The Child Within
We are multi-aspected beings. What this means is that we are always an adult as well as a child, a teacher, a student, a spirit, a soul, a body and so on. If we were stunted emotionally by childhood experiences, we find ourselves re-living those experiences continually throughout life. Most families are comprised of adults whose reality is an,” accepted fear for survival”. When raised in such an environment children experience a life filled with fear and attachment as a way of surviving.
When a person is brought up in an environment of denial and pain, they stuff their child-like emotions into the deep inner recesses of their being. These things often happen at very early ages and stages of life without us ever even knowing it took place.
Freeing these repressed child-like emotions is key to the soul’s journey. As it says in the Bible, “Ye may not enter into the Kingdom of My Father lest ye come as a child”, refers to this emotional internal freedom. This child within us is our unconditional loving part. Like a child who has been abandoned by a parent, the child within anxiously awaits our return.
Because the child within has been damaged through its life experiences involving family and environment, our first memories and responses to it may be painful. Emotions of anger, resentment, hurt, even rage, can be covering the deep love within.
Sometimes when these emotions re-surface the instinct to re-stuff the child within may be strong, yet the child within holds the key to emotional freedom. All the pain that has been held inside must be released. Once you have reintroduced yourself to your child within, the true healing of self can begin.