Alex Myles Astrology

A black background with purple flowers all over it.

The current energy is magnified due to a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, marking the opening of eclipse season and the beginning of a brand new cycle. It is also a rare black moon, as it is the second New Moon in April. The eclipse portal delivers immense clarity about our life path, and […]

Children of the New Dawn by Kiara Windrider

A blue angel with lights in the background.

Children of the New Dawn In his epic poem, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo vividly describes a new race of humanity emerging on Earth, as different from humans today as we have ever been to the evolutions that have preceded us: “…I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a marvelous dawn, […]

Child of Universe

A woman with her hands in prayer position.

You are a child of the Universe. You are wonderful. Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being. You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with. You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you […]


A woman with her hands in prayer position.

Grief Categorically the most misunderstood emotional sequence of emotions we have to go through. Grief usually begins with a type of shock to the system that almost puts us into an altered state of consciousness. Generally followed by the need to accept something we usually don’t want to do. This immediately puts us at odds […]


A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

Anxiety There are number of daily stressors in life that add to our anxiety. Firstly the “world is going to hell in a handbasket” is truly happened. We are discovering just how messed up living has become. People will tell you to not read the news if it stresses you out, but current events are […]

Changing Realities

A woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

When we are stuck in survival, we are convinced there is no time for spirituality. Humankind refuses to explore its eternal essence because there is comfort in believing that logic and reason are the keys to life. This denial of the spirit self has brought our species to a point in our development that is […]

Spirit Guide Classes

A colorful picture of some liquid and water

It’s time for me to do what I do best; help put people in touch with their Spirit Guides and Angels.   There will be a free introductory “Zoom Meeting”,  Saturday, August 27th 1Pm to 3Pm MST. You need to contact me in advance to receive an invitation to get into the meeting. We will […]

Mother Earth

A black and purple pattern with small flowers.

Mother Earth By Athene Raefiel   Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her […]

Staying Positive

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

“My feet hurt, I’m tired and overworked, I still have to deal with the children and dinner.” ” I am positively tired of trying to be positive.” Do these things sound familiar to you? This is generally everyday life for so many of us. Working on getting and remaining positive with yourself often seems like […]

Morality and Religion

A colorful ball of yarn is shown in this image.

We often hear the statement “The moral fiber of this country”, yet we have no way of knowing by whose standard this is determined.  Morality is based on virtues and vices, the awareness of right and wrong. I was raised a Catholic and went to church seven days a week.  I was baptized, received communion […]