Reflection Time

We are in a time of reflection. We are looking back and examining just what our lives and experiences of the past were. Visiting places and people from the past may be imminent now, as we may need to review who we have become as well as who or what they have become.

It is very hard for us to take the time to live our lives, as we are always working to pay the bills and survive. We ask ourselves, “When will the time come that I can just LIVE my life?” I have discovered that there is no such time! We must instead of waiting for it to happen, initiate it. “If I do not take the time to live my life now then when shall I?”

The answer is simple. You must make the choice to live your life and make it balance and fit in with your survival. You must quit allowing survival to supersede living life. You must realize that you are the only one responsible for how much peace and happiness you experience this lifetime.

When you are old and dying, will you ask yourself “Why I did not get more out of my life?” Within each person is a “soul calling” a purpose, a journey already begun, long before your birth this lifetime. Within this soul calling is memory, memory of who you truly are and always have been on a spirit level; Memory of all that you have been and seen in each incarnation.

Your journey my friends started long before now, and even though there is a war going on within many of your souls at this time, somewhere in the center of all that chaos is this memory I speak of. You are each a Child of the Universe, You are each Love and Loved.