Simple Magic

Simple Magic

By: Athene Raefiel


Life is the experience of energy. Everything we see, feel and experience is energy. Until we realize how energy manifests itself we are lost and in the dark.

Though we create energy everyday we are unaware of how we are doing it, why we are doing it, and how to direct it. The first step in simple magic is to learn how to identify yourself and everything else as energy. Love and light are the energies you want to use to create goodness and contentment. Our emotions are a powerful source of energy that we tend to give either too much credence to, or not enough. When we feel something strongly enough for a long enough period of time, we give it life. This we do by the energy of intent. In most religions they call this prayer. In the everyday world I call it chaos.

Simply discovering that you and all else are energy does not automatically mean you work with the light. The Light is Divine energy and can only be known through your spirit self or your higher self. Energy creates, and it does so with or without the knowledge of its creators. You and I and everyone else are creating our realities every moment of everyday. Reality has to do with belief structure. What you think you believe becomes your truth, thereby becoming your reality. Since thought is a monumental part of creation, we often let our mind dictate how we feel and believe. Feelings and beliefs are tied together like the human body and blood. Changing our belief structure must be done on several levels in order for it to be complete. I cannot simply tell myself I believe differently today and have it manifest fully, I must tell myself over and over again until I can feel it through my entire being to make it so.

Changing how we feel is tantamount to being a light-being and creating happiness and abundance in life.

As children, we received a great many subliminal teachings, and prided ourselves on being able to adapt to others beliefs and feelings about life and truth. We learned about life from the perspective of those around us and our environment. As adults we took those beliefs out into the world and made some adaptations to suit the adult worldview. But our primary learning and acceptance of our inner being and religion remained the same. To this day many of us are insecure about our own decision making process and our ability to have financial freedom. We rarely feel good about ourselves and even more rarely say nice things to ourselves. Our ingrained belief systems tell us that we do not deserve to be happy or fulfilled and that all things in life come with a price of some kind.

When we move our belief structure to an energy state of thinking and feeling, we begin to observe our training and wonder why we simply do not change. Change seems to have been the thing we were taught to fear the most in life, yet change is the only constant there is.

When we discover that we and all else are energy, we discover that all energy can be easily moved or changed if one knows how to do it. Everyone knows how and is doing it all of the time, they are simply not being conscious of it. Many beings become conscious of how to do it and use it to their advantage for the purposes of greed and manipulation of others. These beings are aware that they are energy, but not that they are Divine energy. They choose to use energy for purposes that create more hardship and devastation in the world and they use it for selfish ends of personal wealth and power. Most of them are very religious beings, who completely believe that what they are doing is right. Many are sure that God is dictating the path they are taking and that it is God’s will for them to do so. Their intentions may even be honorable, but their lack of Divine Light is quite visible.

When we create through our Divine intent, we create goodness and harmony for all as we are creating for ourselves. We understand our emotions and we accept our humanness while still holding the Divine Principal as eminent. Within the Divine there is no right or wrong, no we and they, there is only creation and energy. Humans for so long have told the stories of parent figures that decided long ago that there were good guys and bad guys that we have kept this message ingrained in our DNA and continue to teach it as truth.

The experience of creation is about all creators, be they like yourself or different from you. The fact that True Divinity got lost somewhere along the line, is simply a fact of human nature creating.

We are not here to save humankind from itself, we are here to become enlightened beings and live the Divine life in human bodies. We are not here to decide that God, Goddess, All That Is, has a mandate for us, but to choose our own path and destiny.

We are creatures who need purpose in life to feel fulfilled. Without purpose we feel empty and void, lonely and depressed. We seek out the Divine to give us that purpose. Can there truly be any other purpose in life than to be whole? Self- discovery of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit, how these all make up the whole of who we are, that is our purpose. This is what simple magic is. It is realization, growth and change.

Once we understand ourselves as being whole, we travel other dimensional realities all of the time. We are never bored because we are always learning and growing. We never tire of life because we always creating and developing. We become happy and content. We discover how intelligent we are and use our intelligence to make us comfortable. All things appear to be magical to others simply because they are not doing them, but to the enlightened being this is everyday life.

Did we actually come here to accomplish some divine mission that we set out upon during the creation of form? Were we soldiers of God who chose to make sure that humankind could find their way home? Did we come from other star systems to colonize planet Earth and help her species evolve? If this is what is needed by you for you to have purpose in your journey then by all means use it. We have a great deal of genetic material stored in our soul consciousness needing to be explored. Everything you find yourself remembering is part of your encodement. Just as you will have your encodment from this incarnation, so do you have it from all your others. Most of the work we do upon ourselves after discovering how to access and use our soul is to change and remove encodements. Clearing our souls of the debris that has held us back from attaining our spirit freedom and integrating our human nature.

Simple magic can be accomplished by simply anchoring the Light Daily. This can be done in many simplistic ways. Calling forth the Four Directions of Earth, (North), Air, (East), Fire, (South), Water, (West), and acknowledging that you are each of these. Visualizing a bright sun overhead and bring the rays of the light down around you. Invoking and calling forth the Angels of Light, The Ascended Master Teachers, Your Higher Self, God, Goddess, All That IS, and using a mantra such as “I am that I am, I am that I am, I am that I am.” The greatest magic of all is discovering how you and spirit are one and how that makes everything in life worthwhile.



Bio: Athene Raefiel has been putting people in touch with their spirit guides and teaching them to meditate and go within since 1985. She has authored a self-help book called, “Getting to the Heart, A journey of Soul Transformation and Spiritual Enlightenment. Her Channelings and Articles have been published in Magazines, the Sedona Journal, Planet Lightworker, and Spirit Crossing, as well as many websites. She has two wonderful Meditational CD’s to assist individuals in finding and working with their Spirit Guides.  She is a Channel of Light and information for the Angelic Realm, Ascended Master Realm and The Councils of Light.