Sanat Kumara, the time of things never before seen.


The Time of Things Never before Seen

Channeling of Sanat Kumara Through Athene Raefiel August 2011
Dear precious beings of Light and Love. As you approach the ending to another year in 3D time you find that much unexpected adventures and also powerful initiations have filled your entire year up till now. There is more to come.

From the year 2008 earth time to the year 2013 the tumultuous planetary effects will continue to move the energies along. You have already discovered that you are reaching new heights in your meditations and consciousness. This time has been spoken of previously as the time of things never before seen or experienced by any on the planet.
Of course this is a bit embellished as there are always ascended ones in your presence and upon your planet who have attended and do attend all the Councils of Light, The Brotherhood of Light and all Galactic Councils.
To sum things up let us look at the progression of spiritual evolution now taking place in all dimensions. As many of you have heard before, it is imperative for one dimension to evolve in order for another to evolve. When you call upon our assistance and find your higher- self working with us you discover that you all are part of the great unique unit of life that continually expands and grows. For those of you who understand and use this concept as a way of life nothing under the sun is really new, simply different.
Our channel tells us that she is waking up in a different world of existence every day. Some nights she wishes not to sleep as she finds peace in the world and dimension of thought she discovered that very day. Holding the memory of one day versus another is currently near impossible. This is how quickly the Universe and Energies are currently shifting. Each day is filled with a vast array of energy transmissions and transitional forces that apply in all areas and lives. What could be created in a month or year or over a lifetime is now apparent in a matter of minutes.
Each of you working within creation to create anew is finding elements of life and self you never imagined. You are also finding that this great revolution in the timing of humankind is and can be vicious without the proper training of emotional and mental thought processes. So many days you wonder how one person can make a difference in all of the chaos surrounding them and the world today. Remember that one strong emanation of loving light and understanding is far greater than ten thousand who are not of such. Power is relative. What you understand to be powerful is often the illusion that life around you brings forward and enmeshes you within as a web catches a fly. Some of you tell us that it is harder and harder to stay centered and aligned. You tell us the energies are moving so rapidly that there is nothing to hold onto or maintain as a template for tomorrow or another time. All this is true, the ever-changing nature of the Universe and Life right now seem to be a bit unnerving to the observer. Rather than observing you must participate and hold the essence of truth and light already discovered as your template for success. Stop stressing over what you do not know and start taking stock of what you do.
All the exercises and tools that you have gathered over the course of time will take you to new heights in awareness and understanding just as they have always done. We are still here and part of your consciousness just as you are ours. This journey you call life is and always has been connected to us and all other life.
This essence, this energy of change and transition, is currently accelerated to a pace never before participated in by you. Simply because you do not remember it does not mean it is not known and real. Even though you have moved through great hardships and challenging times of survival still you fear the unknown? What of all the newness to be created by you in the months and years ahead?
Since the only constant in the Universe is change, life too must change every day. You can depend on it. Yet how often do you embrace change as a way of life and being? So many of you have prayed for the changes now occurring to implement themselves and change the structures of governments and men. Yet you find that these very changes have impacted your personal lives as well, and with that you are not necessarily pleased. How could any one major area of life and liberty change without it affecting the whole?
Yes there are powerful changes yet to come and it is not necessarily going to become easier to be living a human existence. Yet each day holds its own newness and rewards. Flowing with the times and the changes are mandatory to your survival issues. You are never too old or stuck to learn some new things and transition into areas of life that are productive, fulfilling and practical. There is no time to separate and disseminate yourself now from the cosmic flow of life that is transitioning through so many phases and stages. All is already ordered and you are required to re-wire yourself if you feel you are being left behind.
I cannot stress enough the importance of changing old programs and creating ones that are more aligned to your true inner beingness of love and understanding. Fear is an awesome creature that consumes and then belches out the smoke. Fear feeds on the unexpected in life like it is a disease, which it is not. Fear is the greatest illusion you currently face and it is currently on a feeding frenzy. What you fear, you already know and understand, you simply have not yet remembered this truth.
You must all begin to speak with yourselves asking what am I truly afraid of and why? Well to answer this question briefly, all fear is based on the experiences that bad things happen in life every day. So feeding strongly into this belief system and condition simply perpetuates its truth and makes it reality. Is that what you want to be your reality? You cannot claim to be an authentic being that lives in truth and awareness when you choose to feed the very animal that is destroying mankind and your planet.
Good that you were created in the Divine image, now just imagine the Holy of Holies feeding the very beast wanting to consume it for supper later. This would never occur. Where to begin to re-wire and structure your knowing and loving awareness is the key to surviving and ascending this round or incarnation known as the physical life.
You actually live in so many worlds of thought and consciousness that you are creating realities in many levels and dimensions of not only thought, emotion and body, but also the etheric, astral, casual and celestial. Focus your attention now on the fact that you are the creator of the Universe and Cosmos and tell us what you see the future hold for that. Yes it is true that we are here to assist you with the vision of truth and light but to believe that you can create a better life and future through fear is just dysfunctional imbalance. You have seen this done over and over again by governing bodies and peoples around you and the world, how is that to produce the new changes of loving light and awareness needed to bring back the balance of love and fear?
We say unto you; trust is the element in this lifetime that is missing. Trust has been demolished by powers of money, avarice and greed, and continues to overtake the good of the many for the sake of the few. And as the times get harder monetarily, more and more teachings of how to create money, wealth and success become the big sellers.
There is nothing wrong with abundance and growth, just as there is nothing wrong with discovering your true self and path of soul evolution. There is no judgment on our part, just simply dismay as we watch so many fall prey to a past reality that really never existed to begin with. Unfortunately in your 3d world seeing is believing and having the important creature comforts helps one to believe in the ultimate true realities while others struggle to climb the ladder of success.
There are always opportunities for transition and change, even in the 3D world. You may have to change your perception and re-educate yourselves, in the academics of life on your planet to take advantage of them, but what do you think all your spiritual training has been about? While you were changing yourselves on the inside the outside world took a curve and also changed. Would you deny this to be true? No of course not. So as the leaders of the New Age of Enlightenment why are you giving up and feeding the fear with all those who believe that the Universe is unsympathetic and does not care and provide. We cannot do it for you but we certainly will do it with you, while seeing you through this primary time of acceleration and change.
You are all awesome and so intelligent. Through self-discovery you know what your own talents and abilities are about and how they can bring relief to a world in pain and turmoil. Find a way to use your natural abilities. Discover placements in jobs and life that you may think yourself above and understand that what matters is that the entire job of transformation of planet and peoples continue. Get out of your own way by idealizing yourself to be greater than anything or anyone else. Nirvana is a state of consciousness not necessarily a current way of life on your planet.
You are the representatives of the Universal Laws, truths and awareness that are needed to uproot the very indigent weeds that have taken hold of nearly every element of life in the solid earth plane. To go off to the mountain tops and caves now to be solitary is not going to help the mass consciousness change its perception.
Many of you have been asking to move, or be moved, too much quieter and safer havens as the changes accelerate in the so called “everyday world’. So long as you understand that no matter where you go you are necessary part of the changes that will bring about the new perceptions that is fine. If you think you have moved beyond the need to be of service to the whole, please think again. No matter where you re-locate in this world your services will be needed and your path will still remain your path. Make yourselves happy.
There is but one truth in life. You are that truth, we are that truth and truth is that truth. Truth being ever expansive and ultimately the only serenity you have in life, would you not prefer that it be known by all, rather than the selective few? Yes it has been prophesied many times that a certain number of beings will ascend and find salvation with the divine in each incarnation, your soul group decided it could be done on a much larger scale. Now you must follow through and aid in the changes that have been brought forth to assist the many.
Your very thoughts and actions determine the path in the future for the many. If you give up on your vision in middle stream, simply because of survival stigmatisms, what are you teaching others? There is no giving up only surrender. Surrender is actually a form of integration that goes a long way towards healing the whole. When you understand that forgiveness and surrender are the most powerful tools in your toolbox you will utilize their exquisite powers more readily and often.
Look at the wars that have been fought with love and compassion, look at Gandhi and Tibet. What can you discover from such experiences? Because others were more vicious and unaware, have they truly succeeded in undoing the loving truths of goodness, compassion and diplomatic understanding? No, what has happened is the Spiritual warrior has become more aware but has still not lost its focus of love.
A Laureate of Peace the Dali Lama has had a great impact on the minds and feeling of the Human race as has the great Gandhi. Can one person make a difference? We think so, do you? Yes this is a time of war among the beings of your planet, but that does not mean the spiritual warrior has lost its power or place in the immediate whole of all that transpires. Your energies are needed more than ever before in this lifetime at least since 1969. When you decide that being a spiritual warrior is waste of time and that you give into the daily pain of the world you are leaving thousands of souls without the energy and hope that they need. Please think again. For each one of you are a power beyond explanation and needed very much for the continuing cycles of change to come.
Why me, why this lifetime, why is life so hard? What difference does it make? Life is what it is and the sooner you accept the reality of who and what you are the sooner you will get on with it. We are currently in a non-stop cycle. Dwelling in the past or vacillating on what will come is a waste of time and energy.
Open yourselves, create, explore and find the adventure in your life. Making everything work is a human condition… Do what you know needs to be done for the sake of doing it and understand that this is part of the plan and nature in the 3D? Yes everyone like you has moved to the Fourth Dimension or the Heart of understanding unconditional Love as well as balancing it with Conditional Love but if others cannot get there then what accomplishments will you herald at the time of your crossing wanting to ascend?
Yes being in the now is exquisite and beautiful but if you are not in good company who is there to share with? You know that within the Spiritual realms we all work together as brothers and sisters of Love and Light, yet you think there is some magic individualization that we have not told you about. This is not true. All things here are connected and work as one. This awareness and understanding is what makes the truth what it is. The whole is no greater than the sum of its parts. The “All” is the “Whole” but what makes it so is the parts. Play your part with honor and integrity. Honor your own intuition and open your heart to the new levels of awareness and understanding now presenting themselves. Do not let the threat of survival shut down anything or everything you have attained and worked for so many incarnations simply because it is an old genetic memory that you feel you cannot shake. That memory is a lie.
Quit perpetuating the lie and return to the pristine state of loving light and awareness you know to be truth. Time in your 3D world is of the essence. Great changes are in store for each of you and the Planet as a whole. Stay on board.