

Soul Mates

A colorful abstract image of butterflies.

Soulmates Almost everyone we meet in life is a soulmate on some level. We are all part of a soul group and have known each other from past experience. We discover somehow if we need to finish and complete things with others or if we are to re-unite and stay connected for important periods of […]

The fifth Dimension

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Moving into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness The Etheric Body – Plane of Cause and Effect First in order to move into a new level of consciousness one must have had the training of the Fourth Dimension well in hand. It is through the learning of Unconditional Love that we ascend the staircase to the higher more […]

The Fourth Dimension

A colorful ball of yarn is shown in this image.

The Fourth Dimension The Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra also known as the Fourth Dimension is the balancer between the lower three chakras and the upper three. Until one fully knows how to operate in the fourth Dimension they cannot move to the Fifth. The Heart Chakra is definitely the Yin Yang symbol and holds […]


A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

What is Initiation ? Archangel Raphael through Athene Raefiel     Initiation is brought about by the cyclic process of karma. Karma, the plane of cause and effect, says there must be balanced in the body, mind and soul to ascend your current plane of existence and continue your spirit journey. Everything and everyone must […]

Excerpt From my Book “Getting to the Heart”

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

The Spiritual Quest Begins       Our three lower chakras represent all the conditioning and attachments developed in life. While developing through the lower chakras we experience only through the carnal nature which is our need to survive. At this stage, the acceptance and approval of others is how we determine our successes and […]

All time is now

A painting of an angel sitting in the clouds

I live and dwell in the present, all time is now. Each and every day is its own adventure and creation. Feeing sad today is its own reality and I shall embrace and honor it as such. I embrace and honor all my feelings and thoughts as they are mine alone. I do not compare […]

Galactic Counsel Channeling

Channeling From The Galactic Brotherhood Through: Athene Raefiel We come to you today to share our concerns with all of you who have been stressed about the current energies and worldwide effect they are having. Due to the changing climactic patterns and the earth shifting to adjust herself, the storms will become increasing difficult for […]

Letting go

A purple and yellow cube with some green leaves

Letting go does not mean to push away or suppress. True letting go is a process of integration and healing. Letting go can be a misleading statement because it gives the impression of separation. By integrating a situation that involves you, another person, or a circumstance in life, means to come to terms with it. […]