
Message from Gaia   Children of Earth, Your planet cries out to you, do you not hear me? “Stop the senseless destruction and devastation to me. Every bomb that is set off reverberates though massive layers of earths ground and displaces more and more of my energy. Every bullet that is fired has its own […]

Divine Intervention

A painting of an angel with wings and stars

Divine Intervention A discussion between Athene Raefiel and Sanat Kumara Athene: Dear Universe what is Divine Intervention and how does it work? Sanat Kumara: For the human race as well as other beings of form, Divine intervention is an idea or a concept, something that can only be understood through the experience of it. This […]

Divine Mother

Great Divine Mother Energy of light, we welcome you into our world of chaos in hopes of a righting all that has been dismissed. It is time to reassemble the ancient teachings of light and open new doorways that will keep us alight. Mighty Mother of us all bring your legions of light, help us […]

July 31, 2019 Eclipse

A pair of colorful wings on black background.

Well I missed this next lunar eclipse coming up on the 31st. I think I was hoping we made it through the Month but not quite yet. Many of us are still feeling dizzy and out of sorts, wishing the universal energies would calm down. What a ride July has been. Feeling more tired than […]

Healing Life

Healing your life is a continual experience. Though we wish to believe there will come a time when the healing is complete yet something else up shows up. Healing is done in degrees and levels, this is due to the fact that we are multi-faceted and forever changing. I’ve heard that the only constant in […]

Our Country tis of thee

As the fog lifts from the past month of major confusion I will share with you my take on what is happening. For the past few weeks I could hear a major move of the spaceships that assist humans on this planet. I think things are being moved to the Middle East and the area […]


A colorful abstract image of butterflies.

All levels of awareness and consciousness are bound by certain rules. We have 7 planes of awareness contained within our own aura known as the Chakra Centers; Root, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown chakras. Each of these chakra Centers has a vast array of information that we can discover and I […]

Flow and River

Discovering what body of water you are can help you flow with The River of life.

A prayer

We must realize that we have the power to help adjust these climatic energies.   I am the power and the light within all that I am. I am that I am I am that I am I am that I am. I am earth, I am Air, I am fire, and I am water, […]

Lunar July Eclipse 2019

As we get closer to the Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 we sometimes feel more tired than usual. It may be hard to hold concentration and it is easy to fly off the handle. Lunar energies tend to make emotions run high and you might be sad or weepy for things that seem small. […]