Letting Go

Overcoming fear is our greatest conquest this lifetime. Fear creates and it is currently abundant everywhere. Spiritual growth is about confronting and healing the fear. Love is the asset we need to overcome fear. Fear cannot reside within love, it simply disseminates when it is brought into the love contained within each and every one […]

Wobbling Earth

The Earth is wobbling right now and that is why so many people are feeling dizzy , especially when they get up in the morning. The energies are very ungrounded and it as if there is a whole new meaning to making sense of things. Unknown planets are showing up as well as incoming signals, […]

Angelic Learning

I remember when I first met and started working with Archangel Raphael. He told me that everything I had learned up to this point would be useless in my spiritual learning. My journey was like beginning all over in Kindergarten. I needed to release and overcome my judgements and learn to see the bigger picture. […]

Self Development

For: www.atheneraefiel.com Skills You Need to Succeed in the Path of Self Development! Self-development is a lesson that lasts a lifetime. It is a struggle to develop ourselves and skills. Acquiring these skills need internal courage and urge to become your better self and remain willing to learn new things, no matter how hard it […]

Fear the Great Motivater

A blue and white poster with the words stairway of angels

Fear the great motivator. Everything in our physical life seems to be driven by fear. Time is always of the essence. Little or no time is dedicated to the quiet and thoughtful inner dialog. Most people can’t even stand to talk with themselves. I on the other hand have discovered how to be my own […]

Awakening Consciousness

Awakening consciousness and expanding it is an unending process. This process is filled with wonderment and much of the Ah Ha realities. This expansive understanding and awareness helps discover the inner you and the creative self. The Higher self, also called the authentic self, has been covered up by centuries of strange but necessary conditioning […]


The word that comes to me today is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and staying present. As human beings our thoughts seem to run aimlessly most of the time. To become mindful our attention is mostly focused on how we think and feel as well as what we pay attention to. A […]

Enter Lords of Light

We must be aware of these powerful shifting energies and pray as the Divine Mother enters our realm of being. this cannot be easy for her or the legions of light that assist her, for the pain we feel is extremely amplified for them. The great sacrifices they are making to attend us is unprecedented […]

Prayer for the Planet

  I am the power and the light within all that I am. I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am. I am earth, I am Air, I am fire, and I am water, I am that I am I am that I am I am that I […]

Reaching into the Higher planes of Counsciousness

Reaching the higher dimensions of consciousness through meditation and visualization. The energies have shifted and it is as if we need a new road map to follow to reach the higher and divine levels through our meditation. We must also become accustomed to anchoring light daily and correctly in order to assist this process. This […]