“My feet hurt, I’m tired and overworked, I still have to deal with the children and dinner.” ” I am positively tired of trying to be positive.”
Do these things sound familiar to you? This is generally everyday life for so many of us.
Working on getting and remaining positive with yourself often seems like just one more chore you probably don’t want to do.
We often have to create positive thoughts and affirmations to continually remind ourselves how to do it. What we are actually accomplishing by doing this is a re-program of our own thinking and speaking process. It is neither simple or easy, yet has great rewards when you stick to it.
Thinking positive literally changes and charges the energy in and around you. Stop saying “I can’t” , knowing you do it out of habit. This may sound silly at first but it definitely changes things within you and your life.
Affirmations to use:
“I am filled with life’s energy and love.”
“I am free to be happy and enjoy my daily life.”
“I receive all the energy I need to re-charge and go forward.”
To remain positive you must speak with yourself on a regular basis correcting you thought process. Start using phrases that begin with “I choose”
To lead a positive life you must learn to think before you act and re-act.
Stop being sorry all the time. You are human and that’s what makes you glorious. What you do not like about yourself change, by changing yourself all things around you will also follow.
Meditate, do yoga, stretching exercises and create and enjoy time alone.