Overcoming fear is our greatest conquest this lifetime. Fear creates and it is currently abundant everywhere.
Spiritual growth is about confronting and healing the fear. Love is the asset we need to overcome fear. Fear cannot reside within love, it simply disseminates when it is brought into the love contained within each and every one of us.
We can transmute nearly all of our problems when we strengthen our love within as well as without. Forgiveness is a key element in doing this. Here is an exercise that can help.
“I forgive myself for accepting the pattern and condition of pain within me, I release and let go of the memory of pain and I replace it with love and acceptance.
I forgive myself for accepting the pattern and condition of sadness within myself and I release and let go of the deep levels within my body and minds memory. I replace it with joy and love daily.
I forgive myself for accepting the pattern and condition of fear within myself and I release it and let it go. I replace it with confidence and trust daily.
I forgive myself for the pattern and condition of hate within myself and I let it go, I let it go, I let it go and now replace with feelings of joy and acceptance.”
You can use this as a format anytime you wish to work on yourself. See how powerful you really are.
Also you can visualize an angel standing in front of you holding a large flame of light and you packing all of the things are letting go of into a suitcase, now throw it into the fire light and say I transmute and let go of the past, I transmute and let go of the past, I transmute and let go of the past. Feel your energy change as you do this. Honor the holy light within that you are and the holy light of god.
Beloved I am, Beloved I am, Beloved I am.