When attempting to change your perception, beliefs, and mind sets, you are challenging yourself on all levels of self. Realize that we all feel drained sometimes. Take the time needed to look after yourself, honor your body. Your body is always the last part of you to receive the healing energies needed for the complete […]
Time of Reflection

We are in a time of reflection. We are looking back and examining just what our lives and experiences of the past were. Visiting places and people from the past may be imminent now, as we may need to review who we have become as well as who or what they have become. It is […]
Front page Interview

Go to my front page and listen to my interview. with Kevin Please.
Push through

The energies are very intense and pressing. This is time for seeing and achieving new and better individual realities. So many times, we talk about what we want to do, and so many times, we take no action upon it. Fear blocks us at every turn, as we fear outcomes, never trying or enjoying the […]
Let Go a Little

Are you finding it hard to stay centered and on task in this energy? Just want to throw caution to the wind and have a good time for a while? Then perhaps you need to do that! We too often take life and ourselves too seriously; at times we even make playing a chore. Relaxation […]
Be Strong

There is a great sadness and fear pervading the peoples of the planet, at this time, as there are fires, hurricanes and presidential elections. All balance is being put to the test. This is a ploy to make people believe there is no hope. If history repeats itself and innocent people die, the economy is […]

Opening to spirit is an awesome experience. As we travel our pathway called life, we are and hardships besieged with problems. With spirit as our partner we find inner strength and hope for the future. Never allow yourself to believe you are alone. Never succumb to the energy that all is lost. Know always, that […]
Lord Sananda

Channeling by Athene Raefiel Master Teacher Lord Sananda I know many of you have waiting to hear from me and my friends and we appreciate that. Seems that it has been a long summer in the Age of Aquarius now upon you. The Divine Mother is in the 3rd and 4th Dimension assisting Gaia, […]
2020 soul awakenings

We are in a major time of soul awakenings during this year of 2020. We are also advancing ourselves to new heights and levels of consciousness. Many beings are new to the realms of consciousness and might wonder if what they experiencing is valid. Indeed it is! Though this is an awkward time for […]
Earth Changes

We were warned about climate change and storm destructions. 30 years ago I channeled the Arcturians for groups of students and others. We were told that if mankind did not make the changes necessary to assist Nature we would be facing these brutal changes. Many of the “I am” followers received the same information from […]