Lord Sananda

Channeling by Athene Raefiel Master Teacher Lord Sananda I know many of you have waiting to hear from me and my friends and we appreciate that. Seems that it has been a long summer in the Age of Aquarius now upon you. The Divine Mother is in the 3rd and 4th Dimension assisting Gaia, […]
2020 soul awakenings

We are in a major time of soul awakenings during this year of 2020. We are also advancing ourselves to new heights and levels of consciousness. Many beings are new to the realms of consciousness and might wonder if what they experiencing is valid. Indeed it is! Though this is an awkward time for […]
Earth Changes

We were warned about climate change and storm destructions. 30 years ago I channeled the Arcturians for groups of students and others. We were told that if mankind did not make the changes necessary to assist Nature we would be facing these brutal changes. Many of the “I am” followers received the same information from […]
Live Life to Fullest

There is but one miracle in life, and you are that miracle. Everything you experience see touch feel smell and hear is a part of that miracle. When you understand how you are the miracle in life you will begin to understand how all other life is also a miracle. Too often we try and […]
Both Coastlines

I am saddened by the devastation now hitting both coastlines. I will pray and meditate with nature to find balance and restoration.
Archangel Raphael

Channeling of Lord Raphael and Friends Through Athene Raefiel Children of the Light, We are pleased to be here today to share information that assists in healing the life within; that inner light that extends to all reaches of the Universe and Life itself. Have you heard of the Mysteries and the journey […]
Creating Sacred Space

Creating a Sacred Space To begin setting the energies for your meditation and inner healing work you need to place yourself in a space of resonation with the divine. It is for this reason that you cleanse and purify the space you are using to receive divine help and guidance. You may wish […]
entering a new dimension

We have just moved from one dimension into another and it should feel as if we have now have wings. Moving forward to procure healing and happiness is a must. I know many of us would just like a little peace and goodness to befall us. This pandemic has brought the world to a screeching […]