Ready to Move Forward?
By: The Arcturians through Athene Raefiel
Each of you is held in the greatest esteem by the Hierarchy of Love and abundance. Each of you is a teacher and helper as well as a great transformer of the previous misconception that has been the true edict of man. As you have each discovered various levels of truth and insight in the cosmic mysteries of life, too you have helped to change the perception of the world.
This is our resolution to you. All of you who choose to listen to the magnificent language of the Universe and the Hierarchy shall find themselves inundated with the understanding of the highest potential. Expansion is unlimited and you can use your awareness of vibrations to grow tremendously. Now is the time to awaken to the understanding that all are one.
Though many of you have heard and understand that this planet was colonized, still it is a fact that now is the time to unite and clear the energy and debris that hold human beings back. Though you may be from different Star Systems you must acknowledge that you all have the same opportunities to work and advance together. Earth beings are communities of expression and as they share those expressions they grow and produce new fruit.
The political climate of the United States and other countries is currently undergoing a major transition. This has been a long time in coming. Much like the Roman Empire, the Empires of your era must also transform themselves before they fall. This is due to the fact that they must see and adhere to what is being presented to them on a large scale. (Global Warming, Warring, Economic woes).
There is a whole in the Physical that should not be denied. All is not perfect in the Universe; even though the greater whole holds a variety of heavens and assignments as does that of Earth and her inhabitants. You have each heard before that you are a Universe unto yourselves. This being true, to connect with all other life is surely the whole that you seek.
It is time to take off the illusion of whatever you have heralded as truth and reality; it is time to create anew. As the harbingers of truth and light, it is your god given responsibility to assist in the opening of an era that will long affect the peoples of the world. Coming into this new Era is a magical and blessed an occurrence, greater than anything you have imagined. You are the bringers of light and new realities that will shine brightly into the future.
Yesterday is gone, and even as you try to remember what purpose it served or of what it meant, you find yourself moving on. New territories and directions call to you as well as the hallowed teachings of old that echo their greatest teachings. All will make sense as it falls together to present itself in the new light brimming quickly onto your consciousness now.
Imagine what life would be like without these awesome changes and transitions. You have all had your turn at experiencing a life that doesn’t move or moves too slowly. That’s right, currently this massive movement of energy is a breath of fresh air. Imagine now the greatest of beauty, awareness and centered life possible, and hold that energy. Changes, transition and love these are all the things that have been put into motion and continue to find their way into the mainstream of everyday life.
No longer do people go without praying and asking for the assistance of the Higher Realms. No longer does one expect life to encompass the Vibration of loneliness and boredom. It is a major time of thought and action. Every thought holds energy and vibration. Every thought has power.
What we are seeing now is a transition that we never expected to occur and come to fruition. Those who have been entirely close to the whole element of truth and light are now questioning those beliefs and searching for the reality of truth. Truth of course is relative, yet the depths that it reaches are profound. What truth is and how it develops and changes is a fast moving project for many upon your planet. Truth like the vastness of eternity is forever in motion.
Let us now move into the future.
2011 has heralded a time that will be the core change of the future of Governments and peoples of your planet as a whole. More advancement in the spiritual revolution and evolutionary path will occur in this year of 2011 than in any other recorded to date. The whole understanding of food stuffs and the resources that keep your world operating and moving will take on a new face as well many people opening to the realization that they can think for themselves.
The Light and the Dark exist because of one another. One cannot exist without the other. The true light of life is beyond this symbol; all life permeates from this higher light and truth as it reflects the views of the Universes. Because you exist in a human form you are subject to the laws of light and dark perception, awareness and action. In order to continue to move beyond this until you must continually expand your consciousness and advance to other planes and realms of experience.
This year of 2011 has allowed many of you to ascertain that you are more than body. Mind body, soul Spirit, all must work together as a unit for the true Divine expression of being to take precedence. You have discovered your true power of being in many dimensions and frequencies of awareness. Because of this you have taken charge and responsibility of your own lives and destiny. Perhaps this has helped you to better understand how you too are to ascend the lower planes of being and thought.
Preparing for 2012 has already occurred for all of you, as this particular time (2012) is simply a symbol of time that will determine the destiny of what humans now refer to as mankind. Since so many realities are available for humans to currently tap into, there will be a powerful need for “choice and free will”. The consciousness of the many as well as the Planet and her inhabitants, be they Animal, mineral, aquatic or otherwise has always been what decides the progression of the future.
These times of great assessment and transition only occur rarely for your species. We suggest you pay specific attention to your thoughts, feeling and decisions from here on out. Power can be a pitfall when the human desire gets in the way. Though the ancient teachings have brought forth the awareness that wealth and money is not necessarily the same thing, still many of you would choose money and possessions over the good of the whole. This is understandable as you have needs and survival. Yet the true wealth of an individual is based on their works and what they have given to the world as a whole. Money on the other hand is what is accumulated through your deeds to protect your way of life and lifestyle; it does not necessarily give you fulfillment in the higher realms of awareness and enlightenment.
Choose wisely light beings, as the future is in your hands. The truths that you have been taught have not floundered but sometimes the need to adhere to them has. Yours is a complex life and requires complex decisions, this does not mean the simplest of tasks cannot be awarded or deemed important. You have the future in your hands now and you will be the decisive energy that moves your planet and species forward.
Questions you have been asking. Will there be a third world war?
Answer: You are already in one.
Will we ascend to another plane of existence and live in peace and harmony forever?
Answer: You already are there.
When can we plan on an adjustment to the Energy that allows us to feel grounded and at peace?
Answer: Within the next ten years.
What does 2013 and beyond portend for all of us?
Answer: Decisively speaking you are not all the same nor will you all enter a state of Nirvana that circumvents the actions of others upon your planet. Remember the term Soul Evolution as it will have more meaning in the future than it has ever had before. Each of you is a whole unto yourself and the more who recognize and develop into this reality the more hope of positive and productive survival you will find.
There indeed will be a 2013 and beyond, but as many inspired writers have expressed; it is still within your conception of reality to determine.
Never in the History of Mankind have you been engaged in such a limitless experience of creating. Take your power and your vision very seriously.
What can I hope to learn in 2013 and thereafter?
Answer: Human beings are always concerned with the future, it is your nature. You will soon discover how much of a double edged sword your current technology holds. This massive new means of communication and information sometimes creates many illusions that you will have to decipher. Though technology allows a great sense of independence it has also creates an interdependence that keeps many under the radar of understanding and learning about the true nature of life.
Dependence upon electricity as well as dependence on where to find information has and will indeed become more influential through your Internet. The information of the Soul is much like this vast network as you continue to tap into the collective consciousness. Though access to information seems to be at your fingertips, the power of meditation is far beyond anything man can learn from a machine.
History cannot be forgotten but it can be rewritten. The past has always been the prelude to the future. Learning from past experiences is what is deemed necessary to change the future; so many still live in past relationships and realities to life, while others are quantum jumping into future realities. All of this is going on through multiple planes of awareness and existence.
There will be a duality that we perceive will become life in your plane of existence after 2013. This duality will be based on the premise that life evolves and there is always more to learn and experience; the other premise is that humans are doomed to continually repeat history. Change is the only constant in the Universe. Therefore understanding how change can make life better and more progressive is key to evolution.
So long as the polarities exist so shall there be a number of dualities that play out within the human planes of consciousness.
Predictions from The Arcturians: In the future there will be Electric cars as well as alternative fuels that will help heal and repair the ozone as well as the atmosphere of air that you breathe.
There will be major Diplomatic Forces put together by the advanced minds of not only science and governments but also dignitaries of the “Life Experience” to consult with others on plans of development and change not only to the Infrastructure of Countries but also the habits of learning of how to expand and heighten the children of this New Age.
As quickly as the destruction of Cultures has expanded, too that quickly will it learn to repair itself, as humankind begins to realize that you all subsist together.
The young indigos of today will begin taking their places in Society on a grand scale in the next 5 to ten years. They will have a much different viewpoint as to what is relevant and important than any could have imagined. They will possess not only the will to succeed and progress but also the understanding and compassion necessary to bring life forward in an unconventional but healthy manner.
The Young Crystalline children have come to assist and make sure that the Arts as well as Science of the planet and the past are revived and relegated to the true areas of power that they need to subsist within. These children have full memory of former incarnations and they truly love to share and educate.
To our beloved Light workers of today, we say: You have laid the foundation and groundwork for New Realities to come forward and exist in planes of existence that were stifled and losing momentum. You have with your steadfastness and honor stood true within the changes and held on to the truths that have sustained great substance throughout the ages.
Though you have been pulled by competiveness at times, you still came back to yourself and honored the tradition of Light that you discovered as your true path of light.
You are to be commended for the fight and essence of Light that you have presented to all future generations. Your work has laid out the ground rules for the future and this will be seen by all before 2020.
We are blessed to be part of your experience and awareness this lifetime.
We are the Arcturians