
A colorful abstract image of butterflies.

How life becomes a state of grace rather than a state of reason Thinking is a way of seeing and reasoning out what we experience in the 3D around us. Becoming is a state of being that allows us to open ourselves to more development to become. Often my spirit guides will say to me, […]

Happy 2022

A woman with wings holding a sword in the air.

Wow it is almost 2022! By the time you read this it probably will be. This year promises to be easier on us than the last two. All these twos will help to bring about balance with the male and female within. All relationships will find a better harmony and adjustments. Family will need to […]

2021 Last set of Eclipses

A black and purple pattern with small dots.

We are headed into a set of eclipses this month November 18th and 19th, 2021, A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and Next month December 4th, 2021, Full Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. What can I say? Hold onto your hats as the winds of change blow this cycle of changes in before the new year […]


A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Manifesting your reality. 5th Chakra- Casual Body. In order to manifest what you wish and then draw it to yourself, you must be energetically advanced. I am always amazed when there is an event like the Market Crashing or other hard events pertaining to money that so many teachers come out of the woodwork teaching […]

Youtube athene raefiel

A bright angel appears to the sky in this picture.

There are several guided visualizations up on my YouTube page. You can watch my two radio interviews. And journey to, “The Sacred Garden”, “Stairway of Angels”, “Chakra Alignment and Re-patterning’’ and more. “Initiation”, “The Halls of Learning” and so much more.

Divine Intervention

A painting of an angel with wings and stars

Divine Intervention A discussion between Athene Raefiel and Sanat Kumara Athene:  Dear Universe what is Divine Intervention and how does it work? Sanat Kumara: For the human race as well as other beings of form, Divine intervention is an idea or a concept, something that can only be understood through the experience of it. This […]

Child of the Universe

A bright angel appears to the sky in this picture.

You are a child of the Universe. You are wonderful. Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being. You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with. You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you […]

What is Initiation?

A purple and yellow cube with some green leaves

What is Initiation ? Archangel Raphael through Athene Raefiel Initiation is brought about by the cyclic process of karma. Karma, the plane of cause and effect, says there must be balance in the body, mind and soul to ascend your current plane of existence and continue your spirit journey. Everything and everyone must adhere to […]

Being Present

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

I live and dwell in the present, all time is now. Each and every day is its own adventure and creation. Feeing sad today is its own reality and I shall embrace and honor it as such. I embrace and honor all my feelings and thoughts as they are mine alone. I do not compare […]