Where did the Year go?

As my mother would say “Where did the year go?

Already November 1st and we have seen a pretty horrific year of climate disasters. How are people supposed to adjust and adapt to losing home, work and family during such crisis? I wish I knew; but those things are so devastating that recovery will take a great amount of time.

The Divine Mother will be entering the third dimension in December, 2019 and I so hope that whatever changes are brought about by this over the following months will be able to turn some of Earths tides helping make them friendlier to Earth and her inhabitants.

I am not exactly sure how this will take place yet but know that The Divine Mother, mother of us all, will bring with her many legions of light to help adjust and change the consciousness of this planet.

Mother Earth has cried out for help to bring some balance back to nature and assist in the reconstruction of the many habitats that will need to replaced and rebuilt. This is an awesome mission these beings of light are taking on and we must stay in hope and gratitude to align with and help anchor these new energies.

Understand nothing happens in a minute or an hour even days; this type of resurfacing will take time and patience on our part but worth every second of it, as we have prayed for and awaited this intervention for so long.

We have Universal and Divine laws that must be revered and not trampled upon to get such help. Many humans are such arrogant egos and personas that they wish to believe they know what true power and the Divine truly are. For them there will be shock and awe as the true Light begins to emanate their world.