Surrender to The Light Within

A statue of an angel in the middle of a garden.

Choosing your spiritual path, becoming the spiritual warrior. Surrendering to the holy light within that you “are”, choosing to follow your own inner light, the soul awareness and the journey to ascension. When we finally surrender to the spiritual path and holy light within we kick our intuitive body into play in ways we never […]

What are people truly searching for in life?

People are searching for purpose and reason to go forward in life. When there is no inspiration a type of sadness and tiredness exist, making you feel listful and kind of lost. We must remember we are in charge of how we feel everyday when we awaken. To plant the seeds of tomorrow in the […]

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Tarot from Poland Description: Otylia Wrzos – She has been practicing Tarot card reading for over 20 years, although her journey with cards began with working with classical cards, which she eventually abandoned in favor of Tarot, realizing that these cards cooperate much better with her. Over time, she also became interested in numerology, recognizing […]


A crystal ball and candles on a table.

Forgiveness The past, present, and future each exist within one another. They are the makeup that creates our picture of life and ourselves. Our past cannot be put behind us by us not thinking about it. Our training has been that by stuffing our emotions we can put things out of our mind. Stuffing ones […]

How Spirit speaks with you

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

We are always using out intuition in a variety of ways. Often I hear “I don’t know why I simply feel this is best.” Or I can’t explain it I just know this is the better thing to do or not. Our intuition is always turned on yet we fear that what we think we […]


Dear Athene Raefiel: “Although I have never actually, physically “met” you, I do feel I’ve known you for the past few years. Sometime ago you had unexpectedly sent me some kind words about my own website (Astro Chakras). That event, along with the coinciding passing of my best friend, also a very gifted psychic, helped […]

Anchoring the Light

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Anchoring the Light By: Athene Raefiel, 2008   Heavenly Father Divine Mother, I call you forth and ask that you anchor your light in and around me, so what is needed for my highest and best good take place. I call to the power of light that I am. I call to the Angels and […]

The Astral Plane

A person sitting on an open book in front of a tree.

Within the Astral are many different levels of existence. When we remember that the heart chakra is attached to both the upper and lower chakras, exploration of the astral becomes one of a spiritual as well as physical nature. All things being interconnected and part of a whole, whatever people believe to be truth, is […]

Dreams and Interpretations

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

Dreams and Interpretations By: Athene Raefiel,    Using dreams and their interpretations is an art that can easily be developed to assist in our spiritual development. Using our dreams can aid us in understanding different elements of our lives and ourselves. With the world around us continuing to rev up its pace, requiring more and […]

Birth and Death

A colorful picture of some liquid and water

We are seeing the results of what happens when so many people die of unnatural causes and return to the Earth plane to re-establish themselves karmically to learn and grow. When we die there are a number of places we go depending on our own evolution and soul awareness. If we die and have no […]