human and spiritual self

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Being Human and being Spiritual is a balancing act that takes practice and perseverance. In our spiritual beingness we are content and all knowing, in our human beingness we are impatient and insecure. We use our spiritual awareness to soothe the fears of the human self; we use the human self to experience the spiritual […]

Shifting into new energies

A colorful ball of yarn is shown in this image.

The next three months promise to bring changes into our realm of being that is unprecedented. Through my spiritual teachings and studies I have found that many times we need to be open to the newness of life. Many of us older souls are awaiting this grand change to illuminate more souls before this year […]

Love and Light

A blurry image of two people in front of a circle.

We have massive energies of light hitting us now through January 2020. The major shifts have been occurring all year long but the December 21th, 2020 will be a massive conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter aligning bringing in Celestial Light to assist in the alignment of Mother Earth and her inhabitants in a manner never […]

Divine Mother

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Message from “The Divine Mother” Through Athene Raefiel, March 19, 2020 Children of Light, We understand your fear and frustration of this Virus that surrounds your planet and seems to threaten the very existence of monetary means worldwide. This is what was asked for and needed to help balance peoples judgements and equalize all peoples […]

December Energies

A colorful painting of water and bubbles

I have been experiencing the cosmic energies as they shift and turn, wow what a ride. Staying focused daily is a bit challenging (to say the least); of course I am an extreme sensitive. This energy is a bit obsessive as well as intuitive. Much information of the Divine Hierarchy is continually being downloaded into […]

The age of Aquarius

A painting of the sky and rocks with a pyramid in the center.

We enter the age of Aquarius, December 21st, 2020. It is imperative that you cleanse and clear all of the energies that no longer serve you and the Universe. By coming to terms with your past you will be able to forgive and love more readily. Forgive yourself for being a human with all the […]

Live Channeling

A woman in white dress with two dogs.

I will be doing a Zoom channeling of Archangels Raphael and Michael Nov.29th, 1 PM Mst Cost $20.00 Contact me to sign up or Call me 719-598-8158 in Colorado Springs, Co. The angels will be bringing us information about 2021 and the future. Don’t miss this. Make you reservation now. Blessings, Athene

Maitreya channeling

A woman in white dress standing on steps with an angel.

Maitreya Through, Athene Raefiel     Some of you have heard of me and others have met with me. My name is Maitreya and I am often referred to as Ascended Master. Please understand that I title myself only as Maitreya. I have been here since the inception of humankind as a guide and a […]

New Energies

A white angel with long wings and a star.

The energies the past few days have been hard to explain. We are in a major time of initiation and growth. Feeling more tired than usual and out of sorts as we chart our way into the future. Please be kind to yourself and realize that we are living within many dimensions all at once. […]

New Attunment

A statue of an angel in the middle of a garden.

Did you feel the recent shift in energy? Are you attuned now to the new frequencies? Everything energy wise has shifted. If you are having problems then close your eyes, take five deep breaths, center your energies within your heart, and ask that your chakra system be aligned to the new frequencies. It is that […]