Time for an upgrade

OK beautiful souls and spiritual Warriors,

It’s time to share the good news. All the suffering and challenges you have faced have not been for naught.

The good news is we are all moving to our next level of consciousness and understanding. All the invocations and prayers will be paying off as life becomes more maneuverable and light.

Spirit hears your prayers and complaints, they want you to know that they not only listen but hear and deeply contemplate how best to assist you and the Planet as a whole.

I know we all feel it has been a long time in coming but the new time for your spiritual evolution has arrived. It is time to let your guidance know that you are ready, willing and able to move in to the next frequencies.

All that you have learned can now be used in new and different ways. Stuff you have always believed in will begin to show up in your own lives.

Call upon the Great Master St. Germaine and transmute all the inner dysfunction within you that has held you back. Use the Violet Flame daily as I do and transmute the sadness and pain you have endured.

Take time to be with yourselves in the quiet and listen to your soul and inner voice. Avoid distractions when working with spirit guides.

Ask for what you need and write it down. Light candles to represent the Eternal Flame of life that we call God, Goddess, All that is. Speak only truth and avoid those who do not.

Change what needs to be changed and quit saying “I Cannot”. Know this growth and welcome it with open arms, no matter what life around you may appear to be. Trust in our own power and light and keep working to help adjust the Karma of mankind.

Many Blessings of Light,
