Seaside Journey

Please take a journey with me my friends. Let us walk together.

We now come to open fresh salt air and this beautiful white sparkling sand. We must stop to feel the sand beneath our feet and toes. The lapping of the Ocean waves and the misty air we breathe deeply, remembering how the awe of her majesty the Ocean renews our souls and bodies, taking in deep and renewing breath into every particle of our bodies.

We sit down and close our eyes experiencing a type of trance that carries us into the mysteries of life. We feel ourselves floating in the water and becoming weightless until we feel the warmth of the sunshine above.

In this radiance of gold and yellow light we realize how perfect all life really is while gently floating safely out into this massive body of water.

Soon we realize that we have become one with the water. The expanse is vivid as we allow ourselves to simply move with the waves and the lapping sounds, now allowing ourselves to float into a world of harmony and peace.