By: Johnny Mirehiel, 2005
May 15th presents several interesting astrological occurrences that relate to the Harmonic Concordance chart. It seems to mark an “attunement” with the energies that were set in motion on the “birth date” of the Concordance. That it also marks the traditional observation of the Pentecost is an interesting synchronicity.
Lets keep in mind that the interpretation of this May 15th chart is based on how it will effect the energies set in motion by the “birth” chart of the Harmonic Concordance at the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 8/9, 2003. In astrology, the adage “As Above, So Below,” is a common reference. In this respect, therefore, it is the Concordance energy that may be propelled into action within us, if we are attuned to it.
The Charts
May 15, 2005
The Harmonic Concordance
The Concordance Attunement overlay
May 15, 2005
Setting the Stage
On April 20th, Uranus came within a 1° orb of the Concordance Mars. This higher octave planet, in spiritual terms, represents the “download port for our Conversation with Spirit.” The Conjunction will be in effect over several weeks. It sets the background tone for the Mars home coming. When transiting Mars makes its return to its own (natal) position on May 15th, it will be traveling at its absolutely fastest speed since the Concordance, almost as if it were hurrying to get into place. This is a significant event, which is highlighted by several other astrological factors on that date.
Now, Uranus to Mars is a high-power transit in and of itself. In natal astrology, it would tend to mark a stirring up of the urge to freedom and movement, the desire to get out and take what one wants, if one exercises the necessary will power to make it so. But let’s remember that the position of Mars in the Concordance chart was read as the courage, desire, energy and willingness to act, the stimulation of passion and the ability to be the “Spiritual Warrior.” It is the Uranus induced “conversation” that will be speaking to Mars during the Conjunction, stimulating him to act. And in doing so, it activates the rest of the Concordance chart by virtue of its many aspects to it.
Remember too that the Concordance Mars had finally just cleared the shadow of its relatively rare Pisces retrograde on the evening before the Concordance eclipse, completing his renewal as the Spiritual Warrior. Also recall that the Sabian Symbol for Mars was “Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination,” referring to the ancient and eternal symbol of the Path of Discipleship. These are the energies that would be stimulated by the conjoint transit of the sudden, volatile and unexpected forces of Uranus and Mars. The transiting Conjunction is also “juiced” by the creative energy being supplied to it through a Quintile from the Sun. This adds additional stimulation, power and enlightenment, especially when working with others in a collective cause.
The Concordance Attunement Overlay
The Other Planets Chime In
In the Concordance chart, there was also a Square between Venus and Mars emphasizing the dynamic of the male/female, Yin/Yang relationship qualities. In this “Attunement” chart Venus is also in an applying Square to Mars, and of course also to Uranus, providing yet another stimulus to Love. And for good measure, add in another applying Quintile from the Moon to Venus bringing the optimistic desire and disposition to have emotionally satisfying relationships. This Harmonic Concordance echo continues to remind us that balance and harmony in all things is essential.
Also on the 15th, there is a very powerful Parallel between the Sun and Moon. Many astrologers consider the Parallel aspect (2 planets in the same degree in North or South Declination) to be very similar in power and effect to the Conjunction, the strongest of the aspects. The Parallel between the Sun and Moon on the 15th indicates the maximum of creative expression and integration between the Will and the Emotional Needs.
While we’re looking at that Parallel, let me also note that on May 15th Mars, Saturn and Pluto are each Parallel (read Conjunct) to their own places in the Concordance. In effect, this means that the same energies that were operating as Mars, Saturn and Pluto at the Concordance are also represented in the chart of the 15th. This suggests that, present in both charts, is the same subconscious urges (Pluto) and desire to act (Mars) on things taken seriously (Saturn). Thus are they accentuated on the 15th.
Speaking of Saturn, it might be noted that it is also in an exact Square (90°) aspect to the North and South Nodes that day. The Nodal axis represents the eternal struggle between growth, development and the future vs. restriction, stagnation and the past. During this transit, Saturn is demanding (Squares have a tendency to insist on attention) that we take a serious look at how we can cut loose from inhibiting South Node behaviors and ways in which we may turn our energies instead towards those growth potentials signified by the North Node.
And another thing: transiting Venus will be within a 1° orb of an Opposition to its own position in the Concordance chart. Here, she is reaching out to “the other,” as all astrological Oppositions indicate. In effect, she is speaking words of Love, not only to herself, but also to her sisters in that very powerful triple conjunction of Goddess energy that took place between Her, Vesta and Juno at the Concordance. This Opposition is reiterated in the Contra-Parallel (2 planets in the same degree, one in North, the other in South Declination), which, astrologically, is considered to be of equal weight as the Opposition between the Venus positions in the two charts.
Other Planetary Pictures
Let us note, additionally, that the Chart also includes two very powerful aspect patterns, often called “planetary pictures.” The first is a Grand Trine (three planets approximately 120° apart from each other) between Venus, Jupiter and Chiron, the second a true Yod (two planets approximately 60° apart that, in turn, are approximately 150° from the other two) involving the Sun, Saturn and Pluto. That Pluto, considered the “heaviest” of the three, is the planet that is “on point” here, and because it exactly on the mid-point of the Sun and Saturn is what designates this pattern as a “true” Yod. It indicates an underlying theme to the day associated with the deep, underground and unconscious realm of Pluto.
The Venus, Jupiter, Chiron Grand Trine certainly can be read as indicating a day on which, in harmony with others, we optimistically seek and manifest a healing of past wounds in an expression of the true nature of Love and Compassion. The Yod suggests that, by applying one’s personal power to affect necessary change, there is a great capacity and ambition to assist others to fulfill obligations through a combined effort. It is interesting to note that Pluto, the focal point of the Yod, stands at 23°54” Sagittarius. In Dane Rudhyar’s commentary on the Sabian Symbol for that degree (A bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage), he references the bluebird of happiness and the spiritually orientated mind, both apt symbols for this application.
The Pentecost
Finally, as noted above, May 15th is the day that marks the traditional Christian feast of the Pentecost, commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, symbolic of the Love of that Spirit. It was then that there appeared unto them “cloven tongues as of fire” and they became different and Spirit infused people who had experienced a renewal of Faith. That this Pentecost coincides with an astrological alignment that has aspects to the Harmonic Concordance chart, which so closely mirrors its spiritual significance, seems very appropriate. For this is truly a moment in which we may choose to open to the voice of the Holy Spirit, to act on Its message and to do so as an expression of our Unconditional Love. Perhaps not coincidently, Buddha, the master of Love and Compassion, is said to have been born on May 15th. All roads lead to Rome.
For those of the worldwide spiritual community who observed the Harmonic Concordance, and in light of the above observations, we ask that you consider taking some time on Sunday, May 15th to attune yourselves, once again, individually or in a group setting, as we will here in Eden, to the potent gifts of Spirit that were so strongly portrayed in the Harmonic Concordance chart.
All charts reference Greenwich as the location. The “Attunement” chart of May 15th is set for the precise moment that Mars makes its return to its Concordance position, 6:52 pm BST.