Staying on The Spiritual Path
By Athene Raefiel
Now more than ever it is hard to follow your inner teachings and knowingness of what your Divine light heralds. The chaos of the world around us seems to say ever more and more that our light is not reaching the deep conclaves of humankind’s hearts and minds, yet in reality the human race is changing and growing more sensitive to what the inner truth and light holds.
Sometimes we must swing all the way to the farthest end of one spectrum before we are thrown forward into a new milestone. This is the process now happening on a grand scale. Like a rubber band that must be loosed because it can stretch no farther, so are the hearts and minds of the many beings on earth at this time.
Due to the tension that the great cosmic currents are presenting, many of you have felt abandoned or lost by what you believe. The waves of energy currents moving through the Earth plane and her solar system are profoundly powerful and yet awkward all at once. Like children learning to swim, it is a new momentum and activity that demands your attention and awareness in order to expand.
Since the beginning of time there has always been opportunities of expansion that could lead to a full integration of knowledge and awareness for the seekers of the light. Not until now was it available in one turn of the wheel or century of time. To ascend the limitations of the human body is an extreme feat indeed and is often only accomplished through many lifetimes of death and rebirths. To be able to achieve this feat and still remain in the physical is available to all those who have the determination and stamina to do so.
The tests are coming more swiftly as the journey accelerates and we are asked to move beyond the common approaches to existence. Though for many, meditation may seem a meaningless exercise, it is indeed the exquisite jewel that emanates powerful energy and light on a massive basis.
It is time to reactivate the Holy Flames of light within you and our Planet Earth. Call to The Emerald Flame of Archangel Raphael, The Azure Blue Flame of Archangel Michael and the Violet Flame of Saint Germaine. Call to the Holy Flame of light within that you are. Call to the Ascension and Transcension flames, The Threefold Flame of the Heart of God and Alpha and Omega of all life.
Visualize these flames as you call them forth and connect to the Ruby Ray of Morya El. Ask Gabriel to enfold you in his Golden Flame and ask Lord Uriel to assist you with his Opalescence. Call upon the Holy of Holies and all who emanate their love in the assistance of the Holy Flames of Light.
Honor the Seven Rays and steps of consciousness. Surrender daily to your soul and spirit path and ask the holy ones to initiate you into the mysteries the Holy Flames of Light and Truth.
Do this daily and I guarantee you will get results.
It is time to research who the Ascended Masters are and also to understand that they are the Seven Chohans who are the Master Teachers of Each color Ray upon which we learn.
You can find a great deal of information in the areas of the Ascended Masters in books by the Theosophical Society as well as those of Elizabeth and Mark Prophet. “The Messengers” as they call themselves bring you all manor of invocations and mantras directly from the Ascended Masters. You will appreciate them. The “I am Series” started by Godfrey Ray King, was written long ago but has great information on St. Germaine. These materials can help energize you to resonate within higher frequencies.
Remember you are searching for answers and guidance, not formal religion. Therefore what you read, you study, is not to believe as another does but discover your own inner knowingness and the unique gifts of the soul being that you are. Books and information are tools to help you find your own authentic self as well as the mighty “I Am Presence” that resides in all life.
“To continually discover the natural you, is the greatest and most fulfilling achievement in life.”