Soul Discernment

A close up of the fabric with a picture of a woman

Soul Discernment By: Athene Raefiel   Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the Etheric and Physical we can see almost anything that can take on form. Most beings in other dimensions often use the astral plane to be seen and heard so that we can actually […]

More about Soul

A bright angel appears to the sky in this picture.

Humans are easily sublimated by their surroundings. Television ads, educational learning, family and religion are parts of our sublimation. When we hear or are taught something over and over again we begin to accept it as part of our reality. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, famine, homelessness, politics and Jesus, all are part of […]

Cause and Effect

A woman in white dress standing on steps with an angel.

Teaching on Cause and Effect Lord Kuthumi through Athene Raefiel     Each of you is made up of many different levels of energetic light and vibrations. In order to understand and participate within all levels of self and consciousness you must allow yourself to be free of physical thought. If you do not control […]

Challenging Times

A brown and red abstract design with some shapes

These times are very challenging on many levels. As we watch the trash pile up on the beaches and in the oceans we realize how sad and disgusting things have actually become. I used to travel down to the bottom or the Oceans in my early visualizations. What I found was astonishing to me. There […]


A pair of colorful wings on black background.

Words to learn and experience. Transformation Transmutation Transcendence Transference Transfiguration Transmigration Transition

Child of the Universe

A woman in white dress standing on steps with an angel.

You are a child of the Universe. You are wonderful. Each day when you awaken a beautiful essence is emanated by your being. You touch the hearts and minds of all those you come in contact with. You are a flower in a garden of seeds and are developing more color and uniqueness as you […]

Letting Go

A colorful abstract image of butterflies.

Letting go does not mean to push away or suppress. True letting go is a process of integration and healing. Letting go can be a misleading statement because it gives the impression of separation. By integrating a situation that involves you, another person, or a circumstance in life, means to come to terms with it. […]

The struggles of mental illness

A painting of the stonehenge and other ancient symbols.

The Struggles of Mental Illness To begin with it is important to understand that there is no such thing as one kind of mental illness. I tell you this so you will never decide that everyone has the same kind. The biggest problem with the illnesses is that no one really understands the illness unless […]

Prayer for All

A woman with her hands in prayer position.

Today I pray for the minds of men and women to awaken to their true calling in life. I pray for the healing of human minds that choose to kill and destroy life to get more reasoning. I pray that people understand people and start acting as though they care. I pray for the strength […]

Spirit, mind, body, soul

A pattern of red and yellow animals.

You were born of and as love in your original state of spirit, mind, body and soul. It is to this state of origin that your soul adheres, and must return to transcend the various planes of consciousness. Would you be happy to remain in the state of being that dictates depression and fear? Could […]