Anchoring the Light

Anchoring the Light By: Athene Raefiel, 2008 Heavenly Father Divine Mother, I call you forth and ask that you anchor your light in and around me, so what is needed for my highest and best good take place. I call to the power of light that I am. I call to the Angels and […]
The Astral Plane

Within the Astral are many different levels of existence. When we remember that the heart chakra is attached to both the upper and lower chakras, exploration of the astral becomes one of a spiritual as well as physical nature. All things being interconnected and part of a whole, whatever people believe to be truth, is […]
Soul Memory

Soul Memory by Athene Raefiel Since the fall of man or the time of Atlantis human beings have been trying to restore their connection with the divinity that once was a natural part of their being. If earth was colonized by star beings from other galaxies as Archangel Michael shared with me over 20 years […]

Love By: Athene Raefiel The only thing lacking in this world and human nature is love. Love is more than just a word or feeling; love is an experience of energy. Love is an action and beingness. To be love you must first understand how you and everything else are also made up of love. […]
Anchoring the Light

Anchoring the Light By Athene Raefiel Heavenly Father Divine Mother, I call you forth and ask that you anchor your light in and around me, so what is needed for my highest and best good take place. I call to the power of light that I am. I call to the Angels and spirit […]
Dreams and Interpretations

Dreams and Interpretations By: Athene Raefiel, Using dreams and their interpretations is an art that can easily be developed to assist in our spiritual development. Using our dreams can aid us in understanding different elements of our lives and ourselves. With the world around us continuing to rev up its pace, requiring more and […]
Birth and Death

We are seeing the results of what happens when so many people die of unnatural causes and return to the Earth plane to re-establish themselves karmically to learn and grow. When we die there are a number of places we go depending on our own evolution and soul awareness. If we die and have no […]
Be Happy

Are you finding it hard to stay centered and on task in this energy? Just want to throw caution to the wind and have a good time for a while? Then perhaps you need to do that! We too often take life and ourselves too seriously; at times we even make playing a chore. Relaxation […]
Soul Mates

Soulmates Almost everyone we meet in life is a soulmate on some level. We are all part of a soul group and have known each other from past experience. We discover somehow if we need to finish and complete things with others or if we are to re-unite and stay connected for important periods of […]
The fifth Dimension

Moving into Fifth Dimensional Consciousness The Etheric Body – Plane of Cause and Effect First in order to move into a new level of consciousness one must have had the training of the Fourth Dimension well in hand. It is through the learning of Unconditional Love that we ascend the staircase to the higher more […]