
A colorful ball of yarn is shown in this image.

We are all part of the natural order within life. The universe is ordered, nature is ordered and the divine is ordered. When we are in union with our divine essence we easily understand the divine order of life. Armed with this awareness, we can use the operation of divine order for the well being […]

Learn and Grow

A painting of an angel sitting in the clouds

We now enter into a new life experience filled with newness and depth. Learning and growth should be your key phrases and using affirmations regularly. If we are not continually growing, changing and learning, then we stagnate. Though some lessons in life are not pleasant still we need them to accelerate our process and goals. […]

Meditational CD’s

A colorful picture of bubbles in the air.

I am so happy to announce that my CD’s are now featured on my you tube channel, thaks to Tara for helping me get this accomplished. Each inner journey is about 20 minutes long and are free to use. These visualizations will help all seeking to meditate and do their inner work. I am so […]

Awakening Consciousness

A stairway leading to the light in the sky.

Awakening consciousness and expanding it is an unending process. This process is filled with wonderment and much of the Ah Ha realities. This expansive understanding and awareness helps discover the inner you and the creative self. The Higher self, also called the authentic self, has been covered up by centuries of strange but necessary conditioning […]

Reflection Time

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

We are in a time of reflection. We are looking back and examining just what our lives and experiences of the past were. Visiting places and people from the past may be imminent now, as we may need to review who we have become as well as who or what they have become. It is […]

New world order

A purple and yellow cube with some green leaves

Did you feel the recent shift in energy? Are you attuned now to the new frequencies? Everything energy wise has shifted. If you are having problems then close your eyes, take five deep breaths, center your energies within your heart, and ask that your chakra system be aligned to the new frequencies. It is that […]

Major Transformation

A colorful painting of the sun shining through trees.

This past year has been a major and transformative process for all of you. Let yourselves now reflect on the vast amount of change that has ensued in your life, and acknowledge the growth you have attained from it. Realize how much you have lived your life out of obligation and guilt and renew your […]

Find Peace Within

A statue of an angel in the middle of a garden.

The energies are very intense and pressing. This is time for seeing and achieving new and better individual realities. So many times, we talk about what we want to do, and so many times, we take no action upon it. Fear blocks us at every turn, as we fear outcomes, never trying or enjoying the […]

Soul discernment

A woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Soul Discernment By: Athene Raefiel   Within us we contain the ability to see in many different dimensions and forms. Within the Etheric and Physical we can see almost anything that can take on form. Most beings in other dimensions often use the astral plane to be seen and heard so that we can actually […]

Emanations of light

A close up of the fabric with a picture of a woman

  THE LIGHT YOU REFLECT By Athene Raefiel The emanation of the Seven Rays is the same as the Seven Heavens created by the mind of God. From each ray, emanates another light and then another and so on ad-infinitum. These emanations make up all life upon our planet, along with our Solar System, […]