Soul Memory
by Athene Raefiel
Since the fall of man or the time of Atlantis human beings have been trying to restore their connection with the divinity that once was a natural part of their being. If earth was colonized by star beings from other galaxies as Archangel Michael shared with me over 20 years ago; then it would make sense that we have different races, cultures and beliefs among the masses. We must also remember that life of course already existed on earth at the time of such colonization. Though much of it was in and from the seas, nature was evolving.
Many of the teachings and writings of ancient societies were destroyed during those early times but much was saved and hidden as well. Egypt was the place where all that survived Atlantis ended up being for a short time.
As we know Egypt is the Home to the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as many other structures whose origins and information is still being debated by scientists, archeologists, geologists and theologians. We have become aware that Egypt was not the only place these pyramid and stone structures were constructed over time, as they have now been discovered to be in many different locations spanning the world.
From the pictographs and hieroglyphics found upon and within these structures we often see what appears to beings from outer space. We know that many of these cultures went to great pains to return somewhere after death and all of them did some formal ceremonies on a regular basis.
We know they were extremely intelligent cultures by their architecture, inventions and monitoring of the planetary movements, as well as the specific directions and mathematics used in every construct of their buildings and cities.
I give you this information as it important to know and understand the journey we have all been on since those early times.
If we understand that soul was not created for humankind until the time of Atlantis we understand that the purpose of soul was to allow each being to have a medium with which to return home. Soul became the vessel that was designed to allow us all to do this. Not knowing where all these beings came from, we also need to understand that they have their own perception and memories of what home is.
Since the many different beings and cultures who live upon the earth as humans now may be from different star systems and galaxies they are awaiting their brethren and Starships from those places to return and get them.
We must consider at this point there may well be many different creators of many different things as well. Just as each of us is a creator, can we actually think that one and the same creator created the duckbilled platypus, the alligators and the beautiful underwater living organisms that we have so little knowledge of? So many different species exist upon this planet that is hard to conceive of them all coming from one creators mind. Perhaps when these star beings came to our planet they also brought many of their own animal species and vegetation with them?
What if ascension is not the same for all beings living on earth at this time? What if each strongly held belief comes from a particular soul group memory belonging to where each originated from and whom their creators are?
I simply raise these questions to help you think outside what you consider to be the only natural process of spiritual evolution. What may be natural to one may be completely unnatural to others.
When we talk about the one true source of all life in metaphysics we are actually speaking of Emanationism. Emanationism teaches us that there is an original intelligence from which all life has sprung. It also teaches us that each emanation is intricately connected with another. What it does not address is that any one of those emanations and perhaps all of them are creators. It also does not address belief, individuality or personal realities.
Let us take the Hierarchy of Light also often referred to as The Brotherhood of Light for example. We as Metaphysicians believe that the Galactic Councils and well as the Native Indian Councils along with the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Seven Rays of Wisdom and Light all work together to assist us in our Divine awakening and Ascension from the earthly embodiment.
We believe that there is a grand divine plan that we signed up for on a soul level many century’s perhaps even eons ago of time past. We believe that this truth of salvation and ascension has to be restored to all of mankind in order for the “God, Goddess, All that Is”, to be restored to the pristine place of glory that we think it should be. We believe this because we have tapped soul memory of what occurred to create the division between human and its divine counterpart and for some reason, we also believe that we as humankind are all of the same soul group and memory.
Yet as you look at your travels in this life as well as journeys of others, you will find that we definitely do not all belong to the same soul group. Though all soul is interconnected with all other soul that in no way implies all have the same lessons, experiences, origins, or homes as others. Therefore why would we all expect to have the same soul memories?
This is one of the problems we deal with in mysticism.
Mysticism deals with visioning and the reception of information directly from the Akashic or Soul record. When one is referred to as prophet it is because they have tapped and interpreted some part of what they saw or heard while in an altered state of consciousness. The big word here is interpretation.
When we are within soul consciousness or receiving a vision, it must be interpreted by the one seeing it into a language such as what they are accustomed to using in every day life. When one has a vision of a spiritual nature there are so many things that there are no words to describe in any language, and also no intensity to truly share what has been experienced. Though etched upon the soul and the mind of the one seeing such, so is it etched within the Akashic Realm or collective soul within which it is being seen.
Hence from such experiences come great books and teachings of the mystics. Books like “Thrice Greatest Hermes”, By G.R.S. Mead, ” The Secret Doctrine” channeled through Madame Helena Blavatsky, ” The Bible” channeled through oh so many mystics and scholars alike, ” The Qur’an” channeled by Muhammad, and other wonderful works such as the ‘The Nag Hammadi Library”, a translation of The Gnostic Scriptures, and let us not forget Plato and Neoplationism as well as the great Jewish literature, law and teaching called the Torah, which contains the Hebrew teaching of the tree of life. These are merely to name but a few of the great books and information brought forth by channels, prophets, scholars and mystics alike over the centuries past.
Though myself I like the Hindu Vedic teachings as well as the teachings of Sufism and that of Tao, I find that all documented material of mystical truths are written and interpreted by someone in human form.
These individuals seem to have little in common with one another. They come from different cultures, backgrounds, time frames, accepted schools of thought or teachings and different parts of the globe. Yet all their mystical interpretations of the truth have been shared and revered my many over the course of time.
Though many humans still wish to believe that there is a dominate force known as “god” who speaks to or writes these truths through an emissary, the original source of life, has no needs, and therefore no desire to do so. If indeed source of all life is beyond all need and desire then why would it have created other emanations to do its bidding?
Since we believe that there is an “ALL”, ” The one True Source of Life” Then why must we believe it has an agenda? Haven’t you ever created anything just to see how it would come out? And if so did you quit creating because it wasn’t what you thought it would end up like? Or did you simply move on to a different creation in order to try something new?
If all things were originally created from the seed of love, then why is loving such a minute detail in the lives of humankind? Why is love the most strongly sought after and most bitterly hated desire all at once? Why does love create so much fear and animosity as well as heartache, if it is the one thing that brings us closer to ourselves and the one true light of all life?
Here are my thoughts. We fear that which we need the most and know the least about. We fear the unknown. We think we believe in the Divine yet we fear the love that it can bring us in our life. We are trained and programmed to believe that we are not worth being loved by either God nor ourselves and we have so many secrets, guilt and shame about our humanness that we afraid the “Almighty” will judge us as being evil or bad when all we are is afraid.
Remember when you began reading this dissertation and I started off with Atlantis and the “Fall of Man”? Remember when I went into saying that many here upon the Earth are not even human but from different Constellations and Star Systems? Remember how you felt about all that?
Well just as that is probably the closest thing to truth you will ever hear there is also another truth about many beings here inhabiting bodies of humans. They are the many fragments of us that have broken off over the sequence of lifetimes and started an evolutionary path of their own. Most were unwanted and discarded fragments of ourselves that we hated and detested. So rather than loving and healing and integrating them we discarded them.
Well they are still alive and they have become a powerful adversary to the harmonious, loving and balanced humans now righteously trying to be more godlike. These beings have become the criminal element in societies, countries and neighborhoods alike, and no matter how hard we try to separate ourselves from the destruction they reap, we are still subject to it. They neither believe in love or of its existence as they have become devoid and robotic in their cause of destruction and hate.
Through my journey of learning and meditation I have discovered that seeing the bigger picture is not always a pretty thing. We spend way to much time justifying our path as the true enlightenment and salvation, while spending way too little time working to integrate the past exploitation’s of what our ignorance brought about. We are way too judgmental and quick to find fault with others and their trials while we ourselves believe we can rise above our human denial.
What we need to save at this point in time is not planet earth, but the home we live upon and what is within us that has given us an opportunity to reintegrate what was ignored in the past. We must bring ourselves restoration on a soul level before we can realign with our spirit and it’s spirit and so on.
There is no right or wrong, good or evil, there is only discernment and love. As we head for the year 2012 what we will find is that we have the opportunity to reintegrate the many facets of the ugly truth into the beauty of truth. We have the opportunity to live the truth we espouse and make our lives a better place. We are also having the opportunity to stop our judgments of others upon their paths as being better or lesser beings than ourselves.
There is nothing in life that will let you down or stop you from evolving spiritually except your own expectations and judgments. Do not determine for another or yourself what is the right path. Always be the example and always remember you are not in charge of the future. How you live your life today will create what your future will be about. You have all the power and access to the soul memory you need. Quit being afraid to use it.
The vital, immaterial, life principle generally conceived as existing within humans and sometimes within all living things, inanimate objects, and the universe as a whole. Religion and philosophy have long been concerned with the nature of the soul in their attempts to understand existence and the meaning of life. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition) I believe that soul is the vessel through we experience the Divine Spark of Life within that we are. I believe that we were all spirit born as emanations of the Divine and have proceeded to work our way further and further away from the central intelligence. This we did out of a need to explore, discover, and create for ourselves. Through our exploration we have discovered that the need to bring all life back to the original source of intelligence is imminent for future development. Without memory and awareness of original intelligence all things die and dissipate: in order for life to be eternal the awareness of the connection to the central source of emanation is necessary.
From, The One, The Absolute, The Source of All Life, The One Prime Principle, flows the Divine Substance. This substance never lessens. As the flow proceeds farther from The Core Emanation, its divinity steadily decreases. Just as when a stone is dropped into the water and the ripples or emanations are the circles ever widening out from where the stone was dropped
Emanation in Philosophy:
Emanation is a cosmological concept that explains the creation of the world by a series of radiation’s, or emanations, originating in the Godhead. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition) I firmly believe in emanation as factual and true. I explain emanation to individuals by drawing a picture of the sun and seeing that sun as the central intelligence from which all life radiates. Each being is an emanation of the central sun. Each emanation springs from the original intelligence and each intelligence is intricately connected and interwoven with one another. This connection process is called soul.
A branch of philosophy concerned with the ultimate nature of existence. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition) I believe Metaphysics to be the science of the soul. I feel that all knowledge is contained within soul and it is the very quest and study of origins that leads one to that knowledge. Philosophical theology and cosmology are also usually considered to be branches of Metaphysics. Most scholarly teachings on Metaphysics are based on Aristotle’s metaphysical system.
(The practice of those who are initiated into the mysteries.) The practice of putting oneself into, and remaining in, direct relation with the One, The Absolute, or any unifying principle of life. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition) I believe in mysticism as an art. Mysticism is the art of experiencing for oneself, alternate realities, as well the realities of the Divine life within.
Mysticism is moving beyond that which is experienced with the five outer senses and experiencing through all of the senses available to the individual. These senses are often referred to as Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Intuition, Mediumship and so on. Meditation is the only true means available, that I know of, along with hypnosis to do such experiencing. A good mystic can interpret visions and messages that are received strictly as energy and find words for them. Such people are often referred to as prophets.